Why do they say "there's no true Left in the US"?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 110 points –

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One death from left wing extremism in 25 years, versus 329 from the right, 32900% more. To say that this is the "same shit" is clearly absurd. We aren't discussing the merits of the middle ground. You seem to be suggesting that just because something is labelled as "extremist" it is automatically bad, regardless of what it actually is or what harm it causes.

one extreme isn't exactly better than the other. they are extremes and should be regarded as such.

left extremism does not represent good neither does it represent evil,same goes for right wing extremism.

what i find interesting is people seem to think left wing extremism is the ONLY way to go,ignoring the fact that left wing extremism also practice discrimination, ostracism,bigotry and racism,not that much different from right wing extremism.

Extremes are all relative, no? The political views that are centrist today would be extreme 100 years ago. Just saying they're extreme and therefore bad is a weak argument.

Sure there are bigots on both sides, there are bigots outside the extremes too. There are centrist bigots! There, now I've shown that extremism is just the same as centrism... Obviously that doesn't work, though, does it? You can't just pick one thing that happens and say "well everyone does this so they're all the same"... Does it happen to the same degree? What are it's consequences?

I think you'll find significantly more racism, sexism, etc on the right... Far right extenists are literal Nazis and white supremacists! Feminism, the civil rights movement, pride movement, etc, are all left-aligned... Extremist leftists sometimes lose sight of one aspect of this, but they so obviously aren't the same as literal fucking Nazis!

you sound like a leftist apologist now.

you don't need to be a leftist nazi to be an actual nazi,the same as the right.

what i also find interesting is leftist seemed to use the same reasoning to justify their extremism,not that much different from the right. no justification is enough on either side be be a nazi or behave like one.

as far as i can tell:

the right is consistently crazy.

the left has been getting consistently crazier.

What are you talking about? Nazism is a fundamentally right-aligned ideology, how can you argue otherwise? You can invent definitions of what "left" or "right" means to suit you if you want, but why bother saying anything if you're going to make up the meanings of words?

Can you tell me what a "leftist" is? Or what they might want for the world? Can you tell me what a Nazi is? And then why you think there are parallels?

I just don't believe that anyone who understands what these words mean would think they are alike.

so left wing extremists aren't bigots, don't discriminate, don't spread hate or behave exactly like a nazi would???

a left wing extremist will behave exactly like their right wing counterparts. they exhibit behaviours just like those right wing nutjobs.

you call right wing extremist nazis,i agree. i call left wing extremists nazis in disguise.

If someone is behaving like a nazi they aren't a left wing extremist. The OG Nazis called themselves socialists - but they were not socialists, were they? They were fascists.

Can you show me any of these extremists who you think are both on the left and Nazis? And explain why you think they are both of those things?

And to be clear - I am not calling all right wing extremists Nazis. All Nazis are right wing extremists, not all right wing extremists are Nazis. You seem to be content to throw the word around for anyone who you disagree with, but it is in fact a word that represents a specific political ideology which occupies a particular place on the spectrum.

perhaps you can explain how a trans activist can label anyone who doesn't align with their beliefs a transphobe or when anyone who believes a man isn't a woman is automatically a transphobe.

you seem to think left wing extremists cannot behave like a nazi and if they do,they aren't leftist but fascist.

i mean i seldom hear of fascists advocating equal rights for the lgbtq community but i do come across left wing extremists advocating their left wing ideas and then behaving like a nazi if anyone so much as disagree.

our discourse here is you seemingly trying to convince me left wing nutjobs cannot be nazis,only right wing can,where in fact i have been saying both sides are behaving like a nazi and no one side is better than the other.

What is "behaving like a nazi" to you? Are these trans activists advocating the extermination of the Jews? No? Then they probably aren't fucking Nazis are they.

It's hilarious that you're accusing trans activists of "labelling anyone who disagrees with them" as teansphobes... While yourself labelling anyone you disagree with a nazi, with no regard to what the word actually means!

Please, define what Nazi means to you, because otherwise this conversation is pointless.

