6 Post – 453 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Have you seen the video?

They put the person in front of the car.

You don't strap a person you intend to help with ropes to the outside of the car

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Where are my ads? /s

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They made 2 errors.

  1. Use crypto

  2. Storing the key anywhere close to the repo.

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I as a german asked an expert on that topic. Chatgpt. According to chatGPT there is no genocide if you don't kill them with the intention to wipe them from the planet. So if for example you drop accidentally poison into their water because you mixed the Botox and sugar bottle in the water station then even if they all die it is not a genocide.

And since chatgpt is infallable this is the only truth.

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Use ctrl +shift +c to copy in terminal

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Maybe you should throw more money at the problem. This eventually will help. Right?

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Well then I am a chromium browser. At least as long you need to think that.

What technology they are using I can't fake on a Firefox?

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Ok I shaved my beard. Now what?

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How could you?! As a Karen I demand the r/piracy manager and that he forces you to go back and work for free!

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Windows 11 is Microsoft bloatware and ads. They are getting more. The EU made Microsoft to add an option to disable ads because there was none.

In German they are called "Zitteraal" literally translated: tremble eel

Named after the people who were trembling on touch.

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It is still unattractive for indie devs. You risk a huge hit in your revenue when you accidentally hit the the limit. You can't stop selling games to not hit it.

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The World worked that way, but people accepted the new ad contained products they paid for.

People even think it is fine to buy a product you don't own

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You know the rules, and so do I.

(read the community rules)

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If you think people are getting paid by youtube then your are wrong. The amount per user is insignificant.

You can spend a $ directly to any creator you like and watch his channel ad free for the rest of your life and they have more money from you than they would get by ads from youtube

What happened?

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If it works it works

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You guys have ads on your gas pumps?

Ok the US is really the preview of the dystopian future companies imagine.

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Are you stupid? Lemmy isn't hostile to the US. We are hostile to idiots who do not recognize standards. That this includes most of the US is just a coincidence.

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"a lot" means less than 0.01% of android users.

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Gdot is FOSS engine. This means it will most probably never pull shit like that and even if everybody is allowed to fork it before a bad change and continue with that

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The end is here. You will love not owning your TV and it's sending ads directly into your brain.

Your phone will make calls without you and your PC will do the work for you so can watch more ads.

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Als Deutscher kann ich bestätigen wir sind alle gay.

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Android apps are written in Kotlin or Java and this means every file will be per convention under similar)

And every file will have a line


And references to other files in the import.

This means every source code file is changed and therfore recompiled and the update will include the whole app.

Now 35GB means there is a lot of image and/or Audio resources also included. Why this is updated as well I don't know, but their path also changed. Maybe that's enough for the Version control to see it as new.

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German works like naming java classes.


I wish too I would get bitten by a werelesbian

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Must be German.

We Germans wait at red lights, always.

It's 3 o clock in the morning, no car passed by for an hour. A German will still wait at an red light.

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Who is using python for frontend?

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Insects are dying. Especially close to cities. Cars are to blame, but probably even more the human impact on nature, destroying the natural living space.

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In German the Japanese ne? Is ne?


Kawaii desu ne?

Es ist niedlich, ne?

However germans use depending on the region different words with the same meaning.

"gell, oder? (odda?)" and many more

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I don't know how the american system works, but voting for small parties should not considered a wasted vote. It helps the party even if they don't get elected

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They were ancient when she was ruling Egypt

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Well the parties in question are trying this for almost a decade. Mostly the "conservative" party from Germany wants total surveillance. In my eyes they are more right than Conservative

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Have you ever heard of sea shanties?

Where are my pixels?

However since water vapors also create clouds which reflect light it is definitely bettern than co2

So you are telling me that if we combine every scene where he says motherfucker we have half a movie?

I would watch him saying motherfucker for 2 hours straight.

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You know that the world is fucked when even some of the rich demand more taxes on the rich.

I guess they should bribe the system to get more taxes like everyone else does.

I noticed logging out of your YouTube account helps.

I just opened a private window in Firefox.

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It almost worked. I first saw medicine pills and then plates