Air Canada must pay damages after chatbot lies to grieving passenger about discount – Airline tried arguing virtual assistant was solely responsible for its own actions to Not The – 617 points –
Air Canada must pay after chatbot lies to grieving passenger

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Because now they have to stop using the chatbot or take on the liability of having to pay out whenever it fucks up.

Which is fascinating, that they themselves thought there was any doubt about it, or they could argue such a doubt.

This is the same like arguing "It wasn't me who shot the mailmen dead. It was my automated home self defense system"

Agree 100%--i mean who are you gonna fine, the bot? The company that sold you the bot? This is a simple case of garbage in, garbage out--if they set it up properly and vetted its operation, they wouldn't be trying to make such preposterous objections. I'm glad this went to court where it was definitively shut down.

Fuck Canada Air. The guy already lost a loved one, now they wanna drag him through all this over a pittance? To me, this is the corporate mindset--going to absolutely any length necessary to hoover up more money, even the smallest of scraps.