inundated by ads on iPhone. how do i stop them? to Mildly – 42 points –

I’m an idiot about this stuff, and I’m sure others are as well. Lemmings to the rescue?


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Random apps are going to be harder. Best option for your home network will be to setup a pihole. I’ve causally followed it but never actually set one up myself. I’ve heard it’s great.

piHole is just a home network solution; correct? If I leave home it does nothing. Again, I’m an idiot

Again, I’m an idiot

Just to let you know, if you are willing to learn you are not an idiot at all ;)

It is possible to set up pihole on the free tier of Google cloud and stay connected to it at all times through a VPN. I have been using that for a few years now with minimal issues. Here’s a tutorial on how to do it.

Pi-hole at home and pi-hole+PiVPN while away. Works perfectly

Yep, it would only work inside your home network.

You’re not going to have much luck blocking ads within apps with any other option I’m aware of. Maybe android has some OS wide ad blocking but iOS doesn’t.

Android has dns66, which kinda works; per example, on youtube, home ads are not blocked. Video ads are though, besides youtube's own ads, which are baked into the app