
2 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm not from the US, so I don't know how accurate this is, and I also don't know if this thing has ever been updated (I found it a long time ago), but there's this tool that might help with deciding: https://www.whereshouldilive.co/

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You can do just that. Before you begin the quiz, there's a link to skip the quiz and directly enter your preferences.

Oh no! Is the MRI machine okay? The article doesn't say anything about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if he sends those women to the frontline as well.

That's way too much hassle. I guess, when the anti-adblock kicks in on my devices, I'll just stop watching YouTube. I have tons of better stuff to do anyway.

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Apart from what some commenters already pointed out (about the orientation of the roads there), I'm not sure how it's going in the US, but in Europe, we have a hierarchy, where the sign on a pole takes precedence over the sign painted on the road.

The hierarchy is:

  1. Police officer's hand signs
  2. Traffic lights
  3. Signs on a pole
  4. Signs painted on the road

According to this, you cannot turn left, even though it looks like a left turning lane.

Is there such a thing in the US?

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End of the day, nothing you can do will change what's happening half way across the world, so why let it change you?

I beg to differ. Here are a few things you can do. I agree these won't make an impact, but if enough people are willing to do these, it could work:

  • Donate money if you can afford it. (Just carefully check where you're exactly donating to.)
  • Promote non-propaganda, factual information. Muscovy spreads disinformation through social media and propaganda websites using their trolls. So why can't ordinary people step up and upvote, share, publish, and promote factual information? Sure, the algorithms of social media platforms favor the disinformation, but again, if enough people are willing to overcome what's happening, I believe, it could make a change.
  • Promote education. Only stupid people can be influenced by the far right propaganda. Unfortunately there are way too many stupid people.
  • Just do what you're good at. If your profession is irrelevant, that's fine. But if you happen to be a hacker, or want to become one, go ahead, and fight online scammers and trolls. Are you a software developer? Wanna be a web developer? Create something that has an impact if you have the free time and interest. Make it open source. Encourage others to join. Again, if you have no affinity for this kind of stuff, it's totally fine.
  • Do your research and vote on elections.

In my opinion, this kind of mindset of "you cannot do anything, get used to it" is a very demotivating and harmful piece of advice. Because that's what's been going on all this time; everyone being ignorant, while evil people never stop doing what they're doing.

I'd pick Ubuntu. I don't really understand why it's still so popular. Never ever had a successful dist-upgrade with it, so technically if you wanna stay up to date with it, you have to reinstall every six months.

And regarding the technologies they use, they always choose to develop their own (often failing) solution instead of using/improving a well established and popular one. Unity desktop, snap packages, Mir... the list probably goes on. To me, Canonical is kinda like Apple of the Linux world.

Are there any worse distros? Probably yes. But in proportion to its popularity, Ubuntu is the absolute worst, that's not even a question to me.

Edit: I can see several replies to my comment praising Ubuntu for its role in making Linux platform (and free software) more popular. That's fine, perfectly valid. In fact, my very first experience with Linux was with Ubuntu as well, through a CD addition to a PC magazine back in 2005.

To clarify myself (since the post itself is not very elaborate), when I posted my comment, I was thinking of the quality/usability/stability of Linux distributions, and due to personal experience I've never found Ubuntu usable in the long term. I did try it several times through the years, also installed it on my mom's laptop (fairly simple setup with no customizations at all on a Dell Latitude, a.k.a good hardware), and even there basic things just didn't work on the long run.

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I don't know if anyone told them already, but the trick is, make your search engine usable. Not spend billions.

As for me, I stick with DuckDuckGo, it's actually usable.

I don't understand the motivation in these kinds of attacks.

It's easy: Houthi terrorists are backed by Iranian terrorists and Muscovy terrorists, and all they want is more chaos in the world. That's what terrorists do.

Water; yes.

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I have a broken scroll wheel (which happens every 5-10 years, whenever the lifecycle of my mouse reaches its end), and I feel the pain every freakin time I wanna scroll.

Nowadays with such high-resolution screens I just can't understand why it's needed to make those scrollbars so narrow.

With UEFI bios you no longer need a boot menu like Grub for choosing an OS to boot. You can just use the boot menu of the bios.

(You still need Grub for booting Linux, but no need to show it for long seconds just so you can select Windows from it, if for some reason you have a Windows installed too.)

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Luckily I'm not involved in this smart-TV saga in any way, as I haven't been watching TV since my childhood (there were no smart-TVs back then, but TV shows in my country were shit).

Now my biggest fear is, if enough people realize that smart-TVs are shit, then desktop monitors will start to become "smart" too. My life will be doomed if that happens.

Back in my country, bottled mineral water used to have a pink cap when it was non-carbonated, and blue cap for the carbonated one. I guess, I don't even have to finish the story, at this point everyone can imagine... But yeah, in primary school I had class mates who refused to drink the non-carbonated one, saying it's "gay water".

