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Joined 9 months ago

Should Jon Stewart run for POTUS? No.

Would I vote for Jon Stewart if he ran for POTUS? Probably.

This says less about my faith in Jon's ability to govern, and more about my lack of faith in current politicians to lead ethically.

I'd rather see Jon make the right decisions but make mistakes, than to see a seasoned politician make the wrong decisions and execute them competently.

I at least have faith Jon is smart enough and with a true compassion in his heart, that he'd be able to surround himself with real experts, listen open mindedly to their advice, and regularly make decisions with empathy.

All that said, he's said repeatedly he doesn't want that job, and I do not blame him.

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Well that is scary.

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"Donald Trump is a scab."

Trump would be a scab, but he's never worked a day in his life.

Normandy. Launching attacks on fascists for 80 years.

Which explains why it was standard procedure for presidents to put their money in a blind trust. And why Trump didn't.

I can see the argument from a certain perspective of the language, outside of context.

But remember when this amendment was passed. Right after the Civil War.

So, they wanted an amendment to bar traitors from federal office. Then they put in a section saying Congress has to actually make laws enforcing that rule, or it does nothing. And then, they didn't make any such laws?!

So, what, they went through all the work to make a constitutional amendment, and then it does nothing?

No, they clearly felt that the rule was clear enough as it was, and section 5 is there to allow Congress to make supporting laws built upon that to help enforce that rule. But that rule should have teeth on its own.

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It's my strong opinion that the pardon of Nixon is directly responsible for the current state of partisan politics in the US.

If he had been held accountable then, we wouldn't be dealing with half of our politicians arguing that the president is above the law.

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If you think growing up in a conservative household guarantees a kid becomes conservative, you didn't grow up in a conservative household.

Prediction: Starbucks resolves the issue by raising all "milk" product prices to match the most expensive option.

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To confirm what you mean by "I'm a conservative", which of these commonly held "conservative" beliefs (each which implies a lack of empathy) do you not subscribe to (i.e. "I don't think like that...")

  • Black people only get harassed by police more often because they commit more crime.
  • Gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry.
  • Women should not have the choice of abortion.
  • The state is allowed to infringe upon free speech to prevent you from telling children about gay people.
  • Foreigners are ruining this county.
  • Climate change is a lie.
  • COVID was a lie.
  • Contemporary statues honoring Confederate traitors and slave owners are "honored cultural heritage".
  • All corporate media lies about Donald Trump, except that corporate media which supports him.
  • Rich people earned all that money, and we have no right to take it back, or to limit how they use it.
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I used the lottery for the same reason for a long time. Then they raised the price and lowered your chances to win even further.

Also, seeing people win a "$1Billion jackpot" and take home less than $400M after taxes, meanwhile multiple billionaires can be shown to pay $0 on taxes... It's pretty disillusioning.

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To save others a click:

5 appointed by George W Bush (including the chief), 4 by Donald Trump, 1 by George H W Bush, and 1 by Barack Obama.

GOP has been losing popular opinion for years, but they've been stacking the courts every chance they get, and now they are reaping their rewards. Fascism by judicial capture.

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Bump all punishments up by a tier for elected officials.

Capital offense is still a capital offense.

Life in prison becomes a capital offense.

Long prison becomes life in prison.

Short prison becomes long prison.

Large fine becomes short prison.

Small fine becomes large fine.

I also think we should make a law that says any elected official making a public statement is assumed to be under oath to tell the truth, and provably false statements made by public officials in an official capacity should be punished as harshly as perjury in court.

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I mean, what's he supposed to do right now? Republicans still control both houses of congress (or, at least, hold enough seats to render both houses impotent). The upcoming congressional elections matter as much as (or potentially more than) the presidential election.

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Yeah, the real question is if he saps enough votes to flip a swing state.

Currently somewhere around 10 years single.

I struggle with social cues, anxiety, etc.

It's lonely.

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Persistent rumors that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia over the election became the catnip that drove reporting. [...]

But when the Mueller report found no credible evidence of collusion [...]

Aaaaand I stopped reading.

The Mueller Report absolutely found credible evidence of collusion, despite heavy-handled interference by Trump, Barr, and the rest of the GOP. It unfortunately failed to result in any prosecution (in no small part due to Barr), and failed to pressure Republicans to vote to remove Trump when he was impeached.

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Just did a quick search, "interactive chart of us state and federal budgets".

Found this government site for federal budgets: https://www.cbo.gov/interactives

For instance, here's a page with charts for the 2023 federal budget: https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59727

I would hope similar sites exist for most, if not all, of the states.

