4 Post – 499 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's weird, I could have sworn he said that they nearly had all the issues sorted out and that it was coming next month.. Trying to remember when he said that.. 2021?

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I for one am 100% in favor of forever adding "who halved the value of Twitter" after every mention of Elmos name lol

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Serious question - why should anyone care about using AI to make 9/11 memes? Boobs I can see the potential argument against at least (deep fakes and whatnot), but bad taste jokes?

Are these image generation companies actually concerned they'll be sued because someone used their platform to make an image in bad taste? Even if such a thing we're possible, wouldn't the responsibility be on the person who made it? Or at worst the platform that distributed the images -As opposed to the one that privately made it?

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Was the point to make money? I figured it was just a publicity stunt/tourism draw

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Yeah I don't know about "par for the course"

What other generation had the threat of scientifically proven ecological collapse looming over them?

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Spoiler: he'll completely ignore this comment and just continue to go on saying that all criticisms of conservatives are baseless and unproductive

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Back in the day when they were actually focused on putting features into phones instead of stripping them out...

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There's absolutely nothing wrong with being short. Lying about your height and wearing ridiculously high lifts, while continuing to lie about it in the face of evidence however is a pretty powerful statement of character on his part. And not a flattering one

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I wish this were true, but frankly I don't buy it. In the last 50 years, thanks to automation and technology - productivity has nearly doubled, and yet people have to work more than ever to make ends meet or buy a home. Automation just means that the ultra rich can produce more with the same workforce. The global economy is built on the idea that GDP has to be constantly growing, and the more growth the better. Why let perfectly good workers sit idle when they could be making you more money?

Some industries get fully (or mostly) automated, sure and jobs dissapear from those industries, but new ones always pop up so that the folks at the top can continue profiting off the labor of those at the bottom. You think all the folks who used to have job titles like "Calculator" just retired at the age of 30 and enjoyed not having to work anymore? Nah, they were just forced to take new (often shittier, lower paying) jobs.

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Tbf, "learned a language" is a hard thing to pin down in any case.

I've been building enterprise software with python for almost a decade now. I still occasionally find stuff in the stdlibs that I didn't know about, or even sometimes some subtle feature of the language that I never had reason to explore until now.

If someone asks me if I "learned" python, id say hell yeah - but there's always still plenty to learn

That being said, no reasonable definition of learned includes what you could do in 2 days, even as an experienced dev lol

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Tbf - they do this because of a rule that is actually very important. Basically news media can't say that a person did a crime until they're convicted of that crime - otherwise it's libel (or slander, I can never remember which is which)

That's important because otherwise the media can basically just have unilateral control over the court of public opinion. People already rarely read past headlines, imagine if news headlines could just declare someone guilty with impunity.

It always seems silly in these cases - and in similar cases where the defendant has basically already admitted to doing it - but it's actually an important rule in my eyes

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And that's before you even point out that they were also making bank from the last gold rush

Good time to be in the GPU business

One thing to keep in mind is to think about what kind of person actually participates in polls, and how that type of person will tend to lean politically (hint, old retired people)

That being said, fascism has happened continuously all throughout history for a reason. people like it when they think it's on "their side". A lot of conservative voters genuinely think America would be a better place if the democratic party was forcibly eliminated, and so they're not only fine with what Trump is saying, they're enthusiastic about it.

Combine the human tendency for populism with decades of conditioning from outlets like Fox News that conservatives are the only "real Americans" and that the "radical left" is hell bent on destroying their lives, raping babies, and turning their sons into daughters, and you have a large population of voters who genuinely think that democracy is bad if it means "the other side" gets to win.

