The false promises of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving to – 415 points –
The false promises of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving

Imagine naming a feature "Full Self-Driving," and yet you can't take your attention away from the road and must be ready to take over at a moment's notice.

This is on par for Elon's entire career. He loves claiming success and taking credit for things he either didn't accomplish himself, or things he hasn't accomplished yet.

Or ever will.

Like popularize electric vehicles, create a reusable rocket or put global internet around the earth? Never gonna happen right?

He didn't do any of those things. He hired people with functioning brains to do it while impeding them by constantly violating labor laws and creating organizational chaos.

The only thing on that list I think his companies can really inarguably take credit for is the reusable rockets, the rest were already being done by other companies. He got ahead of the competition (mostly by ignoring regulations, labor laws, etc), but electric cars and satellite internet constellations were very far from novel concepts when he entered the space.

Nah, more like the replicator, teleportation and faster than light vehicles.

Listing random non-related things isn't hard.

I remember reading a post that claimed that Tesla's safety rating was given to them because a bunch of their crashes were determined to be human error - because the self-driving feature would automatically disconnect if it faced a crash it couldn't avoid.

Fairly certain the statistic requires fsd to have been disabled for 10s before or is counted as human-caused

Maybe it does now after Musk tried to find a loophole.

The issue is a bit muddied by the fact that hitting the brake or the accelerator will deactivate it, and people will usually hit one of those if they believe that they are going to crash.

It's ok, it's in beta, so some features may not be complete just yet, but hey, let's just release this to the public anyways.

I feel like even with fully autonomous cars, there's going to be laws about how the main driver should always be alerted. This would be the case unless our cars are their own independent drivers like a cab.

Honestly, there should be laws against full self driving modes unless they can be proven to be good enough to not require driver intervention at all, and the manufacturer can be legally considered as the driver in case of an incident.

Requiring a driver to be alert and attentive to the road while not doing anything to operate the car runs contrary to human psychology. People cannot be expected to maintain focus on the road for extended periods while the car drives itself.

I don’t know exactly where the line should be drawn between basic cruise control and full self driving, but either the driver should be kept actively involved in driving or the car manufacturer should be held liable for whatever the car does.

It's just a driving assistant, like in any other car. As far as I know, currently Mercedes is the only one who implemented autonomous driving, and even that one is limited to some specific areas. But at least that one is real. So much, that legally Mercedes (the company) is considered to be the driver of such cars, in case anything happens on the roads.

Depends on your definition for autonomous driving which mainly depends on your ODD but they're not the only ones. Honda ,Volvo and GM have something. Others (i.e. BMW) have stuff next year but they're all going with more accurate names. CoPilot, PilotAssist, Super cruise, Traffic Jam Pilot. Makes it clear that these are drive assists, not drive replace.

Mercedes has Level 3 autonomy in certain highway situations, so you are legally allowed to watch a video or read a newspaper. You just need to be able to take over again within 20 seconds or so.

Others are following close up, I think Audi had to postpone Level 3 a bit etc. BMW has something in the pipeline as well.

But these are really more than drive assists. I really find the "Level n" specifications more helpful than "drive assist" vs "autonomy"

None of the other brands oversell what they are offering.

Are there any truly autonomous machines which don't require a human to monitor?

Lots. Toasters, refrigerators, robot vacuums, thermostats, smart home lights, etc.

The reason why self-driving cars are extra tricky is both because they have a much more complex task and the negative consequences are sky high. If a robot vacuum screws up, it's not a big deal. This is why it's totally irresponsible to advertise something as having "full" autonomy when the stakes are so high.

It would not be such a problem, if there wouldn’t be that many monkey driving around and if cars would talk to each other.

Yeah, got a small delivery car in my country that drives the streets fully autonomous. It is used to deliver groceries to a distribution point.

It was kind of hallucinating to see it drive past. Since the car has a sort of cockpit, but it is too narrow to seat any human.

It is currently limited to 25 kph, and someone supervises it remotely at all times and can intervene. Just to be on the safe side. Although that rarely happens.

The main reason it can do this is because it always drives the same route.

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You're absolutely right, it can be quite misleading to name a feature "Full Self-Driving" when it still requires constant attention and intervention from the driver. The expectations set by such a name may not align with the reality of the technology's current limitations.

You're absolutely right, it can be quite misleading to name a feature "Full Self-Driving" when it still requires the driver's constant attention and readiness to take control. The expectation that the vehicle can handle all driving tasks autonomously is not aligned with the current reality. It's important for automakers to be transparent and accurate in their naming conventions to avoid any false expectations.