1000 Terabytes (TB) = 1 Petabyte (PB).

Or: 1024 Tebibytes (TiB) = 1 Pebibyte (PiB)

Or: 1024 Terabytes (TB) = 1.024 Petabytes (PB)

Or: 1024 Terabytes (TB) = 1 Petabyte (TB), 24 Terabytes (TB)

But: 1024 Terabytes (TB) != 1 Petabyte (PB)

Oh there's a lot.

  • When I was a kid, parents and teachers used to teach, if you have sore muscles a day after an extensive workout, you need to work out even more in order to reduce the soreness. In fact, however, you need to rest those muscles.
  • I thought, pepperoni was pepper. (Like bell pepper, just smaller; similar to chilli). Then my girlfriend enlightened me after a confusing conversation, that pepperoni was a kind of salami. And then recently, at a company event before ordering pizza and after a very confusing discussion of what toppings we order, it turned out pepperoni was actually a kind of a salami, but not everyone agreed. So by now I've learned that pepperoni is neither of them. It doesn't exist. It's listed on pizza menus, and when you order it, you'll get something for sure, but you won't know in advance what it would be.
  • This isn't new, the realization was several years ago, but fits this list nicely: I thought, perfume was something for women. It turned out, there was perfume for men too.
  • Parents used to teach, if you read in the dark (on paper, not on a screen, I must add), you're ruining your eyes. But if you think about it: wtf does low light do to your eyes? By that logic, you're constantly ruining your eyes while sleeping.
  • For some reason I used to think, you could simply delete related entities bound by foreign key constraints in postgres, if you ran the query in a transaction. Once when I finally needed to do this, I learned the hard way I was wrong.

There's a lot more than this, probably I'll update this comment in the future. Or not.

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Wait, the keyboard layout standardization has been done by Microsoft?!

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I'm not sure if this is true, likely not, since I saw it in a movie:

At the beginning, when they were establishing the baseline, they asked whether she had ever used marijuana. She said yes, which was a lie, but the interviewer thought it was the truth, because come on, who would've admitted that?

The bottom line is, when they're asking the baseline questions, lie (sometimes).

Again, I don't know how far this is from the truth, but that show was pretty cool.

I set the timer on the dishwasher to finish approximately when I get home after work. However, that day I didn't really know what time I would get home, as there was an after-work BBQ event.

When I arrived at home and stepped into the kitchen, the timer showed 0:00 and shortly afterwards it switched off.

My proudest achievement in like two years.

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I have nothing to share. Funny thing is, as an IT person, I've even built my own blog just to have one and share obstacles and solutions I find during my developer journey, and then, once I finished and published it, I was thinking "damn, now what should I post about?" My blog is almost empty ever since then. So... yeah. As for me, I have absolutely nothing to share and I've made the extra mile to not share anything.

Downvoted for the stupid title. Well yeah, it's not a lie. But it's unnecessary to create panic around it at this point.

The tremendous amount of issues with the 737 Max and its certification process have already been identified and rectified, and the already manufactured aircraft were also fixed, and the ones responsible for the disasters are (hopefully) punished.

While I'm not a Boeing fan myself, I guess, by now it's safe to fly.

...and people are surprised the counteroffensive is going slowly. Because they're not only fighting Putler and his orcs, but also this traitor piece of shit. He should be thrown right to the frontline.

There are! FediTips usually shares some channels on Mastodon that they consider interesting. It's worth looking their posts through: https://social.growyourown.services/@FediVideo

Oh. Someone at the EU Commission started to use websites? 🤔

Emirates has such cameras, one looking downwards and one mounted somewhere in front of the rudder, looking forward. Maybe there's a third camera as well, I don't remember. I flew in 2019 last time.

  • When traveling to/from eastern Europe, always have your checked-in luggage wrapped. In those countries, especially in Hungary, there are many thieves among luggage handlers and there are many horror stories regarding in what conditions the passengers received their belongings at the end (if at all). While you cannot 100% eliminate risks, wrapped luggages are much less likely to be tampered with. It's also worth wrapping it when you care about the outer texture of your luggage (sometimes the cargo area of the aircraft is really dirty).
  • In the terminal building, find your gate first, so that you know exactly where to go when the time comes. Until then, go, find a comfortable seat somewhere else, far from the gates. At DXB I know a couple of cool locations where there aren't many people waiting, so there are plenty of free space plus much cleaner toilets nearby due to less frequent usage. However, I'll keep that information to myself, because I still wanna be able to enjoy those less crowded areas when I'm traveling.
  • Pay attention to the safety briefing and really think it through. You have to remember it in panic situations. Pay attention to every single little detail, because everything is said for a very good reason. (Just as an example: when they say "pull the oxygen mask towards you when it appears in front of you", you really have to yank on it (okay, maybe don't rip it off; I have no idea how strong to pull it), because the oxygen flow starts only when a safety "pin" is released, which can be done by pulling on the oxygen line.)
  • If your clothes are in your checked-in luggage, always have at least one set of extra clothes in your hand-carry.
  • Pay attention to the airline's guidelines when packing your luggage.
  • During an emergency evacuation do not reach for your belongings. Just do as instructed and leave the aircraft as you're told, ASAP. For this reason, keep your passport in your pocket and try to wear clothing that will be suitable outside as well to some extent. For example, wear your shoes and wear a sweater at least. (And pants as well, but I guess it doesn't need to be mentioned.) You will get your belongings back at the end (if they're salvageable, I guess).
  • Others already mentioned it, but it's so important, I need to reiterate: don't be an asshole. It is common sense, yet there are so many people not following this rule.

