1 Post – 210 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Idk who needs to hear it, but stop buying this shit. If it has a computer inside, but you can't flash your own software onto it, just pass. If you're unsure, look around, find the nearest Linux user and ask for help.

25 more...

Lol bet she campaigns for Trump like that fuckin loser Cruz and his dogfaced wife.

3 more...

I mean fuck it. I say we start demanding that he release the tape. Stop treating him like a fucking dotard.

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To be fair, Haley also has no idea, allegedly, why the Civil War was fought.

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Because now they have to stop using the chatbot or take on the liability of having to pay out whenever it fucks up.

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Sounds cool but I'm not sure I want to spend 100 bucks per year to spite the data brokers...idk I do like spite though.

15 more...

No shit, he straight up murdered his only actual political rival.

25 more...

Ah yes, the pro-child-trafficking wing of the Republican party.

Yeah man my boomer dad gets a fucking pension! Blows my mind, except it doesn't because he was in a great union. I actually remember being on vacation once when they were doing contract negotiations and my dad calling his buddy each night to see if there was news. Kind of put a damper on the vacation but he only has that pension because he was in a union who was willing to strike.

It's a delicate ecosystem: the car salesmen need their cut to spend on drinking and gambling or else the bars and dog tracks will shut down causing more unemployment.

2 more...

So all that stuff about the independence and integrity of the court was just big talk? Figures. I'm surprised his robes stay on his body at all with a spine like that.

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My son, always remember to smash that like button and subscribe..*sniff* and please, whatever you do, leave a review because it helps new people find the channel. Oh god, I'm no good at goodbyes....

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I sure hope he was picking up that sweet fuckwagon from John Oliver.

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They probably realized the same skillset that set up their *arr config could be used to host a lemmy instance

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It's weird, but VPNs also work for things that aren't piracy, like freedom of speech...about piracy 😁

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I don't think he cares...they're doing the Russia thing where they just flood the zone with info and disinfo to make it difficult to discern reality.

Also we Americans are pretty good at paving every square inch inch of an island. We did Manhattan and are working on doing Long Island.

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That means google is going to open the rcs api up to other devs soon too...right? Right??

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Tip: panhandling has more dignity than landlording.

This is probably a delay tactic. But he's also old as shit and I think a cigar smoker so it very well could be COPD.

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Sicilians were sometimes "black" in the jim crow south. I couldn't find the citation, but at least one black dude avoided getting murdered after it was discovered the woman he was sleeping with was sicilian. I think the anecdote is from Isabelle Wilkerson's Caste.

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That's the before lunch average...subject could not be found for evaluation after lunch.

Uh I think this was an episode of Arrested Development...

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What is it that those fuckin rightwing nutters say? The 2nd amendment is for when the 1st fails or something like that?

I swear to god half of the slang from memes like this is just aspirational. Pretty fetch imo.

5 more...

Listen here you little shit. Ask jeeves used to be the tits, until Dogpile which was a metasearch of several other indexers. Then a scrappy little startup with a stupid name made everyone else obsolete

11 more...

Yeah dude I'm usually against forced drugging but some people literally need to be tied down, fed molly, and made to watch Titanic or something to kickstart their empathy drives. Maybe Sophie's Choice...idk I haven't seen it because I have the opposite problem.

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Enjoy 😁

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Old ska kid. Will bring extra mozz sticks for everyone.

Unless you button/zip it before washing. Then it's just the fitted sheet scooping up my underwear shouting, "Band together comrades we are stronger together!"

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I had to actually read an article to make sure it wasn't Prague, Wisconsin or some nonsense.

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A regular Nostr Dumbass

I can't tell if "The Eggy Wets" are a hardcore band or british invasion

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Fox says there's no need to look inside the henhouse.

¿Porque no los dos?

11 usually

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I believe it's parodying the manic pixie dream girl trope where some magical girl seduces your vanilla ass into doing molly and banging, but OP is even more vanilla so really just wants pain meds and cuddling. Idk I am also an old now.

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Instructions unclear. I showed a 7/11 clerk my butthole.

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Yeah but in a person meetings are at an all time high and anonymous sticks of deoderant being left on peoples' desks is at an all time low.