
1 Post – 451 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I will say once more. Do not preorder video games. It could be shit, it could be buggy, but what it won't do is run out of copies. Wait until the reviews are out, or even a bit after it launches if you can. If you're anything like me you have hundreds of games you haven't played yet so what's an hour or a day in the grand scheme of things.

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$310,000,000,000,000,000. Quadrillion is a lot.

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They're an ally mostly because Christian Fundamentalists need it to exist to justify their coming end times prophecies.

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Or they check for MM/DD/YYYY but prompt for DD/MM/YYYY.

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How many French nuclear plants have melted down?

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If the guy on stage was any kind of self-aware that would be really demoralizing to hear somebody yell bingo in the middle of your pitch.

Or use a different engine.

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I wish this was real. Just noticed the AI artifacting extending the grill of the truck on the right through his arm.

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What if I need to heil a taxi?

It's actually theft by conversion.

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It always surprises me when nobody is interested in learning how things around them work. I have a dozen hobbies that I don't have time for.

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And then you've got absolute mad men like Concerned Ape making stardew valley 10 times better with free updates for years and years. Showing these money hungry companies how it's done.

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I hate that a shitty picture taken as part of legal proceedings is copyrightable. Just like research paid for by the government should be free and unencumbered, so should things produced by the government itself.

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It's not a tip then. A tip is a reward for services rendered. A tip paid before services are rendered is not a tip. It is part of the bill.

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Then park IN the handicap spot. Not blocking the handicap spot's ramp access.

When leftists say eat the rich they don't mean it in a nice way.

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They covertly recorded conversations they had with employees of charities and corporations they were opposed to. Oftentimes the person recording would ingratiate themselves at a bar or date and any jokes, deprecating humor, or mistakes would be taken at face value. Somebody making shit up on a date would then be used as evidence against their enemy. Certainly there may have been small nuggets of truth buried under the shit, but they were massive scumbags.

No other Jewish book has ever mentioned slavery, right?

::: spoiler spoiler Exodus. :::

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Who the fuck gave the cops the authority to shut people's utilities off? I can maybe understand if they meant to say the cops supervised the utility worker.

If their Coast Guard is any indication I fully expect them to be a nuisance to everyone in the area.

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Isn't it more work done over a day? One horse is able to maintain the work done by a one horsepower machine because the machine can work all day without tiring?

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inb4 a bunch of comments asking why they didn't post one of the suits or why she's standing alone in the bushes.

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Sounds like it's doing a good job at finding mines.

That the Open Hand charity screwed up bad. Jirard's character was a guy that took donations to complete charitable works. The real life charity took all the donations and held them for 10 years while telling everybody that their money was going directly to charities for research. They listed multiple charities that they work with that they had never worked with. These are indisputable facts and at the very least should be enough to justify this removal.

To add to that, it seems like they were at least procrastinating in their donations. They claimed that it was to find a charity that would use all the money donated exclusively for research but the charity they finally donated to allows that for any amount if you ask. The donation was made a month after being called out for not donating for 10 years.

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Technically insurance only works if everybody pays in. Wouldn't work as a concept if every tom dick and harry could pay them $100 then a week later need $100,000. They'd basically be out of business right quick with nothing to provide for anyone. Maybe as some believe it should just be provided through taxes, but it's certainly not a scam.

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Amicus curiae (“friend-of-the-court”) briefs are briefs written by individuals or groups who are not directly involved in a legal case, but have expertise or insight to offer a court to assist in making its decision.

In case you were wondering.

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What's next? The "no blacks" option? I'm sure you can find studies to validate that fear too.

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Mid range? It's over $1100!

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A plant. Basically saying they're one step above vegetable.

Live by the sword. Die by the sword I guess.

Implying nobody enjoys making porn.

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That doggamn sky cowboy

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This is a commentary on rage baiting news headlines. Yes. It's as it always has been. That the world moves on despite the news saying the world is ending.

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Some women dig that. Not every woman believes the same things you do. There's even a thing called the quiver full movement where people like the duggars deliberately have as many children as possible to outnumber people like you.

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I was looking for someone to mention the connection itself. To add to that the connector is a lot more delicate since it's some 4024 pins vs 3 or 4.

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Honestly, why would we need a Stardew Valley 2? There's so many harvest moon games but are they really anything more than small iterations? Not to mention those have been garbage since the IP was basically stolen from the original developers.

Well, technically pregnancy is an STD. Very expensive one.

It's possible it's about the explosion at a 30 years decommissioned plant. That's the only "France" search result besides a French owned mine.

That's the biggest problem with religion and hypocrisy. You're all right being against everything that doesn't concern you personally but as soon as it does suddenly it's a problem.

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