1 Post – 940 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just yet ANOTHER consequence of Trump's first term...

I wonder if many will even fight? If I were from North Korea, I'd consider surrender to be a godsend. They would do terrible things to the family members, though... I guess that's the true cruelty of regimes like this. They punish the people you love.

Why not just add a calf somewhere?

That's actually him learning that one of the people he shot at survived. Just a reminder, this shithead crossed state lines to dump gas on the fire of a protest and riot caused by disgusting, racially motivated circumstances.

He wanted to kill some people that night, so he brought a big gun. His success resulted in a lot of free money from the folks that want everyone else struggling to survive without violating a ten commandment to go hungry.

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Yeah, the first time I learned about our current vice president, she was trying to allegedly give renters similar tax breaks in California.

I don't know what happened to that, but I was an immediate fan. Seeing as it never happened, smeh... Not sure what to think. But it's a very popular idea amongst those of us who can't afford to buy (most people in California.)

This is misinformation and I just really want everyone to be aware of it.

The Cybertruck is NOT a BOAT! It is, however, a "submersible vehicle". This means it can go underwater up to, but NOT exceeding, 4,000 meters.

This will, amazingly, bring you to the titanic within around 200 meters of the max. This said, please be careful when you get close to the maximum specified depth.

Keep on Truckin' Cybertruck owners! You are so very special, unique, and powerful. Go find your dreams!

If you pay for YouTube premium, you're a clown and you're only fueling the enshittification.

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Nobody talks about this! There is approximately 34 TONS of gold hidden within the wreck of the Titanic. If I could afford such a cool car as the Cybertruck, I'd drive it into the nearest harbor and set sail for the 2024 gold rush that is the Titanic's final resting place!

Just be aware it's not a boat. You need to drive it DOWN into the water to reach it's full potential.

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They won't do shit. Fuck the democrats.

But I'll vote for them over the literal fascists (Trump). Watch your fucking back in 2028, though.

If Kyle has money (he does, from dumbass rubes), he should help his family. Fuck this shitty little selfish murderer.

Don't participate. It's a literal trap. Fuck spez by using Lemmy, friends.

I love seeing this, but they hold all the cards... They will censor all of this.

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"The communist states are getting earthquakes. Look at California. You can't have more earthquakes than California. You want to figure out why?"

Californian here, the answer is "plate tectonics", and "fault lines".

Source: I graduated the third grade.

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Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, does not believe in cryptocurrencies, calling them a vehicle for scams and a Ponzi scheme.

To be fair, that's because Crypto is a vehicle for scams, and a Ponzi scheme.

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So he's a counterfeiter? I'm sorry, isn't that a federal crime?

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Fucking charge him with something. This is insane... If it's not treason, it sure as hell is undermining the billions of dollars in aid were sending Ukraine. We've sent 76 billion dollars so far.

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Lol their worst accusations are over tens of millions of dollars?

Trump's son, who was actually involved in the government despite being grossly unqualified, was enriched by 2 billion dollars from Saudi investors.

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Lol, the CEO fucked each and every one of these people over. Restructuring, my ass.

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I sure hope she couldn't. Mother Theresa was a fucking monster that literally kept her patients willfully in pain because she believed the pain kept them closer to her deity.

Giving her a pass for fucking a porn star and using campaign funds to pay her off would be even more insane than giving a racist rapist a pass.

If this is a situation you relate with, you might be an arrogant asshole.

I help people all the time with computer related issues, and they love that I do that. None of them give me the stink eye, and I never judge them or think they're idiots for not being specialized in general computing.

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Naw... It's okay. We're good.

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Fuck Blizzard. Haven't used them since the censorship bullshit they pulled over Hong Kong.

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I think all instances need to defederate. This is totally inexcusable. We shouldn't be attached and well connected to a CCP-controlled (influenced or directly) community. This is propaganda, pure and simple.

It's not a problem to have dissenting opinions to widely held beliefs, but it is a problem to have those injected constantly into our streams while all opposition is silently erased and curated to artifically support state-sponsored CCP propaganda.

Ah yes, because women's healthcare is considered contraversial by Republicans. The grand majority of Planned parenthood's services are focused on cancer screenings and STI treatment and prevention.

They almost exclusively treat those who can't afford mainstream healthcare. While some men use the services, women make up 87% of those who receive care.

The twisted people who target this organizion are evil.

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Corporate greed is destroying any illusions of a "middle class", that's for sure. It's just all us poor folks and a few rich assholes at this point.

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I wish this was talked about every single time the subject came up.

Responsible, technologically progressive companies have been developing excellent, safe, self-driving car technology for decades now.

Elon Musk is eviscerating the reputation of automated vehicles with his idiocy and arrogance. They don't all suck, but Tesla sure sucks.

You Linux supremecists are so edgy...

I use Linux sometimes, too... But like... This shit is getting so old.

We get it, you like Linux. Now let people talk about other platforms without constantly talking about your platform.

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Fuck them all. Fuck every fucking one of these people.

Serious question: How many children would you kill to save your child? The latest numbers I've found show at least 64 children died in this raid.

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It's a great time to ditch your Tesla stock, folks.

This is on par for Elon's entire career. He loves claiming success and taking credit for things he either didn't accomplish himself, or things he hasn't accomplished yet.

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Texas loves to use words like "freedom" and "liberty", and make them synonomus with their values. Then they pass legislation to force women to give birth, and they ban porn.

Like... "y'all" really are fucking stupid down there (at least the conservatives.)

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I hope the FBI gets to the bottom of the person, or people, responsible. That is super fucked up.

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Man, I'm just going to say it... I'm sick of all the Linux people saying it's the solution to all problems in computing. Can we not talk about anything else here on Lemmy? This article is about Windows.

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That's called money. Don't get me wrong, he's not nearly as wealthy as he's ever claimed to be, but idiots keep donating to him. It's... It's actually quite insane.

Yeah, but I do think a lot of clueless folks won't leave. Honestly, I wonder if reddit is undergoing a massive brain-drain right now. I rather hope so, because it would mean Lemmy is getting some high-grade folks.

This is pretty much why I'm here... It feels like the folks who left are going to be good company.

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Lol, I've been wondering how to describe them...

Like, I have a buddy who's a communist, and we agree on everything. I come on Lemmy and say I don't agree with the most extreme forms of socialism and communism, though, and I get straight up shit on and banned as if I said something incredibly offensive.

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It's not the kids, the parents in my extended family all prefer iPhone's because they can't figure android out. They passed this on to their kids.

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This guy is kind of a piece of shit. Wow.

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