1 Post – 120 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

The modern Republicans are domestic terrorists by their own admission. They deserve to be named and shamed for what they are.

Both sides are not alike.... The following is an excerpt from my blog post (no ads, no benefit to me).

In a study evaluating Left-Wing and Right-Wing domestic extremism between 1994 and 2020, there was one fatality as the result of Left-Wing extremism, versus 329 fatalities resulting from Far Right extremism in that 25 year period. [5]

The Far-Right movement is the oldest and most deadly form of domestic terrorism in the United States, and The Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism found that the Far-Right is responsible for 98% of extremist murders in the U.S. [24] Furthermore, for nearly every year since 2011, Far-Right terrorist attacks/plots have accounted for over half of all terror attacks/plots in the United States. [21]

In the U.S., Right-Wing extremism was responsible for two-thirds of all failed, foiled, or successful terror attacks in 2019, and was responsible for 90% of attacks in the first half of 2020 alone. [21] Since 2013, Far-Right extremism has been responsible for more terror attacks/plots than the Left-Wing, ethnonationalism, or religiously motivated attacks/plots. [21]

For the references

Some hotline resources for our international brothers and sisters (courtesy of Psychology Today):

Argentina Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 911
  • Centro de Asistencia al Suicida
    • In the greater Buenos Aires area, dial 135
    • Otherwise, call 5275-1135 or 0800 345 1435

Australia Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 000
  • Lifeline Australia
    • Dial 13 11 14 for 24/7 crisis support
    • Text 0477 13 11 14 for 24/7 text support

Austria Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency numbers: Dial 112 for emergencies (EU emergency number), 133 for police, 144 for an ambulance, and 122 for the fire brigade
  • Emergency psychiatric hotline: 01 313 30; 24/7 support is available
  • Suicide prevention hotline: 01 713 3374
  • Telefon Seelsorge
    • Dial 142 for 24/7 crisis support
    • For online chat support, visit Telefon Seelsorge's website; available from 4 pm to 11 pm Central European Time

Belgium Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: Dial 112 for emergencies (EU emergency number), 101 for police, and 100 for a medical emergency or the fire brigade
  • Zelfmoord 1813
    • Dial 1813 for 24/7 crisis support
    • For online chat support, visit Zelfmoord's website; available from 5:00 pm to 12:am Central European Time

Canada Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 911
  • Talk Suicide Canada
    • Dial 1-833-456-4566 for 24/7 crisis support
    • Text 45645 for text support; available 4 pm to midnight ET
  • In Quebec:
    • Dial 1-866-APPELLE (277-3553) for 24/7 crisis support
    • Text 535353 for 24/7 text support
    • For 24/7 chat support, visit suicide.ca Kids Help Phone
    • 24/7 text support: Text CONNECT to 686868

Chile Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency numbers: Call 133 for police; call 131 for medical assistance
  • Teléfono de la Esperanza
    • Dial (00 56 42) 22 12 00

Colombia Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 123
  • Teléfono de la esperanza
    • Dial (57-1) 372 24 25
    • In Medellín, dial (57) 604 604 27 84 Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social (Ministry of Health and Social Protection)
    • Visit the website for region-specific suicide hotlines

Denmark Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 112
  • Medical Helpline 1813
    • For emergency medical help in the Capital Region of Denmark, dial 1813 on weekends, or after 4 pm Monday through Friday Livslinien
    • Call the crisis line at 70 201 201 every day.
    • Access online chat on Mondays and Thursdays between 5 pm and 9 pm, and on weekends between 1 pm and 5 pm.
  • Psykiatrifonden
    • Access mental health support every day by calling 39 25 25 25

France Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 112
  • National suicide prevention number: 3114
    • 24/7 crisis support; visit 3114.fr to learn more
  • Suicide Écoute
    • Dial 01 45 39 40 00 for 24/7 crisis support SOS Suicide Phénix
    • Dial 01 40 44 46 45 for phone support between 1 pm and 11 pm Central European Time

Germany Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 112 (EU emergency number), 110 for police
  • Hotline for Emergency Medical Counselling
    • 116 117
  • TelefonSeelsorge
    • Dial 0800 111 0 111 or 0800 111 0 222 for 24/7 crisis support
    • For chat or email support, visit TelefonSeelsorge's website

Hong Kong Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 999
  • The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong
    • For 24/7 support, dial 2389 2222
    • For English-language assistance, dial 2389 2223
    • For online chat help, go to chatpoint.org.hk The Samaritans
    • For 24/7 support, dial 2896 0000

