think about that rule to – 681 points –

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At this point I'm kinda afraid to ask, but why the hell does nowadays almost every post title on Lemmy end with "rule"?

Not lemmy, /c/196.

It’s just the “196” community, which already existed on Reddit. From what I understood, the only rule is you have to post something before you leave, and put “rule” in the title. As for the reason, or why is it called like that, I’m not sure either.

the titles are tradition but not a rule. it's called 196 because it's a descendent of 195. why was it called 195? 195 was created by a college student as a social experiment, and 195 was their room number. they shut down 195 when they graduated, so 196 was created

"almost every post title on Lemmy".

I counted my feed and it was 2/30. Apparently that means "almost every" in 2023 lmao

I often browse everything, not just what I subscribed to. I can see quite a lot of "rule" posts that way. Sometimes all I can see is "rule" everywhere. Not knowing the scheme it was very annoying, because it didn't make any sense. Now I know, all I need to do is restrict myself to my subscribed communities.

The rule is that you have to post before you leave

'Rule' is to lemmy what 'Desu' is to 4chan

As someone who has never used 4chan that makes it now clearer.

Wtf is 4chan? (No need to reply lol, I'm not really interested.)