Israel orders Gazans to flee, bombs where it sends them

sousmerde{retardatR} to Not The – 441 points –
Israel orders Gazans to flee, bombs where it sends them | Reuters Video

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Yeah, bombing people is notoriously good at deterring further political violence (/s obviously).

What do you call collective punishment again? A War Cream? No that's not right ...

It's called war between nations, asymmetrical war but war nonetheless. They're not starving out Gaza and demanding civilians bring them hamas, they're going in there themselves.

If Gaza surrenders then terms like war crimes for collective punishment start making sense. Right now they have their own government which happens to be comprised of belligerent terrorists. Israel isn't leaving until that's no longer the case.

In my book bombing civilians is still called a war crime regardless of the supposed enemy you're pretending to target. The excuse of collateral damage doesn't even make sense, they shot artillery at the exact place they knew there would be civilians because they sent them there.

Also: Israel barely considers Palestine a country in the first place. How is this a "war between nations" and "actually not a warcrime at all" when one of the sides doing the warcrimes doesn't even think their opponent has any sovereignty?

You're accusing them of intentionally targeting civilians, and I've yet to see any evidence of that. It's more accurate to say that Israel doesn't care much about collateral damage.

The excuse of collateral damage doesn’t even make sense, they shot artillery at the exact place they knew there would be civilians because they sent them there.

If Hamas was there too, it makes sense and it is in fact collateral damage. Israel will attack potential targets even if there's the slightest connection to Hamas. Evidently they built ai for this purpose, which gives them targets faster than they can bomb them.

Israel barely considers Palestine a country in the first place. How is this a “war between nations”

A nation is different than a country or a state. It just means a group of people with shared purpose. Israel disputes that Palestine is a state, not that it is a nation.

And they did have some limited sovereignty, they used it to attack Israeli civilians.

Oh, look... the Fascist Apologetics Association has decided to show up.

Forgive me for disagreeing.

You seem to get riled up when anyone doesn't want to pick up a pitchfork and join your angry Hamas apologist mob.

Oh, look... the Fascist Apologetics Association is trying to blame Hamas for the actions of a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist state again.

What's the matter? Have you run out of "human shields" to use as propaganda props?

I addressed elsewhere why calling Israel white supremacist and genocidal are not appropriate, but you're just going to repeat the same shit over and over again because you think it's shocking. I'm blocking you now because you're clearly not here in good faith, you're here to yell and scream and insult those who disagree. I hope you learn to be better one day

I addressed elsewhere

No, you didn't. Israel is a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist state, and it's only white supremacists that pretend otherwise.

Has Ben Shapiro come back yo you about that copium you wanted?

Right now they have their own government which happens to be comprised of belligerent terrorists.

Hard to be belligerent when you're under a blockade/military occupation (which is BTW an act of war).

Yeah, it almost sounds like they've lost and they refused to concede, doesn't it? That's why they've resorted to Guerrilla warfare hiding among civilians.

They've been at war since 1948 and Palestine has yet to surrender, preferring instead intafada. We are seeing the consequences of that today.