6 Post – 218 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Zoom CEO says that his companies product is trash.

American government told the whole world that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. America used this as justification to invade Iraq and murder its people. It turns out there were no weapons of mass destruction after all.

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Also is not the most stable instance and experiences a lot of downtime. My user experience got a lot better after I moved out of

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No worries, I wasn't paying anyway!

🏴‍☠️ 🏴‍☠️ 🏴‍☠️

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This is how the rest of the industry worked for years. Nvidia was just stuck in the past century.

check at ArcaneOverflow

I feel like attributing this to Valve is really disrespectful to the folks who developed wine for decades (and more recently also Vulkan). The real game changer is Vulkan, which made Linux graphics to be competitive with DirectX. (OpenGL interfaces to DirectX was simply not competitive)

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This is why they did it. It's a great way to reduce headcount without paying severence.

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Tesla's business model is pushing half-baked sloppy software into production and putting lives in danger.

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It's also changing how normies think of Linux.

Also it basically doubled the % of linux users at Steam.

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Good, the MAGA car company should lose value.

29 more... admins need a lesson on the Streisand Effect.

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Congratulations to India, this is their moment.

Eating the billionaires sounds more and more attractive every day.

Don't offer unlimited if you can't deliver unlimited. FFS

There is no more Red Hat. It's IBM now.

HP has one of the worst customer experiences out there. I don't understand why people keep buying HP trash.

  • Belief in nonsense, such as astrology
  • Celebrity worship
  • Excessive social media usage, especially Twitter
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This is why the US Government wants to ban Tiktok. It's very easy for them to force Google, Apple, Microsoft or Twitter to spy on people. It's much harder with a Chinese company that is headquartered overseas.

Developing world needs an alternative to American tech.

Is that why he has been trying to ban ElonJet?

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My roommate installed Ubuntu on my laptop when I was in college. That was the start. Now it looks like this:

Are you kidding me? Youtube is full of Tesla FSD/Autopilot doing batshit crazy things.

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Why is a critical service like disaster precention using an unreliable service like Twitter?

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Most tech "news" is paid by the subject of the said news.

This is textbook bad engineering.

US teens are stupid.

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America is a fucked up shithole.

Lemmy world is turning into Reddit v2 or Twitter v2. I'm happy about my decision to leave that dumpster fire. Let's hope this nonsense helps others to migrate as well.

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You are paying money for streaming movies? Why?


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Lenovo makes great computers. They have amazing price-to-performance ratios.

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Why did anyone think otherwise?

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Apparently, the reasoning is that instead of telling employees that they didn’t get a raise because of company-wide cuts, try to convince them that they just did a bad job?

This is what you do if you want to encourage attrition.

Looking forward to Twitter losing the remaining 28% of value.

I refuse to buy a game that has DRM or anti cheat.

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It takes a lot of effort to be worse than Reddit.

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I used thinkpad for years. They are great machines, very reliable.

If you are suprised about Elon, then it's your fault. He has always been like this.