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Joined 12 months ago

Wait who puts their birthday on a resume?

22 more...

Yeah this sounds like the most reasonable outcome but companies have been surprising me recently with how dumb they can be.

The sad thing is the students who actually did the work will probably see no financial gain from this. Students pay to take a class and then a company pays the university for access to the students and the students ideas and work is used by a company with no financial benefit to the students. Everyone makes out except the students.

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I don't think people remember the amount of crazy websites that were out there spouting absolute nonsense. Websites had very little credibility.

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I mean I do agree with the fact that the bill doesn't provide funding for the condoms just that the schools need to provide it. That sounds pretty dumb to me.

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I've heard of a male birth control every couple years and still nothing on the market. Usually it's because there are slight side effects and that's considered to much of a risk meanwhile female birth control can cause blood clots and whatnot. I'm too jaded to believe this will ever come to fruition.

I think there is some nefarious reasons for the current setup but here's a point I didn't see. People and children especially can't learn for 8 hours straight learning needs to be broken up with play time or eating or socializing. Then reinforcement of what you learned earlier before you go to sleep can be helpful. Ideally I don't think homework should be learning new subjects or really hard at all it should be a cake walk of whatever was learned during that day.

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Stores like target will charge whatever they can, do you think target is saying well we could charge more but we won't to be nice but now that shit is getting stolen we're going to increases prices to make up for it.

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I think you underestimate how much energy hits the earth from the sun. The total amount of energy humans use in a year hits the earth in an hour. How much heat we give off is pretty negligible.

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No this is the most insane thing my wife calls them pigs in a blanket. I told her that's not what it's called that's something else but she refuses and is trying to have our children call it that as well. I've married a psycho.

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I live in CA where a law like this has been in effect for a while. Almost all jobs I look at have a pretty tight pay range and has allowed me to bypass not wasting time applying for super low pay positions. Every once in a blue moon you see a company post in bad faith but that's an anomaly not the norm and let's me know they're a shitty company I shouldn't work for.

Learn a dance or two nothing too complicated but being able to bust out a dance at a wedding really impressed everyone.

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Your house is halfway across the state?

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Can someone explain why they don't take the approach where things are somewhat compartmentalized. So you have a image processing program, a math program, a music program, etc and like the human brain that has cross talk but also dedicated certain parts of your brain to do specific things.

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Yeah but wealthy donors are complaining the people aren't desperate enough to take whatever job for whatever salary.

Just buy a new one each time no need to clean then

A huge problem with this is that asylum seekers can't work till they're granted asylum. I have no problem with Texas sending migrants to other parts of the country as long as they want to go wherever they are going and it's not all to one small place. Like they can't take all asylum seekers in all of Texas and send them to NYC. But if those people can't work then that's a big issue.

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Yeah my thoughts exactly. A lawsuit can't change the truth of the founders.

Just to put into perspective it's something like 2 trucks worth at this point for 2 million people. This is a drop in the ocean. We should be sending 2 trucks a minute.

It says in that article the group that got sent to Martha's vineyard are making claims of human trafficking. I find it hard to believe the people put on these buses aren't coerced or lied to. I think there are many reasons people would want to move to NYC instead of bordertown Texas but I don't see Texan politicians caring to filter out ones who do and don't want to go and simply rounding a group up and getting them on a bus.

I didn't see anything about round trip efficiency. I've heard that's a big downside so it might make energy storage a hard sell.

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Sounds like a good teacher.

What pizza hut has 5 full time drivers? There's only 1200 people affected by this and 560 locations so a little more than 2 per location. Now let's look at the cost those delivery apps charge 30%. So if 35% of sales are deliveries now theyre paying Uber ~110k to deliver their pizzas. 28$/hr is high closer to 23-25$/hr for overhead. That's roughly what the delivery drivers would have cost and now they're getting way shittier delivery service and people are much less likely to buy pizza from them. Sounds like a dumb move.

How exactly could this study give a concrete reason for the higher than average crash rates?

How is it relevant? Why should an employer care about your? All they should care about if you can do your job or not. It's also illegal in many places around the world to make a decision based on someones age.

What infrastructure?

This idea they can only hold for minutes or hours is simply not true not to mention the entire premise is false. Only the cloudiest of days the solar panels produce 20% what they do on the sunniest days that means you only need to build out 5 times the expected output to always be able to produce what you need during sunny hourse. That means you only need to have battery backup for 16 hours. Something that's completely feasible. The idea batteries can't hold power for months isn't true it's that it's not currently economical. How long do you think your electronics take to get from the plant to the store till you buy it and turn it on. If we're talking about cost then let's look at this plant. 1.1GW nuclear reactor costs 35 billion and 15 years. A solar farm built out to 5 times capacity would cost roughly 6 billion. Now triple that for battery costs if you want 24/7 electricity were on the order of 18 billion. That's nearly half the cost and this is being very conservative assuming you want this to be a baseload supplier but will output way more most of the time. Now you will have nearly free electricity during most of the year that other industries could take advantage of like aluminum processing or something like that.

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It's not that the plastic isn't recyclable it's that you cant mix plastics and recycle them. So if there is a doubt at all what a plastic is then it's thrown away or if it can't be separated from other materials or contaminated with oil or something.

California keeps passing them then they get struck down

I just looked at my LinkedIn and don't see anywhere that birthday is even displayed. This is clearly fake.

I don't think that's true I think they really tried to pass universal healthcare and were basically kneecapped by 1 or 2 democrats.

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Problem is they know exactly what the people want (socialized healthcare, corporations to be held accountable for their actions, to break up monopolies, affordable housing, seriously address climate change, safe food and water, not supporting genocide) only problem is vested interests don't want that. So the Dems need to figure out how to balance those two things by appeasing the powerful interest and paying lip service to the voters.

I worked at a UC and companies retained all IP across all UCs and my undergrad school from the east coast was the same way. I've never heard of a university that let students keep their IP. I would imagine it would be hard to attract outside companies since the companies pay to be a part of the program. Can you point to a university program that allows students to retain their IP for senior design projects? I know if a student is doing a project through the school for a different class like a lab and they invent something or are volunteering the university has no claim to it but senior design is different.

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There's no message being sent if there's no real threat behind the message or else the message isn't being received if the Biden administration doesn't change their stance.

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I think it says the idea of allowing media or a delayed stream to the public was talked about but nothing was decided.

I don't know much about app design so what work does it take to keep an app up to date and is it possible just to not update it?

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I'm really confused are they saying the median or mean salary is 200k?

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I'm honestly confused because the original article just says Hamas was seen taking one of the hostages to the hospital. Isn't that a good thing like hey they are trying to make sure these people don't die?

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I remember watching a video talking about is there a camera that can see as well as a human eye. The resolution was there are cameras that see close but not as well and they are very big and expensive and the human brain filters much of it without you realizing. I think it could be done with a camera or two but I think we are not close to the technology for the near future.

No he had no reason or justification as to why it was happening. He also refuses to do any experiment to prove he was right. That's why no one took him seriously because he sounded like a crazy person.