Let's be fair. It could be called Driver Assistant Plus and you people would still be complaining because this isn't about Tesla

I complained because it absolutely sucked. Only Tesla would release this garbage in such a fraudulent manner, no other company would risk the lawsuits. Tesla's been killing people with autopilot since 2016, and FSD since it was released to the public. That should make you think, but that seems to be hard for some people when it comes to a Musking,

Autopilot or FSD Beta has never been something you're supposed to rely on and every Tesla owner knows this. If they drive over someone it's the fault of the driver, not the vehicle. Accidents will always happen and if you focus on individual incidents you're missing the big picture. You're never going to reach 100% safety and 99.99% safety means 33000 accidents a year in the US alone. Also the little statistics we have about this indicate that drivers with FSD or Autopilot engaged already crash less than the average.

According to this report, the average Tesla equipped with FSD Beta, driven on predominantly non-highway sections of road, crashes 0.31 times per million miles, a dramatic decrease from the average American, who crashes 1.53 times every million miles.


Too bad there's so many owners relying on it.

if you focus on individual incidents you're missing the big picture

Not at all. In fact, the point is to focus on classes of crashes. Which Tesla fails miserably at.

Also the little statistics we have about this indicate that drivers with FSD or Autopilot engaged already crash less than the average.

This is an outright lie. Period. Having owned a Tesla since 2018, I'm quite familiar with the garbage software and the user community that loves to say no one should trust it on one side, and on the other side of their face says that it's better than a human.

Literally can't debate with you guys because you straight out refuse to believe any evidence presented to you and just base your opinions on anecdotal evidence and individual incidents. If those stats are made up then provide a better source that backs you up.

You seem to be confusing evidence with marketing. That's your problem. If you actually owned one, you'd know I was right.

That's anecdotal evidence. There's nothing scientific about sample of one.

I don't know how to break this to you, but you don't have any data at all. Please do link it here for me if you do, though. I'd love to see what you think is "data". If it's Tesla's EOQ slides, I'll at least have got some great laughs out of this thread.

I'm basing my view on the only data that I'm aware of and it's linked above. You might not like the source of this data and that's fair but you not liking it is not evidence to the contrary. Even this article that refutes those stats doesn't provide any significant evidence that Tesla autopilot/FSD is more dangerous than a human driver. You can focus on individual incidents all day but what truly matters is the big picture and wether on average it's safer than a human driver or not and currently it seems that at worse it's about on par with humans and thus it's just a matter of time untill it's better. A lot better.

I have no dog in this fight and I'm fully willing to grant that the data Tesla hands out is very likely more or less misleading but that still doesn't make my basic argument wrong which is that Teslas and their driver assist systems aren't inherently any more dangerous than the competition. Tesla just gets way more attention in the media.

Of course you link Brad's bullshit. Man I just love it.

The data that exists is the standing general order data which shows Tesla absolutely sucks at life. Period.

Let's be fair. Elon could be killing a man, on camera, and shout a confession afterwards and you would still find excuses for his behaviour and tell us we're just misinterpreting facts...

There's plenty to criticize Musk for. Your apparent assumption that anyone not violently agains him must be a fan is just further evidence for the lack of ability to think rationally about the subject.

Nah, more the assumption that anyone not violently against him doesn't know him or his actions.

If you violently oppose Musk then how do you feel about people like Putin, Xi Jinping, Ali Khamenei or Bashar al-Assad? Those are the people I focus my opposition to. Someone like Musk, Bezos, Tate etc. I simply have no time nor interest for. That's recreational outrage.

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Without LIDAR, this is a fool's endeavor.

I wish this was talked about every single time the subject came up.

Responsible, technologically progressive companies have been developing excellent, safe, self-driving car technology for decades now.

Elon Musk is eviscerating the reputation of automated vehicles with his idiocy and arrogance. They don't all suck, but Tesla sure sucks.

Even with LIDAR there are just too many edge cases for me to ever trust a self driving car that uses current-day computing technology. Just a few situations I’ve been in that I think a FSD system would have trouble with:

  • I pulled up at a red light where a construction crew was working on the side of the road. They had a police detail with them. As I was was watching the red light the cop walked up to my passenger side and yelled “Go!” at me. Since I was looking at the light I didn’t see him trying to wave me through the intersection. How would a car know to drive through a red light if a cop was there telling you to?