Ireland Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 112 or 999
  • The Samaritans
    • Dial 116 123 for 24/7 mental health support
  • Mental Health Ireland
  • Text About It
    • For 24/7 text support, text 50808
    • On smaller phone networks (such as An Post or 48), text HELLO to 0861800280

Mexico Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 911
  • Consejo Ciudadano
    • Dial 55 5533-5533 for 24/7 crisis support

Netherlands Suicide Prevention Resources

New Zealand Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 111
  • National mental health and addiction hotline: 1737
    • Can be reached by phone or text; learn more at 1737.org.nz Lifeline Aotearoa
    • Dial 0800 543 354 for 24/7 crisis support
    • Dial 0508 828 865 for the suicide crisis helpline
    • Text HELP to 4357 for 24/7 text support

Singapore Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 999 (police) or 995
  • The Samaritans of Singapore
    • Dial 1767 for the 24/7 hotline
    • WhatsApp 9151 1767 for 24/7 text support

South Africa Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency numbers: 10111 (police) or 10177 (ambulance)
  • South African Depression and Anxiety Group
    • Dial 0800 567 567 for 24/7 crisis support

Spain Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency numbers: 112
  • Teléfono de la Esperanza
    • Dial 717 003 717 for 24/7 crisis support

Sweden Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 112
  • Mind Självmordslinjen
    • Dial 90101 for 24/7 phone support; in cases of acute crisis, call 112
    • For online chat support, visit Självmordslinjen's website

Switzerland Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 112 (EU emergency number), 117 for police, 144 for ambulance
  • Die Dargebotene Hand
    • Dial 143 for 24/7 mental health support in German, French, and Italian
    • For help in English, dial 0800 143 000 between 6 pm and 11 pm, or visit heart2heart.143.ch
    • Online chat support is available in German, French, and Italian

United Kingdom Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 999 or 112
  • The Samaritans
    • Dial 116 123 for 24/7 mental health support
  • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
    • Dial 0800 58 58 58 for crisis support; available between 5 pm and midnight, BST or GMT
    • Visit thecalmzone.net to access chat support
  • Shout
    • Text SHOUT to 85258 for 24/7 text support

United States Suicide Prevention Resources

  • National emergency number: 911
  • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
    • Accessible by phone or text
    • 24/7 support in English or Spanish
    • 24/7 support for deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals; learn more at 988lifeline.org. For TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988
    • Online chat: Visit 988lifeline.org
  • Crisis Text Line
    • 24/7 text support: Text HOME to 741741
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I agree with you completely. Any time knowledge like this is destroyed, it illicits the same feeling for me as thinking about the destruction of the Library of Alexandria.

Fuck russia, but also fuck destroying knowledge in the name of war...

Kind of a sad case in which better social support and community mental health programs may have resulted in a different life for this guy.

I don't think this guy had any malice. Some might argue that his statements to police were just excuses, but his behavior was bizarre enough to make me think this was a guy who was in need of food, shelter, and help; not incarceration. But the DOC is the largest mental health provider in the US....

It makes me think of my former clients/population I worked with. I hope this guy gets the help he needs. The world and the people in it aren't black and white; we all live in the grey. I worked with criminals I'd consider better people than many "upstanding citizens."

The far-right movement has been spreading around the world.. It's perhaps most on display in the US right now, but it is a global threat.

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Obvious troll. Joined 8 minutes ago, first comment is belligerently stupid whataboutism.. Name is BadActorLol...

Might as well block you now because you're bringing nothing worthwhile to the table.

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And the innocent others that they may kill in the process?

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There's no justification for Hamas' terrorism, nor is their justification for Isreal's genocide.

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I think it just might have to do with the history of Islamic terror attacks..

Such as the London bombings and bridge attack, Charlie Hebdo attack and the more recent stabbings in France, the Madrid train bombings which killed 193 people, the November 2015 Paris attack in which 130 were murdered, the 2016 Atatürk Airport attack in Turkey which left 45 dead, the 2016 Brussels bombings, just to name a few...

I'm not suggesting that all or even most Islamic individuals are dangerous/terrorists. But there is a long, bloody history of Islamic extremism throughout Europe.

I'm also not suggesting this justifies these bans in Italy whatsoever. I share this because it's essential context to answer your question.

