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Joined 11 months ago

It's legitimately cool that buying a new car and having any self-respect whatsoever are mutually exclusive now.

Fuck cars.

Yes, they are. Good cops are actively forced out of police departments. It's a very well documented phenomenon.

Mitch McConnell has personally done more harm to the people of the US than anyone since Reagan. He is one of the greatest monsters in modern American history, directly responsible for immeasurable human suffering and he does not deserve to live.

The next one needs to kill him, and I hope it happens on camera for all of us to watch, because it's the closest tbong to justice he will ever face.

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I stopped reading when you said the goal of tech companies is to solve real world problems. The only goal of tech companies is to create products that will make them a profit. To believe anything else is delusional. That's kind of why our society is crumbling and the planet is dying.

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Good. You keep electing fascists, you deserve to suffer for your choice.

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No one gives a fuck about DeSantis, including his base. The only relevant GOP candidate is Trump. It's absolutely impossible anyone else wins the primary unless drops out, gets disqualified, or dies.

This is the actual real answer. They say it openly all the time.

He was very much always like this. It's pretty well documented.

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It's not prejudice when literally all the evidence supports it. Maybe you'd be process that evidence more clearly without that pig cock cutting off your oxygen supply.

They aren't meant for people who enjoy flavor. They're meant for dudebros who are cripplingly insecure in their masculinity and feel a constant need to prove themselves, even though no one gives a shit. The same people who buy dude wipes and giant pickups.

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Sure, as soon as Florida stops justifying it with literally everything it does.

Tell us more about how you don't know the first fucking thing about what it's like to be poor.

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Good. If an industry won't compensate its workers properly, it should be burned to the ground, literally and metaphorically.

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Wisconsin's conservative extremists justices have taken a leading role in destroying our state's democracy and intentionally destroying and ending people's lives for years. This sack of shit should be overjoyed that she not only still hold her position, but also that she and her lackeys haven't been dragged out of their homes by a mob and put down like the rabid dogs they are.

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Someone should tell this guy about AWS.

Still an improvement over the current policy of "shut the fuck up, covid is over."

If this happened as described, it's an overt act of war and Mexico is within its rights to invade the US, if it had the capability.

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There are no words to describe the insanity of the right wing gun nuts.

"Reprehensible," "asinine," and "insulting" seem to fit pretty well.

Most of the "solutions" sold by companies are for artificial problems created by companies.

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I hope he doesn't get murdered right by the klan right away.

Oops, too late!

They aren't finding out anything. These bills are having the desired and intended effect.

If you're going for a whole month off, why August, the hottest, shittiest month of the year?

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Hey, you shouldn't make fun of congressmen with severe learning disabilities.

He didn't do any of those things. He hired people with functioning brains to do it while impeding them by constantly violating labor laws and creating organizational chaos.

Are we really pretending EA doesn't do this to every studio that shows a hint of profit decrease? It's been a major part of their business model for a decade or more.

How many brain sugeries did he perform? How many spaceflight trajectories did he calculate? How many high speed computer processors did he engineer?

Yeah, find out the hard way that it doesn't count as self-defense if you do it to someone in the ruling class.

If you can do it politely but with a firm rejection of what they believe, that’s one way to undermine their persecution narrative.

No, it genuinely isn't. I've known enough people who grew up in these cults. Under these modern "christians are so persecuted" narratives, simply communicating a disbelief in their religion is literally persecution. There is really nothing that will work, because, in their minds, undermining their narrative is persecution in and of itself, no matter how demonstrably good the thing you did is.

They determine good acts and ideas from bad ones not by value, merit, or impact, but by whether or not it agrees with their existing belief structure. Making them uncomfortable enough not to come back is the only thing you can do that will do anyone any good.

So you're in favor of banning alcohol and sugar, right?

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The law says cops don't kill people. People just die when they're around.

Maybe, but it's only ever going to get worse. All of Texas and most of the west as a whole are going to be unlivable soon.

The smart people are leaving now. Anyone who isn't is going to be fucked when it becomes a genuine refugee crisis.

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Violent racism isn't a product of Trump. Trump is a product of violent racism.

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Better idea: just make that shit illegal.

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Hey, that's not true! Nazi uniforms were very fashionable.

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’s not like he was cut out of the game, he just wasn’t interested in money or success the way Jobs was.

You really buy that? That's some bullshit someone says when they got fucked over and know they'll lose and come out worse if they try to get what's rightfully theirs.

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I’m all for using a proven model instead.

What "proven model" would that be? It sure as fuck isn't anything similar to this.

Being a succsessful businessman does not make one a good businessman. Half of the equation is ethics, because it fucking matters.

A successful businessman with bad ethics and an unsuccsessful one with good ethics are both bad businessmen.

The only good businessman is one who both succeeds and has good ethics.

You're not wrong, but it's not likely that a bunch of moneyless people from third-world countries are going to come over and genocide us.

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Empathy is not agreement or defense, it's understanding. Refusing to empathize is refusing to find a solution. Stop being part of the problem.