
4 Post – 144 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It ain't me
It ain't me
I ain't no fortunate son

Imagine naming a feature "Full Self-Driving," and yet you can't take your attention away from the road and must be ready to take over at a moment's notice.

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Yeah but only one of these services directs their engineering team to make such changes because the boss is getting dragged for liking weird shit.

This so-called man is the public face of narcissistic personality disorder. My favorite part of the embedded interview is when he described himself as "stoic" without a trace of irony.

The users who browse r/funny won't even migrate to a subreddit that has funny content.

“Oh no, I can’t read anything on Twitter!”

-No one with good mental health.

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"This man is 51 years old" absolutely slays an insecure man-child like Musk.

Thinking “X” is a cool letter is exactly what I’d expect from a middle-aged wannabe edgelord.

We don’t need to call it X or even the platform formerly known as Twitter. It’s just Twitter.

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"Donald Trump wants to bang his daughter" was a recurring bit on The Daily Show as far back as 2016. These aren't new revelations; he says stuff like this in public. Here's an article from 2016 covering some comments about Ivanka as well as him saying of a very underage girl, "I'm going to be dating her in ten years. Can you believe it?"

In the land of the wretches, the pedophile is king.

“Would you pass me the oar, cisgender Jim?”

They do this kind of thing to distract from their total lack of solutions to any real problems.

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Back when Reddit was good because Apollo still worked, I had all kinds of keywords blocked (Trump, Elon, John Cena, Kardashian). The idea of being able to bring that to the entire experience of browsing the web is very appealing.

A former president just barely got over 50% in the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucuses and we're describing his victory as "dominant" and a sign of strength instead of a historically weak showing from someone who's already had the job. The media continues to not know how to talk about him.

If you subscribe to Spotify, your money contributes to this behavior.

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It still baffles me that Digg preferred losing their site over rolling back v4.

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Nationalize StarLink.

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Agreed. The people who are pitching r/place as "entertainment" are people who want to stay engaged with reddit and enjoy drama. I'm done with Reddit now that they've killed Apollo and don't care to hear about it anymore.

Psh, try saying that iN a sMaLL tOwN

Overwriting your comments erodes Reddit’s long-standing search engine advantage, so I support it.

When Reddit took my Apollo away, it told me I don’t matter. I treated my comment history in kind.

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It is an absurd statement to argue that the average cyclist on the average bike can sprint to over 30mph "without much trouble." Maybe with a tailwind going downhill, and even that is, ahem, dangerous.

We need to transition from a culture that implicitly believes that infinite waste is not a problem. According to a story I read in the NYT this morning, more than 10 million tons of office furniture in the United States end up in a landfill every year. Ten million tons! And it's all just handled by people doing their jobs, nobody able to stop the cogs and ask if we've lost our minds.

The guy who invented Keurig, with its disposable plastic pods, later said that he regretted it after seeing how much waste it created. I think if we had a healthy culture, Keurig couldn't have been invented as it was because the inventor would've foreseen the waste and found it totally a nonstarter.

Plus the GOP has a lot of people on social media talking about how terrible both sides are and how they’ll just stay home, which is squarely aimed at depressing Democratic turnout.

I’ve never missed my Apollo filters more than when I see all these Elon Musk/Twitter/X ragebait posts.

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I think the point still stands: people who buy trucks want to believe they can do real work, kind of like the fantasy of an SUV as a rugged vehicle even though their buyers typically treat them like street cars.

“And if the guy who had the x handle complains, he’s a pedo guy.”

Infuriating that this is going ahead. Apollo was Reddit. For me, Reddit no longer exists.

Good. A Microsoft victory here will severely damage prospects for other antitrust actions and have a chilling effect on government oversight of mergers, which is already pretty thin.

These should definitely be on by default. Users won’t think to ask or find threads where this is explained, and having it off absolutely kills conversations and engagement unnecessarily @ernest

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Stochastic terrorism.

Right-handed, right pocket. I'm surprised to see so many people saying they use their off hand to hold their phone.

Protip: don’t make anything of whether something is or isn’t covered in a particular news source, particularly when the news source isn’t even a real news source (as Reddit isn’t).

I’ll continue to refer to it the way I do now, which is to not refer to it at all.

According to Reddark, /r/gaming is in restricted mode, not accepting new posts, so I’m not sure what to believe.

One thing’s for sure: I’m not going to Reddit to see for myself.

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🥱 This so-called man is so boring.

I was flabbergasted that he sounded like such a prick. Why would he not approach this in good humor after so many years?

Is the original version even in print anymore? It’s really hard to believe that the “juice” of getting this taken down would be worth the squeeze.

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They did it so silently that it’s not even real.

Will be wild, what’s going to happen to your family!

Dude, congrats on being reaffirmed by a total asshole.