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Joined 12 months ago

Can’t say I’m surprised that a file sharing site that advertises complete anonymity was being used to spread illegal and I’m guessing disgusting things.

I’m surprised that anyone thought it was a good idea though.

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25% of revenue, not profits. If it was profits then the fine would likely be $0 due to creative accounting.

At least in the app I’m using there is no cumulative score for your upvotes/downvotes, so people don’t care about it.

Also comments don’t seem to get hidden due to downvotes thankfully. That was always a stupid system.

Tbh I wish that the comment voting system didn’t exist, or that to downvote you had to write a legit reason why, and everyone could see the votes and reasons. Shit reasons would take away your ability to downvote temporarily, extending further the more you do it. Too many people just use it as a disagree button.

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Because over 50% of all games on steam are complete trash.

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Liiiiiitle bit of an outrage attempting title.

The API is being added, it’s optional for developers, and the person that is quoted in the article even says that it’s not really going to be used for that.

Also there’s never been anything stopping developers from making their games “always online” to begin with, so this changes nothing.

This is like saying steam requires always online simply because an api exists for online checking drm.

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Musk forgot to pay off the corrupt Indonesian officials I guess.

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Yep, and when netflix took off piracy took a dive because of how good it was. Then every studio decided they wanted their piece of the streaming pie so pulled all their content off netflix and released their own streaming service, so now we're basically back to having to pay $100 a month to get access to everything, just like we were with cable before netflix changed the game. Shockingly, piracy has shot up again.

These companies are so stupid and greedy.

The only games I'll pirate are ones that are no longer available to buy, because what else am I supposed to do?

For at least 60 years, there’s never been an election in the town. Instead, the mantle has been treated as a “hand me down”

Well this seems like the problem right here lol. Can't the federal government intervene and force the state to actually hold elections?

Also with that population split - 85% black people - how on earth does what has happened there make sense? How can a town that is overwhelmingly black be being controlled by a small handful of racist white people?

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I just logged in on my NSFW account and lo and behold it has been permanently banned haha. Literally zero comments on it. It wasn't banned when I deleted my main account after having made comments having a go at reddit and the admins and the current situation, so they're clearly a bit butthurt and retaliated by .....banning my account that never actually does anything other than lurk.....which you can still do while permanently suspended lol. Funny that the ban message says

Your accounts are now permanently suspended due to multiple, repeated violations of Reddit's content policy.

on an account that has never posted lol

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Stargate was 4:3, so there's that....

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I honestly can't believe what I'm seeing on Lemmy RE: Sync. Lemmy itself doesn't have ads, neither do the iOS apps that I've been using - Memmy (which is AMAZING) and Liftoff, yet here comes Sync injecting ads in and having absurd subscriptions or one time fees...........and I'm seeing comments about people "crying because I'm so happy" and "can't stop smiling" lol.

Seems the reddit app devs who made their millions off the back of reddits free content are now coming here and just going straight to reddit 2.0 money making mode lol. They're now charging people to use their app that is using a free API. These are the same devs that chose to close their reddit apps completely instead of offering a subscription model that would pay for the api access. Make it make sense.

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Remember how everyone kicked up a giant stink about apple adding "on device CSAM scanning when uploading photos to iCloud"?

They did that precisely because it would allow them to search for CSAM without giving up any privacy. As I said back when all that rage was happening, if apple don't get to implement it this way you can be damn sure that the government is going to force them to implement CSAM scanning in a much more privacy-destroying way, and well here we are.

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Doesn't matter who started it, all that matters is how the admins handle it. If all it takes is a new user asking for a community or instance to be blocked/de-federated and it just happens no questions asked, the admin in charge are to blame, not the person for asking.

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No, the people that didn't leave yet kept whining are the whiners.

Include my commute time in my 7 hours of work a day. I’m not driving out of my own love of it, I’m driving because you’re requiring me to be in the office so it should count as time on your clock, not mine.

Also pay for my parking at work, and my petrol to get there and back.

I'd do what Mark Cuban did with his Cost Plus Drug Company, which sells everything on it at cost + 15%, but for other essential products as well. I'd open up all types of stores that sell necessities - petrol, groceries, medication, plants, technology items, books, etc - at cost + whatever the lowest margin mark up I could get away with. The goal would be to drive prices down everywhere, not just at my stores. I'd also spend big on lobbying/campaigning for better legislation and regulation around essential goods and services.

Low cost public housing would be another area. Buying up land to build low cost housing estates with all the facilities and amenities needed.

Obviously it goes without saying I'd set up everyone of my family and close friends for life too.

Sounds like they added it after the review embargo ended but before the game releases to the public.

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When you've got a miniscule market share it's much easier to increase it than it is when you have a much larger market share.

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Twitter being rebranded to X is pretty big news in the world of tech.

Is it? It doesn't change anything.

Google discontinue a lot more than almost anyone else though. It’s a meme at this point how often they kill things off. Does a website like this exist for any other company?


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Good because it certainly needs an overhaul. I only use it on my nest hubs and it just seems to be getting worse and worse. Why after all this time can I still not say “turn off the kitchen lights and the office lights” and have it work? Seems to have gotten even worse since my devices updated to fuchsia too, along with general performance of the ui.

