2 Post – 186 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's what plastic playground slides are for.

Wake me up when dope and rad re-enter the lexicon.

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Careful, you keep insulting Ted Cruz like that and he's going to be tripping over himself to endorse you for president.

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Having a gun for self defense fucks with your head. When my wife and I lived in a relatively rural area, I used to keep a shotgun under our bed for protection, but I eventually got rid of it. Never shot it a single time, but you'd better believe every time I cleaned it or moved it or just remembered I had it, I was imagining the horrible situation I might be forced to use it in. That shit low key fucked me up. Strange sound in the middle of the night? Better grab the gun.

I can't even begin to imagine carrying one on me, especially in public. I like to think I have a pretty level head, but some people are just waiting for you to look at them the wrong way so they finally have that moment. So frightened or psychotic or some combination of the two that their first instinct is to just start shooting. Hell, my wife's cousin-in-law got in a fucking shootout when he cut someone off in traffic.

Used to be very pro responsible gun ownership, but lately I'm thinking that level of responsibility is far too rare in people.

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An evolutionary biologist might argue that all of these are done in the service of being able to have sex:

  • Gotta make money so I can live comfortably and keep having sex.
  • Gotta defend my country because all of the women who want to have sex with me live there.
  • Man, chicks dig firefighters. I'm gonna have so much sex.
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The data is all there, but there may be a slight issue with the formatting.

K-pop agencies are reportedly keen to promote their stars as romantically obtainable, while in Japan many pop stars have "no dating" clauses in their contracts.

Wouldn't being banned from dating make you the opposite of "romantically obtainable"?

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Just picture this man staring at himself in the mirror, chuckling silently as he imagines kissing himself, then pulling out his phone to tweet this...five goddamn times.

If Lemmy has taught me anything this is a Linux user's dream because now they can install Linux on the machine.

I've been politely asked to stop.

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Ok now what?

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So I've gotten pretty good at applying for jobs having moved quite a bit and needing to change a few times in the past decade. Here's my unsolicited advice for people getting sick of the application process (it sucks I know):

  • Make sure your resume can be easily OCR'd. OCR, or optical character recognition, is how programs and machines convert image-formatted text into plain text. Sometimes it works pretty well, and sometimes it spits out a garbled mess of text. If you've ever done an application that auto-fills fields after you upload your resume, you probably have a good idea how readable your resume is by a computer. Like it or not, the first step for a lot of companies is to filter by OCR converted text fields, and if yours isn't legible, you may be out of luck. Use a simple, consistent font and don't do any special formatting. If you want a second "fancier" printed version of your resume for interviews, go for it.

  • Fit your resume to a single page and highlight your skills at the top. You can change these from application to application if you want, and if you do, I suggest using verbiage from the job description because these are the keywords they'll be looking for.

  • You'll probably see a few jobs that really seem like a great fit for companies you really want to work for. CALL THESE COMPANIES. Trust me, employers don't love the hiring process either, and if they're actively trying to fill a role and they get a call from someone interested, they'll probably respond. They may just politely tell you to follow the standard process, but that's really the worst case scenario. And even if they do, they'll probably keep an eye out for your application.

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This article is giving me 2016 "don't worry about it" vibes.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson not saying something stupid on the internet challenge: impossible.

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Is he going to be ok?

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Posting on Lemmy.

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I am a beautiful butterfly. Here is my head, heeeere is my thorax. And here is Vincent Shoreman, age 54, credit score 680, email, loves new shoes, fears spiders...

Y'all remember that post about the "science-based dragon MMO" that topped the gaming page of...that other site...? If not, I'll include the title and image below, because it's got the same energy as this post.

Dear internet, I'm a 26 year old lady who's been developing a science-based, 100% dragon MMO for the last two years. I'm finally making my beta-website now, and using my 3D work as a base to create my 50+ concept images. Wish me luck, Reddit; You'll be the first to see the site when it's finished.

The comments were surprisingly constructive considering she basically pasted zsphere sketches over a generic background and announced she had been solo developing the most ambitious dragon fucking game the world has ever seen. It's been 12 years, I wonder how she's doing?

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The fucksmith post in question has been removed by moderators, so I wonder if Google really is pressuring Reddit to remove jokes from their platform now. This person had no idea their shit post would be used to train AI over a decade later, and they certainly weren't violating any policies when they posted it. It's like nobody involved in this process knew anything about Reddit.

Pay $60 million to train on bad data.
Implement AI trained on bad data.
Panic when the AI returns bad answers.
Manually remove bad data.

Edit: it was removed when I checked yesterday, but it looks like they restored it.

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Hate to be that guy, but the icing on frosted Pop Tarts contains gelatin derived from bones, hooves, tendons, ligaments, etc., making it not vegetarian.

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Their entire business model is drumming up culture war bullshit to keep people distracted from the fact they're losing the class war.

I'm a fan of STAR voting myself, but anything is better than the first past the post system we have now.

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In case you, like me, prefer to have depressing data in the form of a webcomic:

I really wish all of these companies racing to replace their existing software features and employees with LLMs understood this. So many applications are dependent on a response being 100% accurate for a very specific request as opposed to being 80% accurate for a wide variety of requests. "Based on training data, here's what a response to your input might look like" is pretty good for conversational language and image generation, but it sucks for anything requiring computation or expertise. Worst of all, it's so confidently wrong about things I might as well be back on Reddit.

The definition I've heard the most is: newborn (0-3 mo.), infant (3-12ish mo, toddler (from the time they start walking to between about 2-3 years). Technically, any of them could be considered a baby.

"Toddler" describes the action of toddling, or walking in an uncoordinated way.

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By Ryan North, the author of Dinosaur Comics! He based the book on a time travel survival guide he published and made into a T-shirt.

Measure me mommy.

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Haven't seen anyone mention Severance, which is one of my more recent obsessions. Everyone I watched the first episode with bounced off pretty hard, saying it was too weird. Man the payoff is amazing though, everything slowly ramping up to a crescendo in the final couple of episodes. Highly recommended if you like early Black Mirror.

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"Let's pack hundreds of animals together in a confined space, what's the worst that could happen?"


I've got a brother in law who options Frosty and makes bank.

From a reverse image search, looks like this was originally posted on Twitter by Orla Walsh, a dietician. Her education experience on her LinkedIn puts her at about 36 years old at the time the image was posted (July 2023). Since this is her mom's fridge though, we estimate her age at 36+25=61. So, total score is 42.62.

Piano music intensifies

Another great charity evaluator is Their mission is to find charities that save or improve lives the most per dollar spent, and their findings are research-backed and evidence-based. 100% of your donation goes to the charity you support. They also evaluate the lowest cost to save a human life, which is currently about $3k-$5k. Their top rated charities are involved in malaria prevention:

  1. Malaria Consortium
  2. Against Malaria Foundation
  3. Helen Keller International
  4. New Incentives

Solid strategy. If Weird Al isn't swimming in pussy nobody is.

I learned a lot about home maintenance and handiwork from my dad, but then I started looking stuff up and realized he's been stubbornly doing a lot of projects the wrong way.

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The meat industry certainly does: