4 Post – 449 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ah yes, famously nothing of note happened before then.

There absolutely no way this isn't an ad for upvote buying services lol this is so insane and transparent and the worst part is it'll work

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Android: revanced manager

Pc: firefox+ublock+dearrow+sponsorblock

AndroidTv: smartTubeNext

I haven't seen an ad in years

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This isn't a "we'll sue you" clause, it's a "we'll never do business with you again" clause

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How so? A Samsung or pixel with default settings would also behave that way, possibly even more securely because it wouldn't show the thieves your number.

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The fucking irony in being forced to remove that quote holy shit

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As a french person this is great because I had (and really still have) no idea that my data was being shared with one of these intermediaries. I am also unable to decide to stop interacting with them, as I don't know which one my insurance provider uses, and I am unable to choose the insurance provider my work uses. Fun times. Good news is that the data leaked is bad, but stuff like "your social security number" is not as important in France as it is in the US. Still important, but it's not an all-in-one identifier for everything, we have id cards for that :)

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What a shitty article. The entire point is "well, they're not wrong that Google is evil and clearly wants to kill adblockers, but they're MAYBE factually incorrect on some aspects", reported by the extension developers themselves (who may or may not be more knowledgeable about this than the author).

Yes, it might be the case that extensions manage to work through the limitations and still limp along. In fact, this is probably what's going to happen. The point still stands that MV3 will severely gimp adblockers and Google knows what it's doing, the factual aspects of which (that the author doesn't actually know about, by the way) are largely irrelevant.

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It can't be that bad if future me doesn't come back in time to stop me

The most impressive is a windows machine with 13 days of uptime

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Isekai is "normal fantasy setting" but you must explain everything to the MC, which is useful because you had to find a way to explain that shit to the audience anyway.

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"it's okay to be white" was crafted by 4chan as a "triggering the libs" phrase. The entire point is to be fully racist and rally under the phrase so that the people calling you racist for genuine reasons appear to be saying that it is not in fact ok to be white. Anyone saying this phrase is a white supremacist trying to trip you into "agreeing" with them that a white genocide exists and is happening, and to convince bystanders (youtube teens at the beginning of the alt-right pipeline) that the left is against white people, ergo if you're white you should become a Nazi.

I know this because it happened to me. "It's ok to be white" is prime ben shapiro owns feminists with facts and logic video material.

To be entirely fair, I think its insane that the US would charge income tax on citizens who live abroad in the first place.

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No it couldn't. The breakthrough is on galactic algorithms, who sacrifice speed on small amounts on numbers to gain speed on extremely large (doesn't fit in the solar system anymore) amounts of numbers.

On top of that, the algorithm assumes infinite precision, and it actually really breaks down if you don't have infinite precision, and our computers don't have it.

A hexbear in that thread is literally claiming that "the soldiers did everything they could to avoid hurting him" when there's a photo of him lying dead on the street after the tanks have gone through. They don't think it's fine, they're saying it didn't happen (curious)

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This isn't even close to being a deep dive

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Yes. A woman died of allergic reactions when eating at a disney-owned restaurant after telling the waitstaff repeatedly about her allergies.

Her husband then sued the restaurant, because that's already fucking insane.

Disney then argued that actually, the court didn't have jurisdiction because the husband had agreed to arbitration when he signed up to Disney+'s free trial 2 years prior.

His lawyers seem to actually be worth their money and are fighting this.

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They weren't even fined, they just had to pay what they owed. But if an employee stole $100 from a register they'd go to jail and be unemployable for life.

Kde connect is great.

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Reminder that kanye is banned from yugioh events from even before his downfall.

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More of a hip tracker. while the main use of fulbody tracking (increasing immersion in general) is SFW, there is definitely a cybersex scene where it comes in handy.

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Pretty much all programming languages in use today have been invented decades after the keyboard.

The keyboard was originally invented for typewriters, but since they don't interact with anything and are self-contained systems, typewriters don't need their keys standardized. However, the keyboard converged as HP, Brother et al. brought the typewriter forward, especially near the end when typewriters were keyboards connected to printers.

Early computers weren't programmed with keyboards at all and used punch cards to be programmed. As you move forwards with the invention of the computer as we know it today, you find out that the modern keyboard was invented to be able to type most characters in use at the time (a classic example is that the @ sign was used by tellers on tills, to mark stuff like 2 units @ $5 per), and actual standards body such as iso and ANSI simply implemented that.

