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Joined 1 years ago

So it looks like protonmail is actually legit then

Further TL;DR

In preparation for an IPO:

Reddit: you must now only use our app to prop up our add revenue. No third party apps (unless you pay us handsomely)

Everyone: no thanks, just make our own alternative

Snap is a sandboxed environment to install applications in.

Flatpak is a more portable implementation of the same broad idea, it downloads a chroot and runs applications from within using a separate program called bubblewrap (one could, in theory, use chroot to run apps from within the downloaded flatpak images, bubblewrap offers further isolation through things like namespaces and cgroups etc. )

Snap, unlike flatpak, is a Canonical specific implementation that has a reputation for breaking a lot of things.

PL can have a large impact on features, bugs, bug reports, troubleshooting, performance and documentation. Particularly when dev resources are limited.

It’s hard to see how this opinion holds any water.

Rust is a great choice for a shell built as an interactive shell that doesn’t have to be core to the OS. Over C++ this also makes development more accessible to young programmers.

So Ubuntu, Ubuntu and unstable arch… here let me have a go:

  1. Fedora
  2. Tumbleweed
  3. Endeavour OS
  • easy install arch with extra repos, zfs and and dracut
  1. Bonus for the curious
  • void
  • Redcore Gentoo

I have no clue how dangerous running Firefox as root is, but it begs the question…why would you do that?

Create a user account for managing things and create a separate user for each service and/or containers.

For managing things use tmux with ssh, if you want to manage files etc. just use ranger/lf/mc. One can also mount the file system with sshfs.

These comments often indicate a lack of understanding about ai.

Ml algorithms have been in use for nearly 50 years. They certainly become much more common since about 2012, particularly with the development of CUDA, It’s not just some new trend or buzz word.

Rather, what we starting to see are the fruits of our labour. There are so many really hard problems that just cannot be solved with deductive reasoning.

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It’s much the same where I come from.

The high quality institutions have Linux in their labs (either a separate lab or dual boot) and a server with say access for training ML models etc.

The dodgy ones have only Windows with no software and require students to buy a second laptop and install Linux. If they don’t the students fail. Those tests were done in handwriting but they are still an accredited university :(

The mistral-7b is a good compromise of speed and intelligence. Grab it in a GPTQ 4bit.

Translation is very different from generation.

As a matter of fact, even AI generation has different grades of quality.

SEO garbage is certainly not the same as an article with AI generated components and very different from a translated article.

Framework and ThinkPad have both been a really positive experience.

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Am I mistaken in believing it is an already a browser option?

Off the top of my head Qutebrowser and Falkon both support not-saving 3rd party cookies.

The manual is OK, much of it’s out dated and often outright wrong. It is still a great document.

Edits to the wiki are often knocked back if they weren’t made by the inner circle, discussions on the back page are often closed and frankly the TUs are mostly wankers. The forum policy on necro-bumping leaves half answers everywhere but the notion of “put it in the wiki” is undermined by the toxic community among inner party members.

Arch is a great middle ground between Fedora and Gentoo, but I had to walk away because the community was so toxic and childish.

I’m using void and Gentoo now and I’m pretty happy, anything that doesn’t run works in a container anyway.

TL;DR: community behaviour is much more important to me than technical use.

I enjoyed arch for how straight forward the install was.

Gentoo however, every time I do that from scratch it’s with X, Westland is NetworkManager that give up (my recommendation is oddlamma installer)

It’s worth noting that OP simply used the article title.

The article title is a little biased, individuals must take greater personal responsibility.

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Foss I suspect.

I avoid obsidian for the same reason, instead I use org mode and MediaWiki (see also dokuwiki)

Bind tun0 in the settings but what I do is run BitTorrent in a docker container with WireGuard so the vpn doesn’t effect my day to day browsing

This is perfectly fixable, but take the win and leave well enough alone imo.

If you’re on ext4, you could also simply refind.

users knowingly opted into a feature that had a clear privacy risk.

Strong passwords often aren't at issue, password re-use is. If un-{salted, hashed} passwords were compromised in a previous breach, then it doesn’t matter how strong those passwords are.

Every user who was compromised:

  1. Put their DNA profile online
  2. Opted to share their information in some way

A further subset of users failed to use a unique and strong password.

A 2FA token (think Matrix) might have helped here, other than that, individuals need to take a greater responsibility for personal privacy. This isn’t an essential service like water, banking, electricity etc. This is a place to upload your DNA profile…

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Many are close!

In terms of usability though, they are better.

For example, ask GPT4 for an example of cross site scripting in flask and you'll have an ethics discussion. Grab an uncensored model off HuggingFace you're off to the races

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It’s great but still really unstable. I’ll be sticking with Sway / DWM for a bit longer.

However, it looks promising.

I just use and old laptop

Yes it’s easy, install WireGuard in a container, port forward to it and copy the profile to your other devices.

When you connect to the WireGuard network on the second device, you’ll have access to your internal network and hence your nas.

I also use a reverse proxy so I can remember computer names rather than ip.

I absolutely love void. Second to that I would say endeavour, it’s just arch with zfs, a wm and an installer.

If you’re interested in learning more try , I use oddlama’s installer. With binary packages, distrobox and flatpak, the small amount of compile time is a much smaller issue.

Alternatively, if you’re thinking about Fedora maybe play with Silverblue, it forces you to learn a bit of containerisation which is handy

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Just use flatpak and podman, in a punch you can proot into a different system / zfs data set / btrfs sublime

Although, Mull is only 60hz. If you do a lot of reading on your phone this can be frustrating.

I often install both.

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Yeah there’s a bit of scope to review what op is doing here.

Why is there even a DE on a server if it’s headless. If it’s not headless why not write up some Dockerfiles and manage it from a non-root account?

Are the services running as root?

Also, is it being accessed via wireguard/ovpn? It would be unwise to run a server as root with an open port.

Once you get comfortable arch is a good choice too.

It’s not that complex and it’s a good way to learn.

Then of course is Gentoo which is a bit more complex.

It’s pretty easy, just Install snapper and cron. Endeavour also supports zfs out of the box which can be better for certain use cases.

Edit: typo

Similarly OpenSuse Aeon. A Benefit of Suse is the greater portability of the tooling.

Cachy is a great live usb because it has zfs.

I agree with revealJS, I recommend trying it with org-mode in eMacs with the plugin (plus you also get banner for free)

Alternatively, it also works with Jupyter.

This is what I use for every presentation I need to give.

I couldn’t agree more with this, projects like artix are undermined by all the hard dependencies on systemd and Bash.

Void attracted me because of the support for posix, runit and musl (plus good zfs support). It’s unfortunate that Arch doesn’t have that greater portability.

Just use anything and set up a good workflow with snapshots.

Have a “current” snapshot, rollback to it before using and then re-snapshot over it.

Now your system is immutable in practice but you can still edit /etc to debug.

The Deb and ppa will have the same content, the ppa is just automatic, assuming the owner maintains it.

Avoid Flatpaks for some things, eg eMacs, vscode etc

Look into distrobox

No, they said bs is published about ai.

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Of course poor regulation can be bad, it was a silly question that was loaded. Look at, for example the 2002 tort reforms and the damage that did to public safety.

Imagine how much damage could be done to individual privacy and freedom by an ill informed legislature if they elect to regulate gradient descent.

Oh no, I was just pointing it out for others. I think using the title post is perfectly reasonable.

Thank you for posting, I found it interesting.

I’ve had this before, try a different kernel, like an LTS, if that fixes it, there’s likely a kernel parameter somewhere to fiddle with.