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For the Meta apologists, I have a reality check for you:

Threads was immediately subject to mass amounts of radicalizing, extremist content, and there have also been instances of users having personal information doxxed on Threads due to Meta's information-harvesting practices. [1]

Threads was marketed to be open to 'free speech' (read: hate speech and misinformation) and encouraged the Far-Right movement to join, who have spread extremism, hate, and harassment on Threads already. [2] Threads has been a hotbed of Israel-Palestine misinformation/propaganda. [3] They also fired fact-checkers just prior to Threads' launch. [1]

As already established, Meta also assisted in genocide! [4]

Meta/FB/Instagram also have a strong history of facilitating the spread of misinformation and extremism, which contributed to the January 6th insurrection attempt. [5], [6]

This really should be obvious by now.. but Meta mines and sells their user's information.[7] Just look at the permissions you have to grant them for Threads...

FB users have to agree to all sorts of unethical things in the TOS, including giving Meta permission to run unethical experiments on their users without informed consent. [8] Their first published research was where they manipulated users' feeds with positive or negative information, in order to see if it affected their mood. It did, and they successfully induced depression in many of their users!

I will now turn to an article that surmises well the core practices of Meta as a company:

  • Elevates disinformation campaigns and conspiracy theories from the extremist fringes into the mainstream, fostering, among other effects, the resurgent anti-vaccination movement, broad-based questioning of basic public health measures in response to COVID-19, and the proliferation of the Big Lie of 2020—that the presidential election was stolen through voter fraud [16];

  • Empowers bullies of every size, from cyber-bullying in schools, to dictators who use the platform to spread disinformation, censor their critics, perpetuate violence, and instigate genocide;

  • Defrauds both advertisers and newsrooms, systematically and globally, with falsified video engagement and user activity statistics;

  • Reflects an apparent political agenda espoused by a small core of corporate leaders, who actively impede or overrule the adoption of good governance;

  • Brandishes its monopolistic power to preserve a social media landscape absent meaningful regulatory oversight, privacy protections, safety measures, or corporate citizenship; and

  • Disrupts intellectual and civil discourse, at scale and by design. [9]

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People must have their basic needs of food, shelter, and safety met before anything else can be reasonably addressed/improved.

My first thoughts from reading the headline was that it probably had to do with abortion and cannabis legalization.

Allow me to enlighten you by illustrating how both sides are absolutely not the same

Some highlights:

There is a stark difference in the means with which the two groups engage in acts of extremism. In a study evaluating Left-Wing and Right-Wing domestic extremism between 1994 and 2020, there was one fatality as the result of Left-Wing extremism, versus 329 fatalities resulting from Far Right extremism in that 25 year period. [5]

The Far-Right movement is the oldest and most deadly form of domestic terrorism in the United States, and The Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism found that the Far-Right is responsible for 98% of extremist murders in the U.S. [24] Furthermore, for nearly every year since 2011, Far-Right terrorist attacks/plots have accounted for over half of all terror attacks/plots in the United States. [21]

In the U.S., Right-Wing extremism was responsible for two-thirds of all failed, foiled, or successful terror attacks in 2019, and was responsible for 90% of attacks in the first half of 2020 alone. [21] Since 2013, Far-Right extremism has been responsible for more terror attacks/plots than the Left-Wing, ethnonationalism, or religiously motivated attacks/plots. [21]


These are excerpts from a blog post of mine, but I have ads turned off and do not benefit in any way from it.

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I was really unhappy with that change in the last update as well...

I couldn't find a setting to change it back to the actual numbers, but I think that should absolutely be an option in settings.

As you said, the numbers provide a lot more information regarding engagement/views/how controversial a comment/post is.

Some people may feel it's frivolous, but I'm considering a new app if it remains a percentage.

I stumbled here from browsing all, and want to be open that I'm a cisgender male; I don't want to come off like I'm misrepresenting myself.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the adversity and prejudice you've experienced.. it's heartbreaking...

As others have said, you have many accomplishments to be proud of. I think it's impressive. Even if you're feeling weak, you clearly aren't a weak person to have accomplished what you have, let alone in the face of adversity.

I've just gone back to school to work on my counseling masters, and my professor tonight was drilling home the essential need for a sense of community and support. If there are relevant support groups near you, I would highly encourage you to join one. The fact that you're posting here is great.

I don't know you, but I care about you. You say you feel like giving up, and that can mean many different things. Sometimes that means giving up on living, and I want to share these international resources with you (and everyone else here) if you ever feel like taking your life.

I can't even begin to imagine what it is like for you or others in this community. But I sincerely empathize with you and I wish I could be there for you. If you are in the US, there are warm lines in many states that have individuals trained to be supportive listeners. Here is NAMI's helpline directory.

