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Joined 12 months ago

“I do not want any kind of rainbow display especially in this month. We have a conservative town and as a library do not need to make political statements (see Target and Budlight as negative examples). I certainly do not want the library to promote LGBTQ agendas.”

Ah, and removing them is not a political statement?

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Just another reason why he should not be in the White House again.

F. Borger? Or short, Forger?

Most likely someone who wants to be able to claim "This is not my signature" in court.

People who are dumb enough to try taking a loaded gun onto an airplane are lacking the mental capacity to own a gun without endangering other people. In civilized countries, this usually will lead to a revocation of your firearms licence.

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"Firing on the spot" is just one item on a long list. No maternity leave, health insurance bound to the job, reliance on tips to pay workers, lack of whistleblower protection, laughable PTO, limited paid time off for health reasons. All of that has been solved in civilized countries, except for the US.

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Just another reason why not every idiot and his uncle should be allowed to own a firearm.

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By the looks of the videos I've seen, the Ukrainians have turned small drone warfare into an artform.

They use them to find the Russians from up high and either send artillery or other drones, and seem to have designed a sport like "from how high can you drop a grenade into an open hatch?". I believe that any high, whirring sounds on the front will make Russians nervous in the future.

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Texas - Right Wing - Karen - Lying - Book Banning


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"Thanks for the tax breaks, but now we are off to the next tax breaks"

Berlin, May 10, 1933

Different time, same kind of people, burning books.

From my point of view: Bad for EA. No run on Linux or Steam Deck? No purchase.

Well, if you think your game prices are too low, just raise them. The market will regulate this all on it's own.

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The more things he throws tantrums about, the bigger the change he will get a nice and friendly aneurism.

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NOBODY wants Florida.

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Thank goodness homeschooling is illegal in this country. The best effect is that crazy nutjob parents are not able to install their delusions on their kids as much as they can in the US.

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In case you young whippersnappers have no clue what is so special about September:

Back then, the internet (and usenet, bitnet, talk) community had been nearly 100% academic. No idiots, no stupid loudmouths, no antivax moms, no politicians. Each September was an inflow of new students accessing the net for the first time, and it was up to the existing population to educate the newbies on things like netiquette and overall good behavior. People learned to use free and open services without abusing them. Back then, those newbies were usually quick to learn, so any problem arising from people who might cause issues usually was over within a few weeks.

Then, The Flood came. The Eternal September began. The time where AOL disks were so common that people used them as coasters. The Internet and all the services on it never were the same again. The existing netizens were no longer capable to educate new users on proper, civilized behavior, and usenet posts solely consisting of text like "me too" became common. It went downhill from there. Formerly open services closed up because of unmitigated abuse. One day, even lawyers invaded the net, people despicable things like Sanford Wallace, for example. You newbies today cannot imagine a time like it was before criminals like him invaded this space.

Indeed not. You would get unskippable ads first.

I'm just surprised at the sheer stupidity of those people. There have been pictures on the net, showing the festival area completely submerged just a few days before the start. Yet, they still moved there.

At that point, when they noticed that the mud was knee deep, they could have left. They decided to stay.

Now there is an emergency involving 70k idiots who put themselves wilfully in a dangerous place without thinking.

Indeed. One could have done the whole thing with a simple, static HTML page.

On top an empty board with 9 clickable fields. Each of them links to a new, pre-rendered board on the same page, with the move of the player and the perfect reply of the computer already in place, and 7 clickable fields. Which link to other, pre-rendered boards with 5 clickable fields remaining, then with three. The last one only has one field open, so this could be pre-filled as a player move.

All in all this would result in 9x7x5x3=945 pre-rendered boards max on that page. And, of course, two links to "You won" and "You Lost". I'm no HTML junkie, so I have no idea how many bytes one would need to produce such a board, but I'm sure this all could easily done way below 170MB.

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Good luck finding a non-extremist in the GOP. They are all nutters, one way or the other.

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Economy Good: The majority of people work their asses off to make a handful even richer.

Economy Bad: The majority of people suffer even more so the handful of people does not have to suffer a bit.

The nationalist party PiS had turned the public television into a propaganda system. People called the TV news channel "TVPiS" instead of the official name "TVP".

"I'm sorry we got caught on this."

Let's just tax it. Last time I've looked (a while ago) HFCS was at about $400/t. Just add a tax of $800/t that solely goes to programs fighting obesity.

Another AfD politician recently was caught on camera taking Russian money.

But you are right, this is a general theme among right-wing politicians. Brexit is hailed as one of Putins biggest successes in weakening Europe, and Trump is a total Putin (and Xi and Kim Jong-un) fanboy, if not even a Russian secret service asset.

Decades ago, the TV took five minutes to warm the tubes up before one could watch the news.

Today, the TV takes five minutes to boot, install updates, and mangle some configuration before one (eventually) can watch the news - if the TV has not lost it's list of stations again.

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It is just the usual shortage of skilled exploitable workers. Nothing new.

Conservatives are afraid. They (at least the professionals and the GOP as an organisation) are well aware that they are on course to get irrelevent in the future. Not only are their politicians getting older, their voter base is getting older and shrinking. So the try everything in the book to stay relevant: Gerrymandering, reducing access to the voting process fro people who are unlikely to vote for them, etc. And as we all know, fear, or worse, existencial dread, leads to hate for the other side, the group of people seen as their very threat to their existence.

They are basically cornered rats, clawing and biting the pest control man.

"If you disrupt the proceedings we can proceed with the trial in your absence. … Do you understand?" the judge asked. "I do," Trump replied.

That might be a problem. If the judge kicks him out, is he free to go campaigning, or does he have to be in reach, e.g. a room in the court house?

I think it would be better to have him present all the time, so a) he cannot go campaigning and b) he will irritate and annoy everyone in court when he is present as he does not understand when to shup up, and pissing off the jury would be a good thing here.

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Honestly, this can not be worse than some of the moderators.

As little as I like Disney, I hope they seriously throw the book at him. HARD.

My wife had booked this airport service for people with disabilities. Worked well on the first leg of the journey. On the way back though, she was informed at the destination that the service was unavailable...

The article just describes the how, but gives no reasons for a why.

So, why would anyone move away from the de-facto standard bash, except for some rare circumstances like having a small system and using busybox?

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Which would actually a big improvement over Reddit.

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Jingle Bells, Donald smells...

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"Businessman" does not imply "smart" anymore. Not even "successful businessman". This is a good example.

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They should stop wasting money on sports and see that they finally get better at their actual job: educating young people.

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So, basically, he had one accident per year. And he is not smart enough to understand that the universe is trying to tell him "Don't drive a car, then!"

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Let him. And then put him behind bars for aggravated assault and witness intimidation.

In Germany: Saarland

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