  • I’ve seen cars drive the wrong way down a one way street because the far end was blocked due to construction and backtracking was the only way out. (Residents were told to drive out the wrong way) Would a self driving car just drive down to the construction site and wait for hours for them to finish?

  • I’ve seen more than one GPS want to route cars improperly. In some cases it thinks a practically impassible dirt track is a paved road. In other cases I’ve seen chains and concrete barriers block intersections that cities/towns have determined traffic shouldn’t be going through.

  • Temporary detour or road closure signs?

  • We are having record amounts of rain where I live and we’ve seen roads covered by significant flooding that makes them unsafe to drive on. Often there aren’t any warning signs or barricades for a day or so after the rain stops. Would an FSD car recognize a flooded out road and turn around, or drive into the water at full speed?

In my opinion, FSD isn’t attempting to solve any of those problems. Those will require human intervention for the foreseeable future.

Musk’s vision is (was?) to eventually turn Tesla’s into driverless robo-taxis. At one point he even said he could see regular Tesla owners letting their cars drive around like automated Ubers, making money for them, instead of sitting idle in garages.

Or there are better other ways to tell a FSD car that the road is closed. We could use QR code or something like that which includes info about blockade, where you can drive around it, and how long it will stay blocked. A FSD should be connected enough to call home and give info to the servers, those then update the other FSD cars, et voila tadaa.

Sure. A QR code. That couldn't possibly get obscured.

Why should it get obscured? Just plug that giant QR code there. You can create QR codes, where you only need to see very little of the square to get all the info in the QR code. I don’t feel like obscuring would be any problem.

Wow, you solved one of the really easy self driving problems (sign recognizion) with a more complicated solution.

Sign recognition and traffic light recognition are available in a lot of cars. Detecting that the dark lump on the road is just a shadow and not slamming the brakes automatically is the hard part.

Or that the white sky is in fact not a white sky but the sideways view of a semi trailer.

(The latter issue is why relying on multiple sensors camera+radar+ultrasound in the case of my car's emergency brake system and drive assistant is always a lot better - each sensor on its own has its failure modes)

Umm, we had it about blocked streets not normal sign detection But if those would be standardized to designs good "readable" for cam/pc (like QR codes), the car would never recognize e.g. a "S" for a "5". Due to high contrast, one could assure that it still works by night. But honestly I would prefer, if manually cars are completely banned from roads and only FSD cars are allowed. The streets would then be made for FSD cars (instead for human("monkeys" drivers) and about all problems are solved.

In huge parts of the world these are standardized and readable as well - where Vienna Convention signs are being used. (Those with have more pictograms).

Detours are also labelled by standard signs in a pre-determined font with a specific reflectivity. Easy for a car to recognize.

And even without text recognition is one of the really easy parts of self driving. I've done development on document recognition for random bank statements, builinng plans and legal documents - all the paperwork for financing a house - before. Those documents come in in various fonts, layouts differently formatted etc.

Mud for one. Trees and bushes for another. Strong wind for a third. All of those things already obscure signs or make them very hard for humans to read, let alone a computer.

Well FSD is supposed to be Level 5 according to the marketing and description when it went on sale. Of course, we know Tesla's lawyers told California that they have nothing more than Level 2, have not timeline to begin building anything beyond Level 2, and that the entire house of cards hinges on courts and regulators continuing to turn a blind eye.

Just like that cheaper non-lidar Roomba with room mapping technology, it will get lost.

I don't know why people are so quick to defend the need of LIDAR when it's clear the challenges in self driving are not with data acquisition.

Sure, there are a few corner cases that it would perform better than visual cameras, but a new array of sensors won't solve self driving. Similarly, the lack of LIDAR does not forbid self driving, otherwise we wouldn't be able to drive either.

challenges in self driving are not with data acquisition.

What?!?! Of course it is.

We can already run all this shit through a simulator and it works great, but that's because the computer knows the exact position, orientation, velocity of every object in a scene.

In the real world, the underlying problem is the computer doesn't know what's around it, and what those things around doing or going to do.

It's 100% a data acquisition problem.

Source? I do autonomous vehicle control for a living. In environments much more complicated than a paved road with accepted set rules.

You're confusing data acquisition with interpretation. A LIDAR won't label the data for your AD system and won't add much to an existing array of visible spectrum cameras.

You say the underlying problem is that the computer doesn't know what's around it. But its surroundings are reliably captured by functional sensors. Therefore it's not a matter of acquisition, but processing of the data.

won’t add much to an existing array of visible spectrum cameras.

