Nikki Haley: America Is Committing “Suicide” by Voting for Trump to politics – 557 points –
Nikki Haley: America Is Committing “Suicide” by Voting for Trump

To use political jargon, Nikki Haley—who has lost primary contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and her home state of South Carolina—does not have a snow ball’s chance in hell of winning the GOP nomination for president. Still, she is apparently intent on not going down without a fight, and to that end, the former governor has a message for voters: Anyone who votes for Donald Trump has a death wish for America.


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Lol bet she campaigns for Trump like that fuckin loser Cruz and his dogfaced wife.

Careful, you keep insulting Ted Cruz like that and he's going to be tripping over himself to endorse you for president.

Like every Republican that hasn't retired or been voted out of office after criticizing him.