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Joined 1 years ago

Why not? Shame is good for bad behavior

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As an american jew, hostages don't justify genocide. Never again means never again.

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Imagine having the time and resources to be such a shit in this way. The main thing is don't be a transphobe, but then a substantial secondary thing is get a life.

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Santa has a history of, regardless of naughtyness, giving more and better gifts to children of those with capital. Not only that, he excludes people based on a religion litmus test.

Santa could end scarcity, but won't.

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The old fascist tactic of accusing the other side of the things you’re guilty of.

Really telling on yourself here! Would be funny if you weren't so sad.

Pointing out flaws in the country shouldn't be seen as a personal attack or critique. Many of the victims of America are it's citizens (e.g., the incarcerated).

Nationalism just twists the government into our personal identity to manipulate us. Making fun of the government/system is healthy.

This isn't "Americans dumb" content, which attacks the actual citizens and understandably may weigh on someone.

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I imagine it's mostly upper middle class weirdos who have their own secret curiosity room of morbid shit so they can feel edgy. So, probably a lot of Harvard alumni.

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It's really impressive how Lemmy/kbin have totally replaced reddit for me pretty painlessly. Any time Ive checked reddit out of FOMO, the content is far worse, and the comments are horrid.

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It's really an issue with how the fediverse handles communities. On Reddit each sub had its own moderation/governance structure which I think fits the role of an "instance" best. Here, each instance has a variety of communities which may overlap with other instance.

I.e. banning an instance for having community X impacts community Z who may also dislike X.

Without ripping up the floorboards, I suspect the answer is instances having community-level granularity in blocking. So one can block: The_Donald@*, *, or most narrowly

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I don't know, it's really a lose lose either way. Biden is either too soft and the GOP calls it a win and does something worse, or he is too tough and he's called a dictator. I'd rather he take decisive action and put the fear of God in them than let it escalate and get even more immigrants killed. Honestly after the shipping migrants to liberal states stunt he should have thrown the book and/or CIA at 'em.

The thing is AI voices are only good enough to trick most listeners. If you know what to listen for, or can dissect the audio professionally, it's trivial to fact check.

There has always been image/audio doctoring. Any reputable news source can reasonably identify these things.

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Broken democratic mechanisms and a split conservative party? Surely this doesn't proceed a fascist dictatorship...right?....RIGHT?!

Nationalism is poison, no matter the nation.

I do wonder if it would be healthier for the fedditverse for instances to really narrow their magazine/community footprint. I.e. "This is an Anime instance" a "Science instance" etc. Making off-topic magazines could either be discouraged or outright banned.

Not looking forward to having dozens of "news" and "technology" magazines sharing the same stories,

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They've already killed more Palestinian civilians than Russians did Ukrainian civilians. In one month.

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Simply replace it with a memorial for the enslaved folks these losers fought to subjugate. Let the Confederate legacy be lost to time and honor the people who persevered through unimaginable evils.

Israel has no incentive to stop. Even cutting funding won't. They've made so much headway in their genocide they want to finish and set up their new canal through Gaza to rival Suez. (Surprise surprise another colonial asset to defend next time they want to do a massacre).

There needs to be a massive surge of BDS and frankly nations sending peacekeeping troops willing to check IDF aggression while rebuilding.

When I misclick in Disco Elysium

Dangerous to think you're more media literate than you are.

  1. Not linking a source

Very common for reports or scientific articles, where a sharable link is not readily available. Take it up with the city council who received the report being slow. The claims are sourced, and that source is credible, that's what matters.

  1. "News website"

Aka, a website you don't know. is a reputable local site, but that hardly matters here because the link is backing up a matter of public record— the previous FR ban was reversed.

  1. Link to Twitter

It's funny, what representatives say publicly is indeed newsworthy. When such statements happen on Twitter, you link to Twitter. Shocking, I know.

  1. Opinions

Maybe you haven't read a news article before, but providing the opinions of both sides of an issue is common practice, so that the reader has context and can consider their own position

To be clear this is unlikely to be a long term nation wide internet blackout. Rather, e.g., turn off the Internet in a section of a city and send in troops to deal with a protest.

