The false promises of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving to – 415 points –
The false promises of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving

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This is on par for Elon's entire career. He loves claiming success and taking credit for things he either didn't accomplish himself, or things he hasn't accomplished yet.

Or ever will.

Like popularize electric vehicles, create a reusable rocket or put global internet around the earth? Never gonna happen right?

He didn't do any of those things. He hired people with functioning brains to do it while impeding them by constantly violating labor laws and creating organizational chaos.

Nah, more like the replicator, teleportation and faster than light vehicles.

Listing random non-related things isn't hard.

The only thing on that list I think his companies can really inarguably take credit for is the reusable rockets, the rest were already being done by other companies. He got ahead of the competition (mostly by ignoring regulations, labor laws, etc), but electric cars and satellite internet constellations were very far from novel concepts when he entered the space.