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Joined 12 months ago

Anthony was great and so full of super geeky information, hopefully Emily will make an appearance at some point but i fully understand if she doesn't. Internet can be a ruthless place.

No, just authentication through certificates and a password. But nothing to block unwanted requests at the moment

As a VPN client, I dont mean for a connection to a VPN service to annoamyse my traffic, but for my own self hosted VPN so I can call home and access stuff on my network. Comes in handy for stuff like my password manager where I dont like the idea of exposing it to the internet but still need access when im out and about.

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Anyone able to put the deltaV into tons of fuel needed for this manoeuvre? Extra points if you can do the full thing of getting the fuel to the station.

It really is a shame though, its such an iconic structure. Would be nice if we could class it an the 8th wonder of the world but dont know enough about classification to know if it even could be.

No! Make more!

One is...

Anyone got any real hands on with this vpn provider? Its not one I've ever heard of, but sounds good from a quick look on their site.

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*...30-foot flame-throwing range, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth"

Is that wifi6? 🤔

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Not really underrated but one that most people probably dont know, Its all about hardware hacking, which is primarily people making stuff with electronics or making them do things they werent designed to do but they also have a whole heap of non electronics stuff. If you can make it, and its clever, it belongs there!

Your being locked into wondows by being locked into the equally shitty Adobe suite. There are apparently some really good alternatives to Adobe out there. Maybe check them out if you havent already.

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When I was young my mum n dad used to force me to do a hour of writing everyday after school to improve my writing, never worked, and now I work in IT so have almost zero reason for a pen or pencil. What a waste of time. Good job I was unsupervised and only used to do it once a week then give them the same sheet every day!

Only if its wet ...

So im a little out of the loop here, n the info doent help, what exactly is this community? And what is 196 in reference to?

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Or a bow?

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Turn left, they're all sinners!

Please tell me hes called Manbat


Really? As a fellow keyboard monkey it scares the shit out of me!

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Maybe biological intelligence is just the bootloader for less squishy forms of life?

This might be one of my favourite sentences ever...

Yes thats part of it. The full saying is "Don't throw glass at your rock house, unless you want a glass moat."

Persoanlly i'll take being tracked over not having computers. But each to their own.

Whos your ISP? Sounds like the Virgin package i had but i dont remember it being that much more expensive than their residential package and im sure I had fairly comparable speeds. I had 350 down 20 up for about £50 about 3 years back

Best show ever!

As someone who has never used 4chan that makes it now clearer.

...erm, yes.... I concur 🧐

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Nah not true, ive done it on £200 shops, not perfectly but enough. Take the time to think about where your putting stuff as your putting things in your basket/trolley and its easy to move a few bags of crisps to get to the bottles for example.

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And so say all of us!

The the paprika3 app, it has a in apo browser where you can find the recipe you want and yhen hit the download button to save only the recipe. You still have to trawl thtough the shit the forst time but when you come to make it again its all just sat there waiting nicely for you

Damn the smoking at the desk must have been awful. Dont get me wrong, im a smoker and do enjoy a indoor cig every so often but sitting around it all the time cant be nice.

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Offload all work to an anonymous VPS provider possibly? I dunno just spit balling.

Oh shit yeah, i forgot! Hahah!

Interesting, I assumed it would grow to fit

Ever tried breakfast in a can? So good but so shit!

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The forst job i had was advertised as a customer service role. My thinking was itd be taking calls in the customer service department. With it being my first ever job/interview I missed all the red flags, sales were mentioned berifly but i figured it wasnt the main part of the job so itd be fine, and they even asked me about being on a phone.

Cut to my forst day and im brought into a room with roughly a dozen other new people, we are split into teams, assigned a team leader and told tp follow that person to the train staion. Turns put it was a door to door sales job. I quit before we got to the train station.

Ive worked with a few people that had completed CS degrees that couldnt do basic troubleshooting. One of them still works for my old employer and ive been informed that hes still as bad as the first day they hired him!

Yes however, I'm torn between either donating my organs or donating my body to science.

My thinking is I could maybe help save a couple of lives if my organs are in a decent enough state, although with my life style they probably wont be, or maybe my body could be used as a cadaver to train new doctors possibly saving a lot more lives.

Even if its not used for training doctors my thinking is that even a small amount learnt from the use of my body has got to help somewhere.

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Money for indians. Im in the UK and depending on how close you are you we typically give anywhere from £20 upwards. Theres a tradition of giving an extra£1 though so it would actually be £21, £31, £51 ect.


Suffocation thoughts

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