You do realize LIDAR is just a camera, but has an accurate distance per pixel right?

It absolutely adds everything.

But its surroundings are reliably captured by functional sensors

No it's not. That's the point. LIDAR is the functional sensor required.

You can not rely on stereoscopic camera's.
The resolution of distance is not there.
It's not there for humans.
It's not there for the simple reason of physics.

Unless you spread those camera's out to a width that's impractical, and even then it STILL wouldn't be as accurate as LIDAR.

You are more then welcome to try it yourself.
You can be even as stupid as Elon and dump money and rep into thinking that it's easier or cheaper without LIDAR.

It doesn't work, and it'll never work as good as a LIDAR system.
Stereoscopic Camera's will always be more expensive than LIDAR from a computational standpoint.

AI will do a hell of a lot better recognizing things via a LIDAR Camera than a Stereoscopic Camera.

This assumes depth information is required for self driving, I think this is where we disagree. Tesla is able to reconstruct its surroundings from visual data only. In biology, most animals don't have explicit depth information and are still able to navigate in their environments. Requiring LIDAR is a crutch.

I disagree with you, I don't think visual camera's alone are up to the task. There was an instance of a Tesla in auto pilot mode driving at night with the driver being drunk. This took place in Texas on the high way, the car's camera footage was released and it showed the autopilot not identify the police car in the lane with it's red/blue lights flashing as a stationary obstacle. Instead it didn't realize there was a car in the way around 1 second before the 55 mph impact, and it turned of autopilot that 1 second before.

Having multiple layers of sensors, some being good at actually sensing a stationary obstacle, plus accurate range finding, plus visual analysis to pick out people and animal, thats the way to go.

Visual range only cameras were just reported to have a harder time recognizing people of color and children.

the car’s camera footage was released and it showed the autopilot not identify the police car in the lane with it’s red/blue lights flashing

If the obstacle was visible in the footage, the incident could have been avoided with visible spectrum cameras alone. Once again, a problem with the data processing, not acquisition.

If we're talking about the safety of the driver and people around them, why not both types of sensors? LIDAR has things it excels at, and visual spectrum cameras have things they do well too. That way the data processing side has more things to rely on, instead of all the eggs in one basket.

why not both types of sensors

Cost seems to be a pretty good reason. Admittedly, until I looked it up 5 minutes ago I thought it was just 100-200% more expensive than cameras, but it seems to be much more than that.

On top of that, there are the problems of weather and high energy usage. This is more of a problem than just "not working on rain": if the autonomous driving system is designed to rely on data from a sensor that stops working when it rains, this can be worse than not having that sensor in the first place. This is what I refer to by saying that LIDAR is a crutch.

That's a pretty good point, the part about if it's raining or snowing, LIDAR can't be used, which could leave the system in a much worst spot. It's getting to the point where I'm beginning to think that fully self driving cars just won't be 100% possible in all conditions in all locations.

For instance, where I live, we can have some bad winters, snow, ice, slippy conditions. People have a tough time with these conditions, and I'd imagine it'd be even harder for a self driving car, especially given how the sensor suites work. My car has that intelligent cruise control where it'll slow down when it senses a car ahead of me, then match it's speed. That feature stops working if too much snow accumulates on the sensors.

Optical cameras alone have issues as well that can’t be handled though. It’s the combination of the two along with other things like ultrasonic sensors that makes them safe. More sensors in general are better because they reduce the computational burden and provide redundancy - even if that redundancy is to safely stop.

Cost is certainly an issue, but on $40k+ vehicles it’s cheap enough for other EV makes to include it in the cost. Volvo for instance is using Luminars version at a cost of about $500 (

Image processing is expensive even with dedicated hardware and LiDAR provides enough extra information to avoid needing to make make certain calculations off of images alone (like deltas between image series to calculate distance). Those calculations are further amplified by conditions where images alone don’t provide enough information - similar to how there are conditions where the LiDAR data alone wouldn’t be sufficient.

Image processing is expensive

and you're suggesting to use LIDAR which is more expensive and power hungry as a replacement for those computations?

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Yes, self driving is not computationally solved at all. But the reason people defend LIDAR is that visible light cameras are very bad at depth estimation. Even with paralax, a lot of software has a very hard time accurately calculating distance and motion.