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Not sure why some people are blaming Microsoft for this, they’ve got nothing to do with it. Their amazing backwards compatibility allowed people to play RDR on their consoles for years at 4K already, but rockstar are the ones that chose to not release the port on Xbox.

What model + what country + did you get your phone subsidized by a carrier? Literally never had this happen on any of my multiple samsung phones.

They have had issues (think CSAM scandal)

People like you that think that was a "scandal" are half the problem though.

What they were doing with the on-device CSAM scanning as part of the upload to iCloud only was actually good for your privacy. It enabled them to comply with any current and future CSAM laws while protecting your privacy by doing the scanning on your device. It meant that they could then add E2E encryption to iCloud (and then iMessage as well) while still complying with CSAM laws. The alternative - and what everyone else does including google, microsoft, imgur, dropbox, etc - is doing the CSAM scanning in the cloud after you've uploaded it completely insecurely, requiring the data to be stored unencrypted and visible to those companies (and the government).

Doing it on device should have been applauded, but it was attacked by people that didn't understand how it's actually better for them. There was so much misinformation thrown around - that it would scan all of your photos and files as soon as they were created and then instantly report to the police if you took a photo of your infant in the bath, for example, or that it would be used by governments to identify people who have memes saved that they don't like, which is absurd because that's not how the CSAM databases work.

Apples proposed CSAM scanning was literally the best for privacy in the entire industry, and people created such an outrage over it that they basically went "oh well, we'll just do what everyone else is doing which is far more insecure and worse for privacy" and everyone congratulated themselves lol

You didn't, but lots did. They're still using reddit to this day.

Google are an ad company. That page exists to show you ads and click bait articles filled with ads.

I'd be dumbfounded about how something like this could be brought in, but then I remember that in my country our previous prime minister, when he was treasurer before that, brought a lump of coal in to parliament and said "This is coal. Don't be afraid. Don't be scared. It won't hurt you." to talk down any talk of climate change and how bad coal is for the environment. Another former prime minister ate a raw onion, skin and all.

These lifetime politicians really do live in a world of their own. They're a bunch of grown up children with no idea how to behave.

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You deleting your posts from your own instance doesn't magically delete them from every other instance.

Watch it be some rebranded existing FOSS product 😂

Oh I don't, don't you worry.

The admin are trash over on reddit. The CEO is trash. Lots of the mods in the big subs are trash too though.

Any of the mods that complained and protested but are still on the site are gutless and just don't want to lose their mod power.

If you’re torrenting without a VPN you’re doing it wrong. Also you should look at Usenet instead.

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Great post.

One of the big things all the crypto shills constantly said was that banks are bad and crypto was the saviour because of the decentralised nature. Then they realised that it was complete shit to use without some sort of centralisation, so they made exchanges……which are just banks with less regulations……..and then those exchanges went bust and everyone lost their money and started calling for more regulation 😂

There’s no real world need for blockchain tech.

What do you think about this latest release?

Like the last few releases, it’s mostly a nothing release since Google put all their effort into pixel exclusive features now. I absolutely detest the current UI and how locked down the whole thing is becoming.

Do you think things are going in the right direction

Definitely not. Google are trying to make the pixels into iPhones, and they’re basically ignoring AOSP.

Is there anything you’d like to see prioritized in future releases

Customisation, especially of the UI. Let us change the size of the quick settings tiles for example so we can make them smaller like they used to be to have more of them.

Which device are you on?

I use an iPhone as my daily phone but I have a S21 Ultra and a Pixel 6 Pro that I use too.

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Their obvious solution to this is make you consent to it or you can’t use YouTube.

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That’s why it’s not a good idea though, because complete anonymity is of course going to be a calling card for the worst of the worst illegal content.

Do you have an example of a device priced at $300 with competitive hardware to the base iPhone 14, without bloatware subsidizing the cost of the device? I’d accept that generally iPhones are ~$100-200 above the price of devices with competitive hardware, but a current gen iPhone having $300 hardware? The specs are very similar to other devices in similar price ranges

Not to mention that iPhones are literally best in the world in terms of the SOC. No other phone in the world matches them. Saying "their hardware is on average 1-2 generations behind other devices on the market" shows how wrong that person is.

No, open source code is no safer than closed source code by default. What it does is gives the opportunity for people to verify that it’s safe, but it doesn’t mean it is safe. Also just because some people have “verified” that it is safe doesn’t mean they didn’t just miss the vulnerabilities or nasty code.

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The quest is amazing. It’s cheap and completely standalone while also giving you the ability to use it with pc vr games.

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I'm happy to help if you do actually want to set anything up. Same goes for anyone else in here :)

I've got Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr/NZBGet/Jackett/Overseer/Bazarr/Heimdall/Headphones/Transmission all running in docker containers, with tailscale giving easy and secure remote access, and have configured them many times on many setups, and I know how daunting/frustrating it can be.

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I’ve been using it since day 1 and the difference is barely noticeable. Doesn’t seem to use noticeably less RAM, doesn’t seem to be any faster.

What is noticeable is the missing stuff. No avatars, background blur etc doesn’t work in videos, third party api support isn’t there so my stream deck doesn’t work with it.

I had high hopes for it but it’s a disappointment so far.