Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]

@Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
0 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Whats a beehaw?

In 2021 I would have said Crypto. Now everyone but the most dense people see it for the scam it is.

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Is it wrong to pirate movies


Calling out imperialist running dogs isn't toxic. Just like being aggressively anti-racist isn't toxic. If a person upholds capitalism, which is by nature exploitive and anti-egalitarian, they are toxic and deserving of rebuke.

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Is anyone really complaining

Yes. The op is bothered by the use of casual racism. Many people in this thread are saying that racism bothers them. Does racism not bother you?

Being open to other points of view is only good right?

No some points of view are not worth considering. Bigotry and racism, just like the viewpoint that its good to eat your own excrement, are view points of no value.

White knighting and telling others they are doing it wrong suppresses what should be a chill creative club.

Wanting to not be exposed to racism and racist slurs is not white knighting. Just because this specific racial slur doesn't target me doesn't mean I am unaffected by it. It is called empathy. Even if I was a sociopath I would be against all racism because I don't like to experience racism happening to me. I would be against the racist term "Ricer" because I don't want to normalize any racially slur because I may be the next target.

Racists and offensive language are suppressive and any community supporting those things is not chill.

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"nothing is good if I'm not hurting someone."

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You know if you miss reddit so much I am sure you could just go back there.

Reddit isn't worth remembering a 8 character password these days.

"conservatives" are just a subtype of liberal. The "Liberal" in "Liberal Media" simply means that it is private property run for profit of individuals and not State owned media run in the interests of the nation.

If you aren't working for yourself you are getting ripped off.

I think it was a joke and a really good one.

"I refuse to change my offensive language despite people telling me it is offensive. I think I am cool because I am using abusive language to make people feel uncomfortable. I am proud of being exclusionary and my self worth is tied to being offensive to others."

I did. When The site administration sided with racists nazis I was glad to leave. I got perma-banned for saying "Ork is a dehumanizing racial slur. Calling Russians 'Ork' is racist hate speech." Occasionally I open a recent link and I nearly always regret it.

they should also keep a list of users personal info and send it to the Party after the revolution so they can be sent to reeducation promptly.

The witcher is pretty bad.

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Yes please share opinions and thoughts, share articles etc. I am especialy interested in, share numbers you keep in wallet. Please give me, numbers from wallet, and tell me your name. Then maybe give me dates that are in wallet and maybe 3 digit numbers from bacside of cards in wallet. I am not bot, promis

How is the idea of paying $20 for 2 years so you can not pay for anything else confusing?

Could it be that the hard core Baldur's Gate fans are OG/serious Gamers and have learned to not pre-order? BG 1 & 2 were released way before gaming was mainstream. Most of the casual gamers probably only care about BG3 due to hype from other gamers who would also be "Never Pre-order" folk.

Cough fitgirls got it cough

::: spoiler Chicken genetics and probability.

I have blue gold rooster with 3 black silver and one Blue Silver hen. Only the blue hen should be capable of ever throwing splash chicks. (splash is white with black/grey mottling) This season I have set and hatched 22 of their eggs. (100% hatch on them so far is awesome but one died from its mom stomping it 😞) If the hens are all laying the same rate 1/4 should come from the Blue silver hen. (5.5) Yet 5 of the 22 chicks we have hatched are splash. The odds that 5 out of 5 chicks are all splash are kinda crazy. (.097%)

A Blue rooster over a Blue hen should result in 25% black 25% splash and 50% blue. The blue/black/splash coloring comes from genes that have 2 slots and 2 types. 2 copies of BL gives a black chicken 2 copies of bl+ give you a splash and one of each gene gives you a blue chicken. Each parent contributes 1 copy of one of their genes. So a black and a splash will give you blue chicks every time.

It is possible that I set more of the blue girls eggs but even doubling the number of her eggs (very unlikely) wouldn't make the odds reasonable.

The chance that it is some crazy mutation is also low because the mutation would have to be in the hen and be attached to both her BL and bl+ gene and it would have to over ride the male's color gene completely.

::: stuck between 2 highly unlikely realities.

This coment is my Idea I had it first give me yur updoots!!!

Democrats are liberals. Republicans are too. Both of them are reactionary.

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high def Tele synch. Its a cam rip

if it did work and made my family and friends proud then I could stop struggling.

Why can't they be proud that you are happy? Why do you need them to be proud of you? It sounds like they are projecting their desires/dreams on to you. You could be honest with them and tell them you aren't happy trying to make them proud the way they want. You want them to be proud of you for being you. Or you could ghost your family and friends who sound like they want you to be someone you don't want to be.

Fanfiction illegalized in USA!

Crypto as an extralegal means of moving money is totally useful.

How is another way for billionaires to avoid paying taxes not a scam?

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we just aren't that into you.

Dude what a game. I can't remember how many hours I spent playing that one. I used to play the first bit of one level over and over because you got air to surface misses right near the beginning and then when you aborted the mission you could sell them and make mad stacks.

No authorities means no god.

Alternative joke: Anarchists are the only ones who get a good afterlife the rest of us are stuck haunting.

Dangerous Dave.

Only if The Nation I live in is so ideologically in synch with my own beliefs that I'd be willing to volunteer. In other words I'm fine with people being forced to fight for what I believe.

This is what living in a city does to a mfer. Everyone knows its the trees swinging their branches makes the wind.

I'm not pro establishment

I just continue to legitimize the establishment in word and deed. i-voted

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Don't hate us because we post like gods gift to the internet.

You just cant match the raw power of our posting skills and that makes you feel weak and pathetic. As it should.

rhomboid pain

I had this from having my shoulders curled in while working as well as sleeping on my side. I was picking fruit which requires lots of reaching. Try to be aware of keeping your shoulders square and get a friend to jam their elbow in there and grind it out.

Dude! that sucks. Have you tried telling her that gold and realestate are the only sure bet? Start telling her lies about a guy you talked to on the internet who invested in actual physical gold and used the profits to buy his house outright.

So you are against prostitution in practice but not in theory?

I thought different languages had all the same words they just swapped the letters.

I gave up after the 2nd episode of the second season. It felt like the person running the show actually hated the books. It felt like sabotage.