Indonesia blocks Musk’s under curbs on porn, gambling to World – 406 points –
Indonesia blocks Musk’s under curbs on porn, gambling

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Musk forgot to pay off the corrupt Indonesian officials I guess.

Fuck Musk but governments in general are probably happy he’s giving them an excuse to ban what was once a powerful platform for activism and organization. There’s a part of me that thinks he and the other rich ghouls are trying to get ahead of the game and prevent another Arab Spring or 2020 Black Lives Matter event when the real shit from climate change hits the fan. But that would require me to believe Elon isn’t a blithering fool, and that I can’t believe.

I'm sure he would have a very long-winded and condescending explanation as to why it's "for our own good" 🤢

While dressed, canonically, like Wario

Yeah - he actually shot down something that was not in favor of many many governments. Not Twitter per se, but the people that were in Twitter, using it for the good. Using it to organize and inform. It's almost like he had this mission from the start.

Naw, its really as simple as he got suckered into buying the thing, so now he's gotta try to get money out of it and really has no idea how to do so.

What you really see are the flailings of a desperate manchild who craves attention and really thinks he's smarter than everyone else.

This is what I genuinely hope is happening, it doesn’t make the end result any better but it would be beyond terrifying

Fuck Musk but governments in general are probably happy he’s giving them an excuse to ban what was once a powerful platform for activism and organization.

On the flip side, government officials are also now very unhappy that Twitter won't do their bidding like it did previously, censoring things like the Hunter Biden laptop and spreading the "Russian election collusion" conspiracy theory.

Yeah because the Hunters laptop was really pivotal in uncovering a huge crime....

Missed it by this much.

The point was that the government literally used social media sites to censor information that they didn't like. These sites (and news networks) were made to report that it was made up, misinformation, didn't exist, a far right conspiracy theory. Turns out it was very real.

Except none of that actually occured

Are there still people denying that twitter/facebook/etc weren't instructed to censor certain stories leading up to the last US election (hunter laptop), while leaving and even promoting actual misinformation (russia)?