Many Fascist movements start out with enthusiastic support from at least a large chunk of their population (Hitler was elected), by the time people realize that fascism only ever actually benefits those at the top, it's too late

So, this may be part of the answer, but I've had similar experiences to you, except for one startup where just about everyone was like that. Place was basically a frat house - its office was right on the water (which was awesome) and they literally had a bunch of binoculars for oggling women paddleboarding and shit (which was not awesome)

It might be that most of us don't experience this behavior because it's condensed into companies that encourage this behavior? I'm no sociologist, but that seems to jive with what I know about echo chambers and whatnot

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Yup, it plays well with his audience - she's just a poor stay at home mom doing her best to take care of her kids, and the evil radical left is dragging her into their witch hunt, harming her kids

Yeah it's bullshit, but it's good bullshit

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That ship has already sailed - I was just with my conservative uncle this last weekend when he complained that the current pope is "woke"

To these people, their political ideology is their religion

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As with any legal punishment, it's always necessary to acknowledge that no matter how heinous the crime, some portion of people who are sentenced for that crime, will in fact be innocent.

I'd much much much rather not have a single innocent person be subjected to this, just so I can feel smug that some sick fuck "got what they deserved". Lock em up where they can't hurt anyone and call it a day. Cruel and usual punishments help absolutely no one in the end

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Do adults need to intervene to quell the infants?

I just want to point out that bigger stronger countries stepping in to "soothe the conflict" between two smaller countries has worked basically 0 times throughout all of history in the long run.

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It's literally a core facet of dumbledores character that he's always genial and calm, even in the face of total disaster. It's part of what made him an intimidating wizard.

Even besides that though, why wouldn't he ask calmly? One of two things are true

  1. Harry did put his name in the goblet and is lying about it, in which case going full on "DIDYOUPUTYOURNAMEINTHEGOBLETOFFIRE!?!?" is only likely to put Harry on the defensive and make him less likely to own up.

  2. Harry didnt put his name in the goblet and is being setup by voldy or his buddies. In which case Harry is a victim and should be handled as such. At this point Dumbledore had very good reasons to think this was the more likely of the two.

Dont get me wrong, if you wanna talk about JKRs shitty writing, I'll happily join you, but this is actually an example of good writing on her part, given that the character in question is supposed to be the smartest wizard alive, it makes perfect sense that he'd react rationally instead of lashing out emotionally

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And with that, I think my time using Airbnb is officially over. Don't get me wrong, this is far from the only reason, but hotels are already basically the same price (often cheaper) and come with so much less drama and privacy issues.

I've got two trips booked on Airbnb over the next year, I'll probably keep both, but I won't be booking any future trips

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In using Stable Diffusion for a DnD related project, I've found that it's actually weirdly hard to get it to generate people (of either sex) that aren't attractive - I wonder if it's a bias in the training materials, or a deliberate bias introduced into the models because most people want attractive people in their AI pics

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Yeah frankly I'm tired of this rhetoric that you have to either be 100% pro Isreal or 100% pro hamas. It's possible to condemn Hamas while also condemning the treatment of the Palestinian people at the hands of Israel

stop getting all your info about AI and it's current/upcoming capabilities from mainstream news media my dude lol

We're nowhere close to what you describe, and even we were, that wouldn't be the same thing as "open source", since you could only do it to code you have access to. You couldn't - for example, use it to get a copy of the Reddit/Facebook server-side source code

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The trouble is, if the have the content on YouTube, people will just watch that - even if RT asks them not to. People will always take the most comfortable path to a goal, if they only host on their site, then anyone who wants to watch their stuff has to go on their apps or their website.

Basically they're betting that they have a loyal enough fan base to follow them off YouTube, but recognizing that they won't do it if they don't have to. Whether or not their viewership stays is another question, but honestly it's not that out there. I feel like people have already forgotten that this is how the internet worked for most of its history. Some Gen Z folks are just gonna have to learn how to use more than one app to consume all their content

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Nobody wants to end up in jail, but that’s not a reason to become reddit.

Says the guy who is at 0 risk of going to jail for it lol.

By all means create your own instance with a rules-free piracy community, then when you start getting into legal trouble, you can bit the bullet and go to jail lol

One thing I'd be interested in is getting a self assessment from each person regarding how good they believe themselves to have been at picking out the fakes.

