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The fun thing is that people say "I graduated" or "I'm graduating" but it's technically more correct to say "I am being graduated (by the university)." I might be mixing it up a bit, but the idea is that the university always has the final say over whether or not you get that important piece of paper at the end.

One of my teachers in high school taught us this, but I never actually thought I'd see it in action. It's cruel.

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The last time the Mongolians decided to expand their horizons, it didn't work out so well for a decent chunk of the rest of the world. I think it's perfectly fine they choose to keep things simple, tbh.

Fun fact about Wisconsin: the Republicans were furious that a Democrat was going to be elected after Scott Walker's fascist stint, so they rushed through several legislative changes to limit the powers of the incoming governor as a final middle finger to democracy.

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Bibi sure needed it to cover up the mass protests that were taking place after he rammed through judicial reform to keep himself out of jail.

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I mean, Biden regularly exercises and Trump believes exercise is a waste of some limited magical internal life force. Pretty sure we'd know who would win in an actual fight.

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I was curious just how many people actually live in South Dakota, just so that I could have a point of reference for the 37.8% statistic. Basically, it's roughly the same amount of people as the population of New Orleans or half the population of Washington DC that agree with her. What an empty state.

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Every time I open up another Stamets post

One of the Arrowhead community managers said they're trying to get more information regarding regions, so it kinda seems like they weren't fully prepared for this/got blindsided by Sony a bit. There should be an FAQ/QA with additional info coming soon.

I ran across software once that wouldn't compile properly and the only documentation available was an hosted backup of an Intel help page that no longer exists. There is no alternative, Intel just removed it entirely.

It's like the people who used to put messages about preventing Facebook from using their content in their profile descriptions. It probably won't actually do anything, but it's a nice thought and more power to them if it makes them feel better.

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It seems like people genuinely do not know about the nukes that Israel definitely does not possess wink wink. Kinda changes the dynamic a little bit, I think.

I'd be curious if there are actual numbers out there, but a number of ex-Catholics I know have deemed Francis the antipope and have latched onto some random local evangelical church that aligns with their political values. I could definitely see this guy jumping on board with that.

I wonder how much impact there might have been on code quality when Elon forced lead devs from their projects at Tesla to work on Twitter. I've never seen a situation like that turn out well for either party.

With respect to the third point, he kinda looks like he's about to shout at you about merchandising

Seems like they had a theme going...

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It sounds like one of Trump's speech writers managed to concoct a double whammy that panders to both great replacement conspiracy theorists and border security idiots. Has anyone seen Stephen Miller recently?

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You could probably replace John McCain with Mitt Romney? He has somewhat recently voiced dissatisfaction IIRC.

Actually, hell, Darth Cheney himself is still somehow alive. He can't be happy with the way his dream of American exceptionalism has turned out with respect to the current state of the Republican party.

This just reminded me of getting super cheap/nearly free ad-supported Kindle fires from Amazon, obtaining root access and installing a different ROM. They weren't half bad spare Android tablets once you removed the adware.

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Also surprisingly/unsurprisingly a ton of reform suddenly took place the moment the Mormons jumped ship and gave up leadership.

What in the revisionist history are you talking about? Obama's hands were tied because he wasn't president anymore. The pipeline was given approval to go ahead by then President Trump, reversing the decision to stop it by the Obama administration.

In terms of looks, I will say the rocky textures are pretty nice. Also they managed to map actors faces without getting that weird bugeye effect so many other games suffer from.

$5.69 for a crunchwrap in my relatively high CoL town. $5.99 for a "build your own cravings box" that's kinda like a biggie bag but maybe slightly less food and the specialty item can be a crunchwrap.

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The vast majority of Flint pipes have been replaced and they've been well below federal requirements for years now. Pretty much all that's left are a ton of criminal and civil proceedings, roughly 3% of residential pipelines that require the approval of the owner to replace, and earning back the trust of the residents.

More so or less than another Virgin Mary sighting under an overpass?

The worst are the horde of not necessarily nsfw celebrity communities. Thankfully it's all from 1-2 users so you can just block them, but it's like there's another new one created every couple seconds.

Aside from obvious ones like Baldur's Gate 3...

Talos Principle 2 is fantastic from start to finish and makes you feel smart. I'd say playing the first one is a must in order to really enjoy it. The dlc, Road to Gahenna, is skippable. Most people I've talked to find they already own the first one somehow and just never got around to playing it.

Viewfinder was also good but felt kind of short. It's priced fairly, though, so it's worth a try.

Ghost Trick was really really good on the ds, not sure how well it translates to pc but the reviewer liked it. Some part of its charm was the interaction with the stylus. If it goes on sale, absolutely pick it up.

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There was a moment in my life where I walked around late night Baltimore and talked with the trans sex workers about how things were going. They had a remarkably (sadly?) complex system with how they communicate to each other up and down the streets to keep each other safe.

A week or so later, I found an older article from a local paper on microfiche about how specifically black trans sex workers in Baltimore have had ridiculously high murder and assault rates for a long time now and too many people just don't care enough to do anything about it.

I don't know how, but yeah. Something's gotta change.

This happened in Georgetown, where the most likely crime you'd ever experience is how much the shops charge for a mediocre cupcake or expecting reservations to actually matter at Founding Farmers. It's a city like any other and, depending on the year, usually averages a bit lower in crime rates.

The impact site should be given a suitable name to remember this event. Fascist's Folly? Dictator's Demise?

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I think a lot of people have kinda forgotten what NYC was like before companies like airbnb and uber showed up.

Before Uber, there were underground networks of ride sharers that had to evade the police by using "secret" signals and code words. It was absolutely wild, required a ton of trust and only really existed because of the stranglehold the cab companies had over the city.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a similar system in place for rentals before airbnb showed up.

Early on, Teams was kinda doing it's own thing and it wasn't half bad. Then, Microsoft shut down Skype for Business (formerly Lync) and brought most of that team over with all of their baggage. Feature development for Teams went to absolute hell after that point.

Probably some punk named John Barron who I hear many people say has the yugest hands and smells amazing.

You can also use Voyager on Android! If you squint real hard, you can pretend Apollo finally released on a non-Apple device.

I sure hope people enjoyed those purchases for the year they're getting to use them:

Another round of Roundup?

You can also hear the same stuff if you spend some time at any US subway station when the local hoteps are out and about with their loudspeakers. It's not just her.

Pretty sure it's his son who was uploading "adorable" animal clips to various social media sites. They'd get thousands of people to upvote/like/favorite them and you'd maybe get a handful of people in the comments mentioning it's Doc's son. Highly likely he was following in the footsteps of his father and most people were oblivious because aw so cute.

Even better, they're actively preparing to vote for people determined to completely dismantle and privatize NOAA, per the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 guidelines. They won't have to worry about the scary weather news anymore after they do that.

The main story is basically Journey with friends and cosmetics. It expands a bit as you complete each area, easing you into more difficult/spookier content, but it never gets too complex.

There's also a bunch of secret stuff to find and all of the older seasonal stuff that remains after they ended.

Spoilers for sure, but the wiki is helpful:

They have a pretty long history of publicly claiming to be best buddies but not-so-secretly despising each other and eyeing each other's territory.

IIRC it was also commonly thought the Soviet Union and PRC were buddies because Communism but they each claimed to be the true successor to Marx's ideology and denounced the other as inadequate.

Might be misremembering some parts, it's been a while since I studied this.