
2 Post – 198 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Looks interesting. Why is this in humor though?

Maybe pcgaming?

Sinister as shit.

I like being a dude but why roll the same char twice?

This American Life had a good segment about a content moderator at Twitter


Like the main content moderator who quit.

Note it's 30+minutes and takes a little while to get to Twitter, but it includes reported interactions with Musk.

It talks about the election group of moderators.

they think the shipping company owns it's cargo?

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holy shit. I've been getting alerts about it, but that video is so much worse than I imagined.

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its not a totally international sign of distress to fly a flag upside down. half of all Japanese flags are flown upside down everyday.

I heard an interview the other day where an Iowan trump supporter claimed that Trump was respected by the rest of the world. lol.

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Subs still works in my mind. Subdirectories of all, or subscriptions… whichever way you want to think of it. I never really thought of subs as short for subreddits though, that was just convenient marketing based of those same terms.

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You do spend hours filling them out for nothing. Well for HR which is worse than nothing.

accurate timekeeping? that's all I can think of for trading at least.

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that's an interesting idea. would they have to compile individual versions for the testers? will it work after final release and people stop having NDAs and can compare several copies with each other?

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it's kind of amazing that campaigns do anything anyway, this election more than ever. what could an ad or a rally convince anyone of at this point?

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or dealing with coke.

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Mike Pence is a national hero. he knew about these and said he wouldn't accept them even if delivered. he stood strong when thousands outside wanted to lynch him. As much as I don't agree with him, he is a true patriot. I don't think he gets enough credit. without his backbone we would be in an even crazier place.

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shaking is not the same as spinning.

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There are a few people that are just getting into Unix style operating systems and we all remember and relate. Even if it was 30 years ago.

Are your talking about the ibm version? I liked it and it was great for work because it could really multitask. I had a pretty good system though so no really long boots. my issue was that it couldn't handle any gaming, so back to dos for me as well. crazy that it's been all these years with windows, some good some bad, and now windows is shooting itself in the foot just as Linux is becoming a system that can finally handle anything.

UTC is superior. Everywhere sets their local schedule by what they need to like if the sun actually matters to them, and it gets rid of confusion. The real issue is that people have some idea that work should start at 8am or whatever in all areas. Or that 5 o’clock should be happy hour. That’s not helpful in any meaningful way.

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I have it in a bag downstairs. the craziest part was a Stormy Daniels dvd. way to be both political and dirty. its also funny because he worked with trump.

lol at comment+username.

Tell me more about the ball bearing industry please!

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wasn't this discredited last night? x removed the check when uaw changed it's icon by default until they confirm they change per standard operating procedure.

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doesn't seem real deep

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will this close down one of the biggest ports on the East Coast? how will other ships get by?

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likely a hoax because they don't seem big enough to do the amount of anal probing they are accused of.

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This isn’t about 10gbps which is the point. It’s also not really about mobile. The packages they are offering are mostly cable connections (with a side of mobile).

I think that was always the point of the name. this would just be a new plan A.

well, yeah…., it doesn't sound great, but apparently, those parts were taken out before it was published. I think by her father?

If it was the horny version, it still should not be banned, but I was just curious.

You need more ram in your desktop.

Tbf the US has redefined the unemployment rate many times when convenient as well. There was a good planet money podcast about it years ago.

Usually takes like 30 seconds or less on my games.

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that's a funny way to say bots

How do palm gripper move the mouse down? They use their whole arm? I’ve been told I keep my sensitivity high, as I can cross my entire screen top to bottom and left to right without lifting my hand off the desk. Anything else seems much more tiring.

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it's just mud around a bollard I think.

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do you have a lot of blocked people?

tell that to all the people I see getting grenades dropped on around here. they don't seem to hear them.

I've mostly seen the opposite. older people having taken typing classes while people who started typing very yound never got instruction and even if they had their hands would have been too small at the time. they do get pretty good WPMs though.

my RO system uses plasic tubes and plastic housings.