Early personal computers were not powerful enough to compile programs quickly(and compilers were very expensive), so for a while all programming was done either in assembly, which requires very few special characters, or in higher lever languages by people who could pay to get their programs compiled. These higher lever languages, such as B (precursor to C), were often written right on paper by hand, or by typewriter. After this point, home compilers became more and more accessible (the internet basically guaranteed you could get a compiler if needed), and this was the last point in history you could design a language with characters not present on a standard keyboard (you could still have a nonstandard typewriter, or write them by hand for example). After this and the explosion of home computing, people designed their own languages that they were able to use themselves, using their own keyboards.

Worth noting that there exist languages today that you cannot type, pretty much at all. They are however largely considered esolangs (esoteric languages) and most of their use is relegated to the practice of code-golf, in which a programmer tries to accomplish a task using the fewest bytes. Since the characters on a keyboard make up a fraction of all characters available in Unicode or even just ASCII, these languages try to increase the number of things you can do with a single characters by disregarding the fact you can't type most of them, lowering the amount of bytes one needs to do a task.

An example of this is O5AB1E (pronounced "osable"), which has over 250 single-character commands, such as Δ which "repeats code until 'a' doesn't change".

An example (that you can't type) is: yā<ã.Δ¹sŸèOQ

This program gets an input n and a string of numbers, then outputs the first run in the string that sums to n. The program is explained here

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Worth noting that he was previously minister of education while having never set foot in a public school, and that he obviously comes from a very wealthy family. But the oppression is gay, I guess.

A nice fun fact: if you consider how fast electricity travels in silicium, it turns out that for a clock that pulses in the tens of billions of times per second (which is what gigahertz are), it is physically impossible for each pulse to get all the way across a 2cm die before the next pulse starts. This is exacerbated by the fact that a processor has many meandering paths throughout and is not a straight line.

So at any given moment, there are several clock cycles traveling throughout a modern processor at the same time, and the designers have to just "come up" with a solution that makes that work, nevermind the fact that almost all the digital logic design tools are not built to account for this, so instead they end up having to use analog (as in audio chips, not as in pen-and-paper design) design tools.

Louis rossmann has been pirating board schematics since before he did board repair in a basement, since apple likes to make them so inaccessible. On some of his streams you can even see the watermark of the site he pirated them from on it xD

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Because DirectX apps typically do not only call into DirectX but also the win32 API, since DirectX has historically been a windows-only API. Merging this into mesa would only bloat mesa while not really offering support for many applications at all.

This is a great project in general, but it's quite overshadowed by DXVK which does the same except it translates DX calls to vulkan ones and has excellent success rates in proton and derivatives. I guess this is mildly useful for systems that don't support vulkan but want to run DX apps in raw wine or simply for people who wish not to use DXVK - competition is good for the ecosystem.

Still waiting on the government stating what terrorism they were actually planning on doing.

What so like the guy was casually sabotaging while carrying a copy of Das kapital? This doesn't make any sense

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Using any chromium fork is supporting chromium as the default browser, and choosing gecko-based browsers means you throw your hat in the ring to show websites that not just chromium browsers visit them. Using a chromium fork also means you accept that google will dictate standards less harmful than web integrity. While it's not the end of the world, the last time this happened IE9 happened. Using Firefox means google can't simply decide to implement any spec they want and that spec becomes true because all user agents have it (exactly what is at risk of happening here. Vivaldi may make nice blog posts but if this ends up happening they'll be happy to implement it else risk losing their entire user base)

The would have been an argument to be made about performance but nowadays blink and gecko are pretty much at the same performance level.

Op about to start cocaine after getting almost 2k upvotes

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The dad wasn't actually wishing a happy birthday. The dad was using his daughter's birthday as an occasion to be transphobic.

Not litteral torrenting but the protocols ar e very similar (since they are both P2P data sharing):

Windows updates can downloaded from other computers in your local network

Steam now tries downloading games from other computers you are logged in. You can opt-in thlo serve other accounts in your local network as well.

If powershell wasn't a Microsoft product I think it could easily outclass any shell currently available. The concept of command output typing is hand down one of the best features of any shell I've tried.

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Matrix is considerably more like discord than both Whatsapp or signal.

You can get a WhatsApp/signal experience out of it but overall it is very similar to discord

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Sure; maybe it's also a mental health problem, but it's definitely 100% a gun problem.

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Unfathomably based

I was considering voting for the pirate party, but they polled at less than 5% in France and it was not a useful vote, which was evidently needed.

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I have switched many times over the years and nothing has ever come close to google search. However, due to the recent massive decline in google search quality I am trying out kagi, with actually great success. I am still debating if I should pay for access once my trial ends, but more for budget reasons than for quality reasons. If it were free, I would not hesitate to switch.

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...why not? Pop isn't exactly a reaction like metal, punk or hyperpop, it's just... The default genre of music she could have made?

What unhealthy part of any upbringing would compel someone to make pop?

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