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Dont let them know about that I don't want my radar detector flipping out for laser lol


K and KA band are used for blind spot monitoring and would make radar detectors go nuts until filtering got worked out, cars that use Lidar will set them off as well though they're more rare still


What does Radar have anything to do with Lidar?

They are completely in different EM spectrums.

Also modern LIDAR is keyed in a way that LIDAR systems can't interfere with other LIDAR systems.

Maybe because I dunno, it's a detector? I'd love to try to explain it further but it seems like you're being intentionally oblivious so why bother lol

Do you have lidar on your head? No, yet you're able to drive with just two cameras on your face. So no lidar isn't required. Not that driving in a very dynamic world isn't very difficult for computers to do, it's not a matter of if, it's just a matter of time.

Would lidar allow "super human" driving abilities? Like seeing through fog and in every direction in the dark, sure. But it's not required for the job at hand.

You have eyes that are way more amazing than any cameras that are used in self driving, with stereoscopic vision, on a movable platform, and most importantly, controlled via a biological brain with millions of years of evolution behind it.

I'm sorry, you can't attach a couple cameras to a processor, add some neural nets, and think it's anything close to your brain and eyes.

And also, cameras don't work that great at night. Lidar would provide better data.

Do you have lidar on your head?


And that's exactly why humans crash. Constantly.

Even when paying attention.

They don't have resolution in depth perception, nor the FOV.

And that’s exactly why humans crash. Constantly.

No it isn't. Anywhere in the world the vast majority of crashes are caused by negligence, speeding, distraction, all factors that can be avoided without increasing our depth perception accuracy.

Humans don't drive on sight alone.

Uhhhh... What the fuck else are the rest of you using?!

Senses to support your sight when driving? Hearing and Balance come to mind, in that order of importance as supporting senses.

I have no idea what sense of balance has to do with driving a car and even deaf people can get a driver's license but okay. How's this an argument for LIDAR again? It does not have anything to do with either of those things.

One obvious sense is hearing, as in hearing things like sirens to move out of the way.

What's the human equivalent for lidar then?

Sound? Though I guess all the fancy expensive cars remove this feedback

That's like asking what the human equivalent of a GPU is. There isn't one nor would there be because humans and computers are fundamentally different things.

I remember watching a video talking about is there a camera that can see as well as a human eye. The resolution was there are cameras that see close but not as well and they are very big and expensive and the human brain filters much of it without you realizing. I think it could be done with a camera or two but I think we are not close to the technology for the near future.

Do you have CCDs in your head? No? This argument is always so broken it's insane to see it still typed out as anything but sarcasm.

A lot of LIDAR fans here for some reason, but you're absolutely right.

There's just not a good amount of evidence pointing that accurate depth perception only obtained through LIDAR is required for self driving, and it also won't solve the complex navigation of a real world scenario. A set of visible spectrum cameras over time can reconstruct a 3D environment well enough for navigation and it's quite literally what Tesla's FSD does.

I don't know why someone would still say it's not possible when we already have an example running in production.

"But Tesla FSD has a high disengagement rate" - for now, yes. But these scenarios are more often possible to be solved by high definition maps than by LIDAR. For anyone that disagrees, go to youtube, choose a recent video of Tesla's FSD and try to find a scenario where a disengagement would have been avoided by LIDAR only.

There are many parts missing for a complete autonomous driving experience. LIDAR is not one of them.

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The elephant in the room is that the NHTSA still doesn't have a director, and hasn't had a long-term director since 2017.

Steven Cliff was the director for 2 months in 2022. Aside from that, this important safety organization has been... erm... on autopilot (see what I did there?) and leaderless.

How are we supposed to keep tabs on car safety if the damn agency in charge of automobile safety doesn't even have a leader?

So, when are we changing this forums name from Technology to it's actual purpose of late "every click and rage bait post about Tesla and Musk so people can circlejerk worse than reddit"?

It's literally nothing but bullshit about Tesla and Twitter. All day long. No one cares!

I want to know about some actual tech, not the drama.

You don't care. If no one cared, there wouldn't be so many posts and extremely active discussions about them. If you want different content, post it.

Elon Musk is a scammer. He's good at that and it's the only thing he's good at

Can we go now and talk about technology,?

Unfortunately, all the current tech news is either people running naked scams or people debunking them.

The tragedy of our modern era is how much money we've invested in selling people a box labeled "Newest Life Changing Gadget" that's just full of rocks.

Check out the podcast TrashFuture. They do a bit about a shitty tech enterprise every episode, sometimes twice a week. From Juicero to Neom, the list of awful tech bullshit is limitless.