Basic cybersecurity skills, like

  • don't click on random links in random emails
  • identify phishing/scam emails
  • use a password manager & generate long enough passwords
  • know how long a safe password is
  • use unique passwords everywhere
  • use an ad blocker
  • don't click on sketchy links
  • identify sketchy links
  • don't share your personal data when it's not necessary
  • make offline & online backups
  • change the admin and wifi passwords of your home router from the factory default
  • have some sort of a firewall and antivirus software
  • etc...

And do Israeli people actually approve of this genocide?

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At this point I'm kinda afraid to ask, but why the hell does nowadays almost every post title on Lemmy end with "rule"?

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Just as a mildly interesting story, I thought I'd share:

The best self checkout experience I had so far, was at a Japanese clothing store in Germany. There was a box at the checkout station, and each clothing item had an RFID in their labels. You just toss all your items in the box, it detects which exact products you're gonna buy, and if the list of items shown is correct, you just pay and go.

A few years ago I heard of a similar concept for groceries, but that one was experimental and I don't think they've implemented it ever since. But this one at the clothing store was not a test, and it worked flawlessly.

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Why is it such a big deal? I don't regret anything. Back in the days when Google was a cool company and Chrome appeared, it totally made sense to use Chrome. After they gradually started to get more and more hostile, I switched to Firefox. It was just a matter of exporting and importing bookmarks and setting up some plugins. And changing the search engine.

I've been using Manjaro for many years, and it's been working mostly flawlessly. Minor issues arise sometimes, but that's incredibly rare, and easy to fix.

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The amount of people not knowing what a "web app" is, is seriously concerning.

Anyway, I tried "old" and Alexandrite, but I just ended up sticking with the default. I find "old" ugly, and on Alexandrite, I couldn't find my saved posts. Maybe it has been fixed since, but the default one works for me best.

SQL. There are so many SQL dialects. Only if there could be a way to standardize it...

I'm using Qwant. Works better for me than DuckDuckGo.

You mean, *LineageOS devices.

When it comes to Facebook, Instagram, and other mainstream social media, just stay away, it's not worth it. I had Facebook, and it was just full of trash. I haven't had Instagram, but it's not very appealing either.

A LinkedIn account, however, for professional reasons is very much advised. Or Glassdoor.

Although over the recent years I saw some decline in quality on LinkedIn, as it's getting full of shit posts, but you can completely disregard what's on the feed. What you need LinkedIn for, is to build a professional profile, have your former and current coworkers in your network, and find and apply for jobs. Or even just let opportunities come to your inbox once you have an impressive profile.

The most amazing workplace I've ever had was possible thanks to LinkedIn, with almost no effort on my part. I have to say, this isn't typical though. It's only likely happening in countries where there's a labour shortage. But a recruiter (among tons of others) found me from a well known company, their opening looked good to me, so I gave it a try. After just one interview I was hired, and I didn't even have to apply for the job.

My most recent job was with a relocation to a different country. I can't even imagine how this would've been possible without LinkedIn or Glassdoor. But I achieved one of my big life goals.

A career advice I got about ten years ago: create a LinkedIn profile and always keep updating it. If you do so, you'll see it's kinda awkward to go back in time and retrospectively edit things and connect with former coworkers. But since you haven't had an account yet, I don't see any other choice for you.

As for Glassdoor, it's maybe a bit less popular than LinkedIn, but nowadays you can find opportunities there too. The best strength of Glassdoor is that you can find reviews of companies, sometimes they're also reporting their salaries so you know what to expect. In some cases, individual reviews may be misleading as they're forced by the company (which is btw against the terms of use), it can be a good indicator if you find thousands of good reviews or thousands of bad reviews.

Regarding the fediverse (Mastodon, Lemmy, Pixelfed, PeerTube, etc.), they're much better than their corporate equivalents in terms of quality, but they're not immune to misinformation either. And also not immune to the user's own stupidity. Obviously, don't share what doesn't belong there.

Edit: added notes for Glassdoor

I can't imagine stopping to work. If I retire, I'll have no money. I cannot count on pension either.

But I have an IT job, it's just sitting in front of the computer all day; it's not like a physical job I wouldn't be able to do at old age.

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Man page for dummies. Nice! I like it!

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