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Thanks for the better article. Still wild how little restraint Israel is showing, even if this wasn't retribution. Though don't think they are above such things.

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Domestic fascists took some notes from their buddies abroad.

(The note was, "but hamas")

It is genuinely too difficult in some places thanks to voter suppression.

This good actually? The scary thing about guns isn't revolutions, it's random sad men poisoned with conservatism doing a mass shooting.

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Yes, but political engagement can't revolve around voting.

It's shit. You have to navigate a beurocracy and don't even always have choices down the ballot. And when you do, you often have no idea who the candidates are beyond some half baked Facebook page. It's also a huge burnout pit. Put months of stress into a binary outcome you can barely control. And even that is if you're engaged in canvassing and etc, otherwise it's just a chore.

Youth need to be mobilized in long term action projects. Something like Encode Justice for example, where they make civic engagement a part of their daily life, is far superior. It's also harder, but that comes with doing something actually impactful.

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They're totally out of touch, and expected a 9/11 like bloodlust. But 22 years is a long time, and the internet is able to disrupt the manufacturing of consent for genocide.

Hope you remember in 20 years you were posting genocide denial rhetoric in your free time and feel ashamed. Same points used un many other genocides.

Yeah, bombing people is notoriously good at deterring further political violence (/s obviously).

What do you call collective punishment again? A War Cream? No that's not right ...

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To be more precise it is anti-US-imperialism and hegemony, which itself is a fine sentiment but when you're willing to let any right wing dictator lead that fight you've really lost any credibility as a leftist.

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If someone steals your land, you tend not to want to split it in half. As you Link shows, sentiments are shifting more recently.

Accurately they beleived that a 2 state solution is not possible. Look at the islands created in the west bank by illegal israeli settlments. Going back to 1967 boarders would mean relocating the most radical and conservative israelis.

Frankly a 1 state solution is necessary, one which gives israelis and palestinians equal rights and say in governance. It's everyone's 2nd or 3rd choice, but it's that or genocide of palestinians unfortunately.

Nuclear (+ renewables) powering walkable cities ftw.

Not even just for the climate, we'd probably cut asthma and a dozen cancer rates with the clean air.

You can maybe have a Gaza state, but Israel has destroyed any hope of a united west bank that could be meaningfully called a state. Unless they also returned all stolen land, but those illegal settlers are the most extreme.

Yeah folks in crutical care at a hospital really have an option to act on the "leave your land and be a refugee elsewhere" message.

Ethnic cleansing or genocide, so kind to give a choice.

Its wild how right wing entiries have eachothers back in a way the left rarely does. Even when they fight eachother, it's a tide raising all boats (and drowning innocents).

Reminds me of jim crow and the "back to africa" position advocated for as the more kind way to treat fornerly enslaved folks. "We're treating you so poorly, wouldnt you rather leave?" Big morality brain

They also deleted all chat history from prior to this year.

It's all subcontracted out now to limit liability, and the workers are understaffed

Instead of "people are too lazy", can we acknowledge how unnecessarily difficult it is to vote?

You dismiss gerrymandering, but we can't exactly vote in a district we're not a part of, or rely on convincing the biggest supporters to flip their politics.

Meanwhile, mostly targeting minorities, voting is made overly complex with people waiting for hours after work to be told they need a document or didn't register correctly.

No wonder only retirees in affluent areas vote, they're the only ones not jumping through hoops to do it. We need voting to be handled federally, with universal registration and mail in voting. Election day should be a holiday, and the polls should be open for a week.

THEN we can complain about people being too lazy.

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Many folks could reduce meat consumption now as well to mitigate the damages.

Americans have developed a norm of every meal needing meat, when for much of history it was a few times per week.

Cool genocide justification bro. About half of respondents to some poll supported the biggest political force in Palestine.

What if america was being bombed because there are so many republican voters, and that party harbors dispicable terrorists who do mass shootings.

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