The only way to fix it is to post more interesting stuff yourself. Me too, tbh.

It seems like a new anti Tesla article hits lemmy every day. It's boring at this point.

Hopefully soon after the garbage copy/paste press release "articles" about "AI", fake superconductors, and other nonsense stops being posted.

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TBF, we have achieved a FSD that is safer than one human this year. But we took away the driver license of grandma so now we have to find another human that’s worse than FSD.

I live in a small town with a large college. The students just came back for fall semester. I believe we have quite a few candidates for your list.

I wonder how much impact there might have been on code quality when Elon forced lead devs from their projects at Tesla to work on Twitter. I've never seen a situation like that turn out well for either party.

I wonder how this statistically compares to non-Tesla crashes?

Edit: quick Google/math shows average rate of lethal automobile crashes at 12 per 100,000 drivers. Tesla has supposedly sold 4.5million cars. 4.5million divided by 17 deaths from the article = 1 death per 200,000 Tesla drivers.

This isn't exactly apples-to-apples and would love for some to "do the math" more accurately, but it seems like Tesla is much safer than a standard driver.

The other confounding factor is we don't know how many of these drivers were abusing autopilot by cheating the rules (it requires hands on the wheel and full attention on the road)

Your statistical analysis is so bad that it's not even wrong. It's just a pile of disparate data strung together with false assumptions.

So all of those Teslas were sold in America? And all 4.5 million of those Teslas have Autopilot? And they're in Autopilot mode 100% of the time?

You forgot the most important issue: Tesla drivers are not representative of the average driver. They have more money and more education. They live in places with nicer weather. These all contribute to lower crash rates without self driving. I bet high end Mercedes have lower crash rates too, because people don't defer maintenance and then drive them crazily in the snow.

Compare apples to apples and I bet Teslas have average crash rates for luxury cars.

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It is not a valid comparison. Many deaths are in bad weather or in bad roads. Tesla self driving will not even turn on in these conditions. I do not believe apples to apples data exists.

The true comparison is in miles per accident. Fatal accidents will be higher for older model cars. Not all Tesla cars have FSD. In many situations FSD is not available even on equipped cars. There is nothing to indicate from the current data that Telsa FSD is safer or more dangerous than the median driver.

This isn't necessarily true either. The NHTSA Standing General Order data shows that Tesla reports a large number of crashes (which they get to cherry pick in a LOT of cases) under ADAS use compared to other brands. Taking conservative rollout numbers from companies like Honda shows that the crash per ADAS equipped vehicle rate is significantly higher.

The real red flag in all all of this is that Tesla's own reported marketing numbers for ADAS crashes wasn't declining with newer releases over time. A rate that doesn't improve as the CEO claims the software is already performing better than humans should instantly discredit the software, its performance, and any claims about new or improving features.

Let's see it, show me the numbers! Everyone's critiquing my quick mental math but I don't see anyone contributing to fix it 🤷‍♀️. Will edit comment once I do!

Whatabout what your mom does, down by the docks at night?

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

Back in 2016, Tesla CEO Elon Musk stunned the automotive world by announcing that, henceforth, all of his company’s vehicles would be shipped with the hardware necessary for “full self-driving.” You will be able to nap in your car while it drives you to work, he promised.

But while Musk would eventually ship an advanced driver-assist system that he called Full Self-Driving (FSD) beta, the idea that any Tesla owner could catch some z’s while their car whisks them along is, at best, laughable — and at worst, a profoundly fatal error.

Since that 2016 announcement, hundreds of fully driverless cars have rolled out in multiple US cities, and none of them bear the Tesla logo.

His supporters point to the success of Autopilot, and then FSD, as evidence that while his promises may not exactly line up with reality, he is still at the forefront of a societal shift from human-powered vehicles to ones piloted by AI.

You’ll also hear from a former Tesla employee who was fired after posting videos of FSD errors, experts who compare the company’s self-driving efforts to its competitors, and even from the competitors themselves — like Kyle Vogt, CEO of the General Motors-backed Cruise, who is unconvinced that Musk can fulfill his promises without rethinking his entire hardware strategy.

Listen to the latest episode of Land of the Giants: The Tesla Shock Wave, a co-production between The Verge and the Vox Media Podcast Network.

The original article contains 497 words, the summary contains 236 words. Saved 53%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

I've been ranting about this since 2016.

Having consumer trust in developing AI vehicles is hard enough without this asshole's ego and lies muddying the water.