
1 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This really might be the one that gets him. It’s one thing when self driving doesn’t quite work right or when that tunnel project gets abandoned. If they install these things and people get seriously hurt (I know cars can hurt people) it’s going to be a shit storm.

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This is definitely a “tap him on the shoulder and say Bro…” moment.

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y’all means all

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I’ve always used google maps on my iPhone and it has offline maps. I use it pretty regularly on trips to be damn sure I can get where I’m going regardless of cell signal.

I never used Apple Maps because it was HORRIBLE when it first came out. I used it a few times more recently and it’s actually pretty decent. With offline maps I might give it another real try.

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I obsessively pick words above/under the bar to compare against.

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Hey Amazon, I was a HUGE advocate for you. I help setup countless older family/friends devices for them. I told them that FireTVs were the devices to have.

I have moved 100% to roku. The reason for this that you’re UI is ads 1st and apps 2nd. If you’re redesigning I beg and plead that you take a good look at what Roku is going right. You could do it better and fully whip them out (I hope not because competition is good).

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This is 100% fucking amazing.

It’s straight up sci-fi movie level awesome.

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I used to work for a local company that sold parts to Tesla. They were a huge nightmare and wouldn’t pay us. I think that is their whole deal. Not paying the small companies.

FUCK them

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Random apps are going to be harder. Best option for your home network will be to setup a pihole. I’ve causally followed it but never actually set one up myself. I’ve heard it’s great.

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I agree. It’s a line in the sand at this point.

I remember back in the 90s looking at these super cool CD players people and installed. I’m sure the nice ones were insanely expensive. CarPlay/Android Auto is a better UI than literally any other option ever put in a car. End of story.

Are there AI Onlyfans?

The video of Kris Kristofferson comforting her is amazing. Really made me love him even more.

Define “bank account”

I mod a small/mid size sub that is still blacked out. Should I leave it private or just let it get overrun with spam?

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I haven’t looked into point to point wireless in a few years. Seems like this could be a use. One person pays and then blasts that connection to the whole neighborhood.

Otherwise there is zero residential need for these speeds.

If you have young kids (or maybe even if you don’t) check out Casper Babypants. Same singer as POTUSA and it’s solid kid music.

My company has a mandatory 3 days in office policy already. However, they haven’t given any details about how it’s calculated.

If I have a vacation Monday & Tuesday do those count toward my days or not? If not what if I’m out Monday - Wednesday? We have unlimited PTO so there is no formal record keeping of my days off. How does my boss (or whoever is counting my days) factor in considering my PTO? If I did 5 days one week does that mean I could do 1 day the next week? What about traveling for work?

I have a deep love for Halloween season. I always wanted to get a waterphone. They are just a little to expensive for something that would 100% be a novelty.

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Sounds like Elon

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I’m 85% sure I’m going to get the 15. I’m upgrading from my XR so hopefully it’ll be pretty major for me.

Agree 3-4 cycle makes it feel amazing.

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Offline maps are a little above a “nice to have” feature for me. However, I think it makes it worth giving it another solid try for a few weeks. I’ll check it out as soon as iOS 17 hits.

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I just noticed that from your comment. It’s much better.

This would be so cool to build into a mame cabinet

I need an old school snow day. Now the only excuses are power or internet is out.

The one big downside to work from home is that now bosses know for a fact that we can get shit done at home.

I acknowledge that these devices are subsidized by ads. However, roku shows you ads but they are off to the side and don’t impact the experience of using the device.

FireTV devices are so aggressive with their ads and terrible UI that I’m fully off them (I actually still have 1).

I refuse to buy a car that doesn’t have CarPlay. Totally up to the manufacturers it’s really worth losing customers over this.

Like 20 years ago I had this grand idea to sell add on kits for shopping carts to grocery stores. One would divide the cart in half so you could have heavy stuff separate from chips/bread/whatever. Another had all kinds of hooks/holders for stuff like that.

Should’ve done something with that idea apparently.

I have to think that even if something went to court there is 0 connection to me saying “I pirated xyz” and being able to connect that to real life.

Nothing that is said on Reddit or Lemmy is sworn on a bible true true true.

I’m a remap the print screen button man myself

and let's be real, the "step" is there mostly for legal reasons.

Is this true? I’m surprised.

When I was 12 I got a step sister that was 17-18 and I definitely had a thing for her. I always assumed this stuff was aimed at that but maybe I’m just living in my own head over here.

The step stuff I really dumb though and I have no interest in it either way. However, if they dropped the step I would be 100% out.

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Wow, I had no idea that Cyprus was in Asia. Totally agree they are culturally European.

In their current iteration I totally agree. However, long term we could shift away from needing to own a car and it would be an Uber like experience for everything.

If I could have a car waiting for me every morning at 7:30 to take me to work and then hit a button when I’m ready to go home I would consider it. Maybe I’d rent a car if we needed to do a road trip.

Why is this not more of a thing? I should be able to connect 3 headphones to my iPhone. Is it a limitation of Bluetooth somehow?

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My daughter was out running around the woods this weekend. She came home proud that she had found 10 of these.

Especially concerning as there was an earthquake the other day

I absolutely love Atlanta Season 3 Episode 4. It’s a very fictionalized take on this.

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Dumb question but how would you get your browser of choice if they didn’t include one from the jump?

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I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds

I do exactly this 3 days a week…

I would probably voluntarily go in 1-2 days a week because it’s nice to get out sometimes. However, a mandatory 3 days feels dumb.

I still want to see a badass version of the Kim Dotcom whole fiasco