I understand I'm out of my element and that this may come off as out of touch and like putting a band-aid on a bullet hole. But my heart genuinely goes out to you because I can feel pain in reading your post, and this is the only way I know how to help.

I really hope you don't give up. I mean that as sincerely as I can be. You sound like a determined, strong and tenacious person to have done everything you have. I hope I can be that strong and accomplished.

It's the best shopping day of the year. I couldn't care less about football, but I love the superbowl because it means stores and roads are empty.

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This really irks me, because it applies to subs related to weed or other non-sexual content, including some games. I've also been hit with the same prompt to open the official app for subreddits that are "under review" or new.

I only go to reddit from search engine queries to get answers for a topic.

I just posted on reddit for the first time since the API disaster to get support for the watchmaker app (that is the dev's official source for support).

I noticed a weird glitch happening to me (mobile site on Firefox) in which if I edit a comment, it loses all formatting. Like, every space between 'paragraphs' dissappears, and so did the block quotes. It just put ">" in with the jumbled up mess...

That's actually a pretty compelling argument.

But then again, I don't think Nixon signed onto have his head in a glass jar. Is parody not an exception?

I think why they do not care is because they don't "believe" it. The more important question (IMO) is: "How can they deny this blatant reality?"

The answer is because they shield themselves from reality with Olympics level mental gymnastics, rationalizing away cognitive dissonance and living in their own deluded reality.

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The incels in western society are just as unhinged and bizarre imo. I'm not sure how prevalent they are in Europe, but they're very much a problem here in the US and Canada.

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Steam and Netflix are the sole reasons I stopped pirating as a teenager/young adult.

I canceled Netflix long ago at this point and have been on the brink of going back to pirating films/TV. Too many streaming services.. it's just like TV packages before Netflix disrupted the model.

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Your comment is so out of touch and ridiculous.....

Rudy is never sober!

I was just thinking I want a list of russia's senior officers with the dead scratched out for visual representation. Their losses are insane..

I was just thinking about the Iraqi Most Wanted playing cards given to US troops, and that if there was one for russia, I feel like half the deck would be dead officers by now.

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I was about a story and a half high in a magnolia tree when I was about 10, and I had walked out on one branch, holding a smaller branch for balance.

I didn't realize the one I was standing on was dead, and it snapped at the trunk.. The small branch I was holding wasn't enough to hold my weight, and it snapped too.

The branch I was standing on bounced off the springy ground that was many years worth of shedded leaves, and it hit me in the lower back just before I was about to land on the ground.

It caused a minor fracture in a vertebrate, and caused me a lot of pain at the time, but I didn't complain because I didn't want to be "a little girl" (I had two unforgiving older brothers). When I was in 8th grade, I had my first back ache and had x-rays which found the childhood fracture which mishealed due to not being treated.

It still causes me a lot of trouble whenever I'm bent over for long or if I have a back ache.

Both of my hands have some scar tissue which gives me some trouble about 1/11 of the times I do a pinching/clamp kind of grip. Those injuries were from sticking my hands in a dog's mouth to pry his mouth off of my dog's throat last year. At first, all my might wasn't enough, and he chomped the fuck out of my hands.

Then my adrenaline kicked in and I pried his mouth open like it was nothing. I then kind of suplexed and wrestled the dog so mine could be taken to safety. I don't regret it one bit, but it was definitely a stupid thing to do.. but I can still play the piano just fine!

I also came dangerously close to losing an eye from a tooth or nail. It happened so fast I'm not sure what did it. Here are some pictures.

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Yeah, I came here looking for crushed uncooked Ramen noodle lazy, dammit!..

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Halfway thru high school, I remember accessing MySpace on my original iPhone on safari before the appstore even existed. I felt like hot shit.

I'm so glad social media was still new enough that I didn't document my awkward dumbass development. I can proudly state that I never made a FB account.

The terpenes used in vape carts to dilute and reintroduce flavor and aroma (which is lost in some extraction methods) also produces harmful byproducts when vaped. [1]

Should straight up avoid any flavored vape juices.

Some of the food-safe diluent agents used in vape products may be harmful when aerosolized and inhaled, as they were never actually studied under those conditions.

[Cannabis] extracts are not diluted in propylene glycol or glycerol like nicotine due to their hydrophobic properties. Instead, various forms of oils including vegetable oils, terpenes, and tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E acetate) have been reported as diluents. In most reported cases of EVALI, additional flavoring additives are also added to products.

