The Community Pushing AI-Generated Porn To 'the Edge of Knowledge' to – 63 points –

It's like he never heard of rule 34 before. Know what remains just as creative as AI can be and has been around awhile already?

People that like to draw.

This will hurt the incomes of OnlyFans and their hoes.

Big incel energy with this comment

It's just bizarre how people can have so much contempt for sex workers and porn artists at the same time that they consume their work, directly or indirectly through AI output.

I can only imagine this is a result of the puritan society we live in, where working with sex or porn is seen as a lesser, immoral profession somehow. But at the same time sex appeal is used all the time in media and marketing, because it sells. Rampant hypocrisy.

Is it so hard to treat people with respect even if you disagree with them?

Who are you replying to, SatansMaggotyCumFart?

I have faith in you to be able to figure that out for yourself.

Your comment didn't seem to have much to do with what it appears you replied to.

But then in kbin here my reply looked like it went to Flyswat from as best as I can tell. So I'm genuinely not sure. And I don't see any comment that it seems like yours really applies to.

Well, this would not be the first time that porn has a strong influence on where technology is heading.

Remember VHS vs. BetaMax. BetaMax was the better system, but did not allow commercial publishing of porn on their type of cassettes. VHS, on the other hand, did. The rest is history.

That’s actually a common myth. Beta had porn too. What beta didn’t have was the ability to record a full football game. If I wasn’t at work I’d link the technology connections video on why Betamax lost

I'm not trying to say we can really ban this but I'm very unhappy about AI porn. Many sex workers are struggling as it is, and with AI people can make non consensual images of anyone which will leave them with the same stigma sex workers have to endure. I'm also not saying that stigma is good.

AI porn will prevent vulnerable men from being exploited by the OnlyFans crowd.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Porn has existed forever. Onlyfans is a type of porn consumption. A stiff, plastic, clammy-skinned woman with anime proportions isn’t about to replace the social intimacy that people get from OF. And yes, I know that there are some really good AI gen’s images out there, but it’s a different market entirely.

And if I want porn, there are a million sites for images and videos that don’t require a machine to steal the likenesses of a thousand women to output the most generic bland porn I’ve ever seen.

If AI is going to replicate the social and porn aspects of the industry, so you really think the creators aren’t going to exploit horny idiots out of their money?

why give some hoe your money when you can create the hoe of your dreams using a short prompt?

From what I've read, OF is propelled not by naughty bits but social intimacy. Payment is less for getting to see someone in the buff, but for tidbits of social regard and acknowledgement.

Granted, AI will eventually be able to emulate this. But yes, while porn is about the last mile of a relationship's culmination, all the lonely people are craving the stuff that leads to the last mile.

Combine stable diffusion with LLMs and you have a AI-hoe that can do it better than the OnlyFans crowd.

I would suprise me if the OnlyFans managers are not already using LLMs to respond to their customers.