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Joined 1 years ago

boo hoo mf

I miss xfire too.

So that's what happened to them

Perfectly reasonable IMO. That said I’m still not going to use reddit again

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Only a 1 sigma confirmation at the moment so needs to be thoroughly reinvestigated

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You know how it goes, first people start saying the silly meme phrase “ironically”, then they can’t stop themselves saying it, then it becomes awkwardly unironic, and then it gets embedded in the lexicon and Miriam-Webster adds it to the dictionary

2060 is going to be lit fam AHEM I mean it’s going to be funny

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Every generation thinks it invented sex

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I think Asimov had some thoughts on this subject

Wild that we’re at this point now

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Ah man the translucent colourful floppies.. that takes me back

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From who? The Debian Taliban?

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Working “full time”. I love what I actually do at work (generally) but like… doing it 9-6 five days a week is so fucking draining. It feels like working defined hours for the sake of working in those hours. Obviously for most jobs the hours spent working do matter, but for software development it may actually be counterproductive as being tired fucks up your productivity hard

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I lost my Minecraft account to this, but that's because the email address I bought the game with was with Lavabit, and thus never was able to receive any of the emails. Couldn't verify I owned it either because again, no access to the email address.

I was just a kid when I signed up for that Lavabit address sometime in the 2000s, a kid who was vaguely interested in the idea of privacy and software freedom (I used PPC Ubuntu on a G3 iBook btw). Bought Minecraft Alpha in 2010 for €10. Now because of time passing and some bullshit happening I don't have access to any of it.

But tbh I never opened a support ticket or anything, because fuck Microsoft. Its the principle of the whole thing

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Another day, another stupid fucking government surveillance overreach

Ah yes the urge to kiss boys and conquer territory

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Two things at completely opposite ends of the “Linux world”:

  • eBPF. It seems super promising for improving observability and security; especially performance of these concerns. It also strikes me as a risky architectural decision. Programmable privileged kernel code + JIT. What could go wrong… that validator sure is doing heavy lifting.

  • Valve flexing more muscle in developing Proton as it comes to terms with the fact Microsoft’s vertical integration (and monopolistic practices increasingly unfettered by government) will eventually be an existential risk to it. It is now ridiculously easy to install and run so many games on Linux, so long as you accept the devil you know and it’s DRMy platform. Definitely not perfect but it’s so vastly improved I’m comfortable calling it “night and day”

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Fuckin incredible we can get advance notice of stuff that will affect those of us on Earth… because of a rover on another planet

Then someone refactors the stop sign into a speed limit sign, leaves the comment unchanged, and years later someone else gets the fun job of figuring out which comments are lies

Also someone applied an auto code formatter to the entire codebase in the meantime, and the original file got moved a couple times, maybe just the path or into an entirely new repo. So the version control history is utterly obliterated as well…

I first reevaluated my perception of him (shall we say) after that AWFUL “let’s try Linux” series, and it didn’t exactly get better from there.

The Microsoft ball gargling is ridiculous on its own

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White hat kitty is in ur serverz

Erasing ur PIIz

LinkedIn is the worst. Scummiest platform bar none and it’s not even close

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But.. where does the cabbage come from o_o

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Getting flip flopped around like that on a timescale of weeks fucking sucks (I’ve been in that situation but not in game dev).

Just.. being totally used and owned by an executive team that simultaneously wants to harness/abuse your passion, while also callously making snap judgements like this without any regard for respecting their people.. it’s like “how to destroy morale 101”

guess I’ll have to negotiate with the catboy maid union

I hope the everything app is a big fuckin waste of money and massive failure. Everything apps are an affront to competition and the spirit of the free market, which in turn means they’re terrible for consumers.

Not that the US even seems that interested in competition anymore. We need to demand breakups of monopolies, not cement new ones.

Pretty sure the word you’re looking for is “yaoi”

And it’s your fault if it happens to you, because we sent you EMAILS telling you it was going to happen!

Do that and I’ll find another one just to spite you.

Life as a teen isn’t easy anyway

Glad that shit is over for me. We only had MySpace and MSN Messenger. Must be so much worse now

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Not even roof snek can afford the rent now

2020s big tech web platforms have a certain language to them that makes me think of a passive aggressive Californian dudebro designing them. It’s not “No”, it’s “Maybe later”; it’s not “OK” it’s “Got it” et cetera

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I always torrent Linux ISOs. Built in checksumming, I’m lazy

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oh man..

People can be such dicks, you have my sympathy.

I’ve been thinking about open sourcing a Node project of mine recently.. concerning that this is the kind of thing to expect

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Even MS themselves don’t want to deal with it anymore. Can’t blame them

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Maybe I have Stockholm Syndrome, but I like NAT. It’s like, due to the flaws of IPv4 we basically accidentally get subnets segmented off, no listening ports, have to explicitly configure port forwarding to be able to listen for connections, which kinda implies you know what you’re doing (ssshh don’t talk about UPnP). Accidental security of a default deny policy even without any firewalls configured. Haha. I’m still getting into this stuff though, please feel free to enlighten me

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It’s a number that statistically represents how strong the result is in the data basically. As far as I understand it, with astronomy the typical sigma value expected is 3

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It’s always seemed nonsensical to me. Now I studied the computer stuff, not physics but… it seems like you’d need a gigafuckton (SI unit right there) of energy to get the CO2 levels down in an appreciable way when the levels were talking about here are in the hundreds of parts per million.. just seems like it’d be incredibly inefficient at best

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> by Google

> Gets shut down

You literally can’t make this stuff up folks

I have one of those wireless keyboards with an integrated touchpad. It’s plugged into a small PC, which runs Linux Mint, Firefox, Jellyfin. Plenty comfortable and no invasive tracking.

Tim Epic


Single character variable names are my pet peeve. I even name iterator variables a real word instead of “i” now.. (although writing the OG low level for loops is kinda rare for me now)

Naming things “x”.. shudder. Well, the entire world is getting to see how that idea transpires hahah

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And I did it 18 months ago!

(Spoiler: it turned out fine)

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