Although many of these diluent agents and flavorings have been “generally recognized as safe” for oral ingestion by the FDA, recent research shows that when heated to form an aerosol and inhaled, conditions including bronchitis, bronchiolitis, acute hypoxic respiratory distress, lipoid-associated pneumonia, and pneumonitis may result. [2]

There's poor regulation when it comes to a lot of the products out there, especially those sold in gas stations and smoke shops (but also can be an issue in dispensaries).

Another problem with vape pens and e-cigs is the cheap atomizers/coils used, especially in disposables. There have been confirmed cases of these coils/atomizers leeching heavy metals into the vapor produced.[3]

This is such a new and under-studied area I personally find it's not worth risking it vaping concentrates. I'll stick with my dry herb vaping with my Volcano and Mighty+, which are actually certified medical devices. [4]

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That is absolutely ridiculous.. Our brains don't even finish developing until our mid 20s (some research suggests it can take an additional few years for those with ADHD).

My school performance (with ADHD) was so much different in middle and high school than thru undergrad and now graduate school.

It's totally asinine to put that kind of pressure on kids, especially when standardized tests don't even accurately evaluate learned material.

i don’t know why they “trust me” dumb fucks

Real quote from Mark Fuckerburg.

yea so if you ever need info about anyone at harvard just ask i have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, sns

There's always a choice. Our politicians are just too invested in Isreal's military as a middle-eastern ally.

But Isreal has really demonstrated how self-serving and nationalist they are, and I don't think they can be relied upon in a call to action as an ally.

I wish our leaders would show more of a backbone against Isreal, and withdraw all support for them.

I hope he gets torn apart by Mike Tyson, but I think the fight is total absurdity.

This will be the first time he actually fights a pro boxer, but he of course was too much of a punk to fight a current pro.

Despite Mike's age, I don't know if punk ass Jake Paul will have an answer for Iron Mike's head movement and fury.

I worry that Mike Tyson might gas out and that Jake bitch ass Paul could take the victory simply due to the 30 year age gap.

If he wants to be a real boxer, he should be fighting a current pro in his weight class. He's a fucking clown.

Mike Tyson's training footage. He's still a monster...

Nice Cage and John Travolta in Face Off.

Absolutely. I cannot fathom how people can justify Hamas' terrorism or Isreal's genocide.

I've condemned both groups since the beginning and support only the innocent civilians being starved, tortured, and slaughtered.

I remember a news segment where monozygotic (identical) twins had different results for their genealogy. Their efficacy and reproducibility should definitely be questioned.

Not to mention the problem of your DNA info being sold and used for nefarious purposes. Not just by hackers, but if the company is bought out by a different organization, they don't have to honor the terms of 23andMe or Ancestory.com regarding not selling you data.

Edit: Here's the story.

Their comment wasn't out of touch, but your faith in the mainstream DNA testing market certainly is.

I have the same approach of browsing all and blocking what I don't want as I come across it. Which in my case, happens to be mostly anime and shitposting communities.

Here's the countries list on Psychology Today.

I would try to avoid random, potentially unqualified counselors from 3rd world countries..

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I don't disagree with you that it's the product of racism and discrimination. But the terror attacks also fuel that hate.

I can say the same thing about the consequences of my (US) country's actions in the 'war on terror.' We're the greatest contributing factor to the formation of ISIS. The casualties of our drone strikes alone (from Bush, Obama, and trump) were vastly civilian targets.

Whether it's politically/religiously motivated drone strikes on civilians, bombs in subways, or knife attacks, those actions spawn further fear, hate, intolerance, and extremism.

Even though Italy is enacting racist policies/systems, they are able to gather support for/'justify' their actions due largely to the terror attacks throughout Europe.

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Enshittification had already been largely discussed here.

I saw users minimizing the aberrant business practices of Meta and doubting their role in assisting in genocide.

My point was to highlight how unethical and horrendous Meta itself is.

The idea that fish do not experience pain is also ludicrous... They possess a central nervous system and can very much feel pain.

I'm also opposed to catch & release fishing for fun/sport for this reason.

Imagine a hyper-advanced species suddenly and painfully yanked you up into different atmospheric conditions where you're desperately unable to breathe.

Is it perfectly acceptable just because they put you back down in your natural environment before you died, with a new painful wound and traumatic experience?

I certainly don't think so...

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Done. Thanks for the suggestion.