0 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Fuck the right and left wing nutjobs.

that's some crazy shit.

then again,right wing nutjobs are consistently crazy.....🤣

i got a masters,tried to climb the corporate ladder only to realise,i prefer the quiet life,less responsibility and less stress.

i didn't want to be a corporate high flyer after trying to. some people will never know until they try and some couldn't get out because they went with the flow and got stuck.

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reddit is shit. using it the train AI was a mistake already.

allowing reddit to train Google's AI was a mistake to begin with. i mean just look at reddit and the shitlord that is spez.

there are better sources and reddit is not one of them.

that's fucked up. crazy fucking right wing nutjobs.

they taking any English speaking asian who would work in Germany??

also,i love bratwurst and beer!!

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it would be hypocrisy if ccp's china were democratic, didn't practice party dictatorship or rule by law.

else it's right to ban an app that could sway public opinions,especially one that is a hostile towards america.

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Leviathan seems to stand out.

i cannot imagine the jokes and innuendos that's gonna be made on the kid due to the name.

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netscape was the standard back then when expolorer was forward today,firefox(netscape's successor) is still the standard when other browsers are still crap.

edit: spelling firefox and netscape....god damn butter fingers...

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he should have stayed away from trump,that guy is walking,living, breathing troubles.

US during the trump era were basically a shit storm.i cannot imagine him getting a 2nd or 3rd term in office.

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i don't get what you mean.

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mostly extreme left but you are also right there are extreme right views.

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fuck no.

actiblizz is a shit co. with scummy biz practices, don't need more of those in the gaming industry

massgeave activation is new to me.

is that paid?

hamas basically is.

hair hair!!

what will he tell me about?

this is the first i am hearing if this.

mind sharing where you got that info from??

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i think at this point the term useful idiot can aptly describe the far left,good intented but some how causing more harm than good.

Don't get me wrong,the far right is also the same,only i consider the far right crazy to begin with and there are also useful idiots there but just more pronounced in the far left.

relax,storms can get worse, better or remains the same.

there wasn't any implied suggestions on my end to say US isn't still in a shit storm or the storm got worst or better.

sure. we 😊

amityville 2.

fucking movie was wrong on so many levels.

lol,hamas condition for ceasefire basically is such that no sane person will ever agree to it.

besides,there isn't even a need for all these had hamas not decide to commit mass murders on Oct 7th.

still riding on apple's bandwagon of dumb shit designs.

when you are of unfit mind,your writings would seem senseless to those who are of sound mind.

i guess the only thing that makes sense is you recognizing how unfit your mind is and how unqualified your bias opinions are.

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the right has always been crazy.

nothing changed,just another day in America

you would have made a strong case...if you weren't a hamas propagandist. i am now suspecting you are anti jewish as well.

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i noticed most lemmey users here exhibit the same kind of behaviour before the exodus from reddit.

very left leaning and wouldn't hesitate to employ cancel culture if facts don't fit their narratives.

at least there are sane usera like yourself have clearly drawn the line that condemning hamas doesn't equate condemning the palestinians.

evidence have shown,if you condemn hamas,somehow or rather that's Israel's fault and anyone who does it is dehumanising palestinans,never mind the fact that there were palestinians celebrating the death of innocents and giving out sweets to children.

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Israel's actions has been a response to hamas' for Oct 7th attack. Justified??? i am sure it was and still is,given what they (hamas) did. there is no argument on this on this specificity. were there instances where israel isn't justified?? petty sure there is. it's not a blanket statement to say israel is completely justified in everything they do.

you mentioned the continued apartheid/occupation as the source of the violence, so end the occupation and accept the 2 state solution, not that hard for hamas.

this isn't a competition to see who has committed more crimes against whose population, they are crimes and those responsible should be held accountable.

you trying to villify israel and downplaying/apologising for hamas atrocities. i am not sure why you chose to be a hamas apologist,it certainly isn't helping the palestinians in anyway.

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so far,i have been equally critical of israel and hamas.

based off your links and articles,seems like the one villifying and conflating is you.

reddit claims to be the face of the internet. so obviously there are going to be good and bad people...only it seems like there are more bad than good.

you'll also notice,cancel culture is pervasive in social media,to the point it became toxic. any time any facts that doesn't fit the narratives of the idiots,you get downvoted and/or called/branded derogatory names.

an anecdotal observation,i have my fair share of run ins with right wing crazies spouting nonsense on social media such as reddit but honestly, it's mostly the left where i saw true craziness and experienced fascist behaviours.

thank you!

and i am clearly saying there are no good guys in this conflict,no one side has the moral high ground over the other.

palestine and israel have the right to exist and to overly focus on the elimination/vilification of one over the other is not going to solve anything let alone your so called ending of genocide or equal rights.

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hamas never had any intentions of co-existence only genocide and terrorism.

you are and have been justifying hamas terrorism and crimes as the aspirations of palestinians,disgusting to say the least.

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equal rights, representation and treatment for lgbt,women and other marginalized groups isn't woke,its called progression of civil society.

woke is when you demand confirmity to your views and differing veiws or opinions are not accepted,even though the differing party agrees to 80% of the subject in question.

israel do not need to burn or steal aid,they can outright prohibit entry of aid to gaza. since hamas and their supporters are starving,they have more incentive to steal and deny aid to gaza people.

trading hamas for food should have been the sane thing to do.

Black September anyone or was that a conspiracy theory by the CIA?

still trying to villify israel i see.

fatah seems to be doing ok after accepting the fact that israel and palestine can co-exist. hamas o. the other hand wanted 1967 borders whithout recognizing israel and wants jurusalem as its capital. 1967 borders, israel can compromise, if land swaps and national security are addressed. Jurusalem as Palestine's capital per hamas?? yes no fucking way and hamas knows that for sure.

if israel wanted more lands,they will never have left gaza nor west bank. the settlers problem has been a thorny issues amongst the radical jewish population,its hasn't gone unnoticed and we all know that needs addressing.

dude you trying so hard to villify israel isn't helping your credibility and you are beginning to sound like those hamas propagandist/apologist on overdrive.

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i concur!

co-existence is accepting the facts that 1 entity has a right to exist just as any other and you do not arbitrary decide how far back in time to determine who stole whose home.

next, israeli settlers illegally settling in land that does not belong to them is a problem that needs solving,this has been made very clear,your magnification of the violence doesn't negate that fact other than pushing your bias narratives.

hamas never stopped declaring their aim to wipe israel from existence, despite their renewed charter.the fancy words they used serve nothing but to hoodwink the less sophisticated.

if your logic prevails,then prc,timor leste,previous soviet states or even america has no right to exist because they stole,occupy and settled in lands that does not belong to them and the original inhabitants should wage terror attacks on the populance because,you know,these people are stealing lands of their great grand father or however far back in time these terrorists chose.

it's sad that you have, on multiple times, try to push your bias agenda and narratives and each time you are only serving to highlight your bias.

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