I already see online comments constantly claiming that they can "totally tell" when an image is AI or a comment was chatGPT, but I suspect that confirmation bias plays a big part than most people suspect in how much they trust a source (the classic "if I agree with it, it's true, if I don't, then it's a bot/shill/idiot")

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Yeah honestly it seems like a targeted media blitz more than anything. If you read the actual article, most of his vetos are done for very good reasons - but they're all being posted with reductive headlines

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I'm going to disagree slightly with the majority of the comments here and say that excersize is still very important for weight loss.

First off though, because I'm sure some folks are already getting their pitchforks out, all weight loss is CICO, and you can absolutely hit any goal weight just by diet alone without ever getting off your couch. Additionally, what works for weight loss (in terms of actual techniques to achieve a net Calorie deficiency) varies from person to person, what I say below may totally not be the case for you, and that's fine.

All that being said, I think you're going to have a much easier time of it if you also workout in some way.

For one thing, more excersize means more calories out. You can easily (well, your definition of "easy" may vary lol) burn 500 calories during a single workout. If you're making smart eating choices, 500 calories is a lot of food. You would be hard pressed to be physically able to eat 500 calories of an air fried vegetable medely for example. This means that you can lose weight while not feeling starved. And even for less healthy choices, it's still a fair bit of food. You can eat 2 slices of pizza for that one workout and still break even from a calories standpoint.

Basically, excersize = free food - most people fail their diets because they're tired of being hungry all the time and tired of not being able to enjoy the foods they love. Adding excersize into the mix means you can eat more, and still enjoy sensible servings of your favorite "treat" foods while still losing weight.

Secondly, for me at least, working out gives you motivation in the kitchen later. It's a lot harder to cave and order that pizza instead of making the salmon and veggies you had planned for dinner when you know that doing so means "wasting" all that sweat and effort you put in at the gym earlier that day. Remember how earlier I pointed out that a single excersize = 2 slices of pizza? Well that also works the other way around - when you go to reach for a slice of pizza, you wind up asking yourself "is this one slice of pizza worth half a workout?" for me at least, the answer is often no, and even when it's yes (every diet needs room for your favorite junk foods in moderation), I keep asking myself that for each slice, and so will stop eating before I go overboard.

Finally, you probably don't just want to lose weight. OK, maybe you do, idk you - but if you succeed and hit your goal weight, you'll probably just transition to being insecure about fat deposits to being insecure about being scrawny. If your goal is to look good, at least some muscle tone is necessary, and if your goal is to be generally healthier, than it's even more important to add exercise to the mix.

Just my $0.02, Im no dietician or personal trainer, but I've been working hard at getting in shape and have lost 13 pounds in the last month through a combination of diet and exercise, and I truly don't think I could have done it without having added excersize to my routine

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I don't need to put any words into your mouth, your reply to the comment was to ignore all the real, objectively true examples and just claim that despite the fact that they're the actions of real conservative policy makers, that they somehow have nothing to do with real conservative policy

You ignore the faults of real world conservatism, holding up this idealistic version of conservatism you have in your head as "real" conservatism. Ill bet you also hold that conservatism has nothing to do with anti-LGBT+, despite their policy makers constantly making anti-LGBT+ policy decisions

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Because despite how the internet likes to talk, you can't generalize an entire generation in a single lemmy comment while still being accurate

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You don't even need AI for this, a very simple easy to audit algorithm could take care of it.

Hell, have it generate a few dozen versions that are all approximately as good, and let representatives (or even better, the actual people) vote on which to use

Yeah frankly the statistics are pretty conclusive. You can argue about bad owners all you'd like, and theres probably at least some truth there (if you're an asshole who wants a violent dog, you're of course going to choose a breed with a reputation for violence), but it's clear to any unbiased observer that pit bulls have a high tendency towards violence.

No one is advocating that we round up all the pit bulls and euthenize them (no sane person anyways), but that we stop breeding new ones. Frankly there needs to be a lot more regulation on dog breeding, besides violent breeds, there's no reason we should be breeding more (as an example) pugs, who are doomed to spend their whole lives suffocating just because some people like their squashed faces

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I work in the insurance industry and I 100% agree with this.

