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Joined 1 years ago

I do love how genuine you are when replying to this shitpost

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I was really curious about the thought process here, but now I understand slightly more lol

A covering of tires could well be calculated to break up the infrared signature of these aircraft, to confuse cruise missiles using image matching for targeting. This technique is also frequently referred to as DSMAC (Digital Scene Matching Area Correlator) or ATR (Automated Target Recognition) when used in cruise missiles. As we have previously discussed, using DSMAC/ATR would provide land attack versions of Ukraine’s homegrown Neptune missiles with a significant advantage, making them largely immune to electronic warfare jamming. At the same time, their approach to the target would not involve any telltale radio-frequency emissions, thanks to the passive nature of the targeting.

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Lmao “Stollen”. I think I’ve eaten some Stollen while in Germany.

Dude, how was this our guy for four years? How did he slip through two impeachments? He’s a walking conundrum, or I guess I spelled that wrong, too. He’s a walking covfefe

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I’m so glad trump isn’t skilled in anything, but it does suck that his poor handling of the pandemic meant that a lot of people earned Herman Cain awards needlessly

Holy shit dude they might as well have set the bond at $130k to coincide with his Stormy Daniels payment

Lmao you finally helped me understand a meme I saw the other day saying “installation” is a valid school of magic

Okay good point but now you’re not allowed to try my sourdough

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Germany representing

I’m just here to say FUCK lightning cables

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that was definitely by design

What is even this primary

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I hope this is fictive level 1. I want to be Michael Cera this time


fucks pez

Wait I messed up

How dare you come here with nuance

Beep borp. Nope :(

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Holy shit. A platform that allows for correcting titles?? I truly am loving the future

Same as it ever was

😤 well now I’m not gonna

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More than in 2005, sadly. And it’s all Comcast.

I make everyone angry by pronouncing it as gife

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Damn, every time I see this, I think about how we’re like 5 years from production man-hacks from existing. I feel like it’s too late to put the cat back in the bag, but I really liked FPV as a hobby. Now I’m worried that every commodity part to build a drone will be regulated in a decade. Seems like a long-shot given how ubiquitous ESCs, BLDCs, etc. are but maybe FC’s or otherwise could be restricted. Just a rambling thought. Glad these guys are okay!

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Much appreciated! Very interesting story

He probably says a lot of other dumb bullshit, too. I fail to see how this is even remotely considered news.

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Agreed. I wish the USA had this point of view, but instead we do view it as an oubliette to put people we dont like / are too poor

I could never say no to you, TacoButtPlug 🌮 I also have been growing this rosemary that goes great with it. Let me know when you’re heading over

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Honestly, I’m not even that mad. If only nytimes would let me read those specifics

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I’m deleting this comment, what I thought was just an observation seemed to upset instead.

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Lol purgatory might be in his future anyway

It turns out that our best rival was a paper Tiger, and that we were competing with ourselves the entire time. I guess the real weapon systems were the friends we made along the way. 

Thank-a you for-a enjoying da show 🪠

I mean…

How gorgeous! Where was this at?

And that MacBook must get unparalleled speed and airtime

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The only brown guy up there is Jesus, so it’s a strong argument

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Once I realized that I had to get in early on hot torrents or freeleeching/neutral-leeching in order to get ahead, I definitely had a few torrents that looked like this lol.

After writing it out, it seems silly 🙃

I keep following the refugees. I guess I really am a lemming

While dressed, canonically, like Wario