Edit to add: and seriously, to you "trans women are women" is the same level as "we should exterminate the Jews"? What the fuck dude?

u seriously think i was labeling anyone who disagreed with me a nazi?? the ones that were labeling me was exactly those left wing nutjobs.

if you want to compare what your meaning of nazi is against mine,please do define what nazi means to you in a concise manner and we can compare notes,otherwise i agree,this exchange isn't going anywhere.

I would define a Nazi as someone who follows or supports the socio-political ideology Nazism - to quote Wikipedia:

the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany.

I would also include neo-Nazis who, again quoting Wiki:

seek to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology

I will grant you that some people use the word in a much weaker way (see "grammar nazi"), which I find frustrating but I have to acknowledge is a modern usage... but not the one I have been using in this conversation.

here's mine:

nazi or nazism (a form of fascism ) is an anti-intellectual and politically semi-illiterate ideology lacking cohesion, a product of mass culture which allowed its followers emotional attachment and offered a simplified and easily-digestible world-view based on a political mythology for the masses.

From wiki:

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

in short: racism,bigotry,suppression and the belief that one's ideology is better for the masses.

so you tell me,when the extreme left wingers are found not guilty of doing the same as their right wing counter parts?? or you are saying people who advocate leftist ideals, who supresses opposing views aren't exactly leftist but fascists promoting equality,acceptance,diversity or tolerance??

so you tell me,when the extreme left wingers are found not guilty of doing the same as their right wing counter parts??

I'm not sure what you're asking here. Are you suggesting that modern leftists are fascists?

The origin of this conversation was the your idea that left- and right-wing extremism is the same. My position is they are different. I'm not saying that people on the far left don't do some of the things that the Nazis did. It would be impossible, really, I mean they also built roads but I'm not about to call civil engineers Nazis. Looking at modern (i.e. neo-) Nazis, my point is that they are not comparable to left-wing extremists around today. Their views are not similar, their goals are not similar, their methods are not similar. Can you find a racist leftist? Of course. Can you find a non-racist Nazi? No.

I'll stop using Nazis or neo-Nazis as examples, though, because it's clearly not helpful. Consider white supremacists, instead, if that helps.

Going back to the other commenter who shared the blog post - we see that far right extremism is responsible for >90% of extremist murders in the US in recent years. Clearly far left extremism cannot compete! The trans activists you mentioned earlier, are they similar? Are they going out and killing people? I glossed over it before but your point was that they "label" anyone who "disagrees with them" as a transphobe... Even if you disagree with that label, it hardly seems comparable to killing people. ___

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Who all is arguing in support of Left-Wing extremism? Other than select instances, most users on lemmy do not by any means support tankies. I for one can't stand them.

They can be just as out of touch with reality as a MAGA extremist, but to say both sides are the same is blatantly false. Far-Right extremism is spreading across the globe and it threatens and takes lives and destroys family systems.

i agree far right extremism is destroying lives and family system. the abolishment of roe vs wade have already proven very clearly what happens when right wing nutjobs run amok.

we also clearly seen how devastating it can be for children as young as 5 to be on hormones treatment because their woke parents thinks their kid is trans.

same extremism same kind of outcome.not one is better than the other.how do people simply think left wing extremism is inherently better or not the same as right wing extremism is beyond me.

"I agree, this fascist ploy that removed fundamental rights from dozens of millions of women is dangeroous! But have you considered this scenario I imagined that impacted nobody irl? Totally the same!"

Left wing extremism is better because it's morally correct.

If you can understand that extremism isn't inherently good or bad, what matters is what's correct, why do you have to lie and pretend the left supports racism, discriminatuon, ostracism, and bigotry when the extreme left combats those as foundation?

This is a mind-numbing take only possible by a privledged person who has never spoken to a leftist, only heard about them through Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, and Ben Shapiro.

so far,the leftist are here calling me a rightoid,transphobe,homophobe signs of what right wing extremists does.

so you tell me.

You are right-wing, so that's true. You've also been repeating LibsOfTikTok-style lies about the left "transing kids," which is debunked nonsense, and is in fact transphobic to peddle. I haven't seen any homophobia from you yet, but the other 2 are correct.

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