The only time it's wise to take out an insurance policy is when

A) It's legally required (though this is sometimes due to lobbying by the insurance companies themselves)

B) When you absolutely will not be able to actually pay for a potential, but necessary expense by yourself (cancer treatments and stuff like that)

So Health Insurance, Auto Insurance (even if your car is cheap and self-insurable, the car you hit may not be), Home-owners insurance and stuff like that are necessary and generally a good financial bet, even if they are crooked af.

Any "micro-insurances" though? All total scams. Travel insurance, phone insurance (or "Extended Warranties"), Apple Care, all that kind of shit is 100% going to cost you more money to have than it'll save you - unless you get really really lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it). You'd be better off spending what you'd pay on those insurance premiums on a hand of blackjack, I'll bet the odds would be slightly more in your favor that way

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Having said that, I don’t conisder it as a scam in itslef

I think the more correct thing to say is that Organized Religion is a scam. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being religious (provided you don't force those views on others), but organized religion always winds up rotten at the top - and it's not surprising. Organized religion is one of the most powerful tools for controlling people, even if it wasn't (though it might have been) intended to be that way at the beginning. A king/president/dictator can threaten the lives of their subjects, but only a holy man can threaten their immortal soul (from the perspective of the devotee anyways).

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No, he's clearly referring to the "metagame" of career building that centers primarily around making your coworkers and managers like you so that they want to give you that promotion/transfer/whatever. That game is remote work lessens that BS by making everything more about the actual work

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Ergonomic Mouse/keyboard

Admittedly for $100 you might have to choose one or the other (though I used a $12 ergonomic mouse from Amazon for years until I switched to a trackball, and I loved it) - but if your job is computer based, you really should consider switching to ergonomic equipment.

Your average keyboard and mouse setup is absolute murder on the wrists in the long run - if you spend more than a couple hours at the computer every day without ergonomic equipment and your wrists don't hurt, then it's only a matter of time.

Granted, it's not just about buying a cool new keyboard and mouse - you also need to cut out bad habits like wresting your wrist on the table while typing and so on, but a good KBM will help you build those habits naturall

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not chatGPT - but I tried using copilot for a month or two to speed up my work (backend engineer). Wound up unsubscribing and removing the plugin after not too long, because I found it had the opposite effect.

Basically instead of speeding my coding up, it slowed it down, because instead of my thought process being

  1. Think about the requirements
  2. Work out how best to achieve those requirements within the code I'm working on
  3. Write the code

It would be

  1. Think about the requirements
  2. Work out how best to achieve those requirements within the code I'm working on
  3. Start writing the code and wait for the auto complete
  4. Read the auto complete and decide if it does exactly what I want
  5. Do one of the following depending on 4 5a. Use the autocomplete as-is 5b. Use the autocomplete then modify to fix a few issues or account for a requirement it missed 5c. Ignore the autocomplete and write the code yourself

idk about you, but the first set of steps just seems like a whole lot less hassle then the second set of steps, especially since for anything that involved any business logic or internal libraries, I found myself using 5c far more often than the other two. And as a bonus, I actually fully understand all the code committed under my username, on account of actually having wrote it.

I will say though in the interest of fairness, there were a few instances where I was blown away with copilot's ability to figure out what I was trying to do and give a solution for it. Most of these times were when I was writing semi-complex DB queries (via Django's ORM), so if you're just writing a dead simple CRUD API without much complex business logic, you may find value in it, but for the most part, I found that it just increased cognitive overhead and time spent on my tickets

EDIT: I did use chatGPT for my peer reviews this year though and thought it worked really well for that sort of thing. I just put in what I liked about my coworkers and where I thought they could improve in simple english and it spat out very professional peer reviews in the format expected by the review form

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I agree if this was done by a bipartisan board with good intentions, but this is just political showmanship.

Hybrid is really the worst of both worlds, none of the benefits of having everyone in office, none of the benefits of never having to go into the office

The most optimistic interpretation is that they're getting off the floor so that deals can be struck "behind closed doors" and then hopefully come back with an actual solution.

The most likely reason is that representatives are lazy fucks who only actually work like 50 days out of the year