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Holy shit... How can you rightly identify that the US military (and the US government's use of said military) is evil, and that killing people for their ideas just spreads those ideas, but then somehow come to the conclusion that public health mandates during a pandemic are unconstitutional and "billionaires in this country got rich by actually serving their fellow man"?

Fucking hell, the propaganda machines are in overdrive.

Appreciate a veteran telling kids not to join the military. (Assuming this was written by an actual veteran, and isn't just fictional propaganda.)

The rest is idiotic corpo bootlicking unrelated to the topic.

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Honestly, I put animal abusers in a lower circle of hell, along side child abusers.

It's about the power differential. The difference between a white adult male and a black adult female (for example) might be considerable, but its not going to be even close to the power differential between either of those adults and a child or a pet.

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I feel like if the House has no Speaker for over a year, shit would fall apart more than even Republicans could stand. We'll get within a week or two of the next shutdown deadline, and they'll finally put someone up there.

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Human life?! Who's gonna protect our profits?!

If you wrote these lines into Star Trek and had Ferengi say them, people would laugh at how over the top they are. But we have real people saying it here. It doesn't even leave room for satire.

Yeah, if they are happy, then I'm happy for them.

Union strong.

They almost certainly picked it just for the joke.

queer.af = Queer AF = Queer as fuck!

It's like how popular the TLD of Guernsey (.gg) is with gaming websites.

I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even realize what country code the TLD was when they registered it.

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Didn't return your grocery cart? Straight to jail.

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As far as I'm aware, Russian political statements are weaponized hypocrisy designed to mentally whiplash the listener until they can no longer reason logically. To listen to their own statements would be the equivalent of looking down your own gun barrel.

If God wanted those kids fed, he'd have rained mana from the heavens, or multiplied bread and fish for them. If they are hungry, they clearly deserve it.

Mr Fain added that the agreement included a 25% wage increase over the life of the contract, while lowest-paid temporary workers would see pay rises of more than 150% over the period.

The union also won the right to strike Ford over future plant closures, he said.

I don't know what their goals were, or what else this deal includes, but I honestly hope that's not "it".

25% raise over 4.5 years is about 5.6% annually. That's still less than inflation most years recently. Hope they also got other improvements to benefits or working conditions.

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A big enough fine can cut the rich even harder than it can the poor.

I guess, in theory, but I've never seen that happen. And even if you did take more from them, it's only a "deeper cut" in the sense that they fell further to get to broke.

A $10k fine might be more than a poor person's entire net worth, forcing them into homelessness or extreme poverty.

I've never seen a billionaire forced to pay over 100% of their net worth in fines. Hell, I don't think I've ever seen a fine over $1B, except by a corporation.

Billionaires only go broke when they mismanage their own money. Jail time isn't even as big a threat if they are young, as they could well have more money when they come out, where any other Joe Schmo would come out broke and with limited job prospects.

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Not paying is contempt of court

Yeah, but so was violating the gag order.

If he isn't jailed on a third strike, I'm done following this.

Two problems with that hypothesis.

1: Millionaire vs Billionaire.

2: Woman vs Man.

I want to see this variation of a zombie movie.

Patient zero is a prominent politician.

His handlers continue to puppet him, because they already spent so much on his campaign.

Followers literally line up to be bitten and infected.

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I want to toss the Type-2 phaser from Star Trek (circa 24th century) as my personal favorite. It has this design which reads as a tool more than a weapon, which I love.

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Yeah. I'm tired of embarrassment every time I see my state mentioned in a news headline.

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Two things.

One: even removing those listed senators from the supermajority, that still leaves a majority.

Two: their original comment lamented that the Democrats never even held a vote when they had control with the intent of putting their votes on the record, so that voters would know who actually supports their rights.

Sure, but that quote calls it a "virus" but the headline says "fungus".

We found the Spiders Georg of liberal women.

But in all seriousness, how could a woman perceive the conservative agenda and NOT become more liberal in response?!

Oppression kink?

The previous conviction was overturned on a procedural issue, like a mistrial. He wasn't pardoned or found not guilty, so it isn't double jeopardy. It's just a "redo" to make sure another jury would still convict without the procedural issue.

The implication is that if Trump wins, he won't be leaving in 4 years. He won't be leaving until death. Because that's what dictators do.

To combat jet lag, or otherwise reset your sleep schedule if it has drifted...

  1. Go 24 hours without eating.

  2. Go to bed early enough to make sure you get 8-10 hours before you normally want to wake up.

  3. Using an alarm, wake up a bit earlier than you usually want to wake up.

  4. Make a big breakfast, eating when you normally want to wake up.

Now your body will have reset its circadian rhythm, and you'll naturally wake up at that time.

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