
22 Post – 750 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Biden was bad for the first 10 minutes. By the 40 minute mark he was fine but he already lost the audience and the tiny attention span of modern Americans is evident.

That's... Whatever. I get it. We're in the tiktok age of short discussions. Expect more of this moving forward.

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Except the racists did vote for Biden in 2020, despite Harris being the VP.

Arizona ain't exactly a happy-go-lucky civil rights state. Do you really have assurances that Arizona goes to Kamala if she's on the top of the ticket?

I agree with a push for EV for new cars.

I agree with more environmentally friendly regulations because I'm a moderate Republican.

But EVs are not necessarily something I can get behind. The EV Hummer emits more carbon than a normal ICE Honda Civic. When you "Democrats" are so blinded by your EV love that you start harming the country and causing more carbon pollution from your 8000lb inefficient EVs... and yet write the laws to encourage them anyway, it becomes blatantly obvious that yall have also just been captured by the EV manufacturers rather than actually caring about the environment anymore.

A serious environmental bill would be... well... like Biden's bill. Something I can get behind and support because its actually based on environmental standards rather than blatantly handing out money to EV manufacturers.

Biden has proven himself to be... well not a conservative... but at least someone who cares about the fundamentals of the regulations he pushes. He's not someone I can 100% agree with, but he's far better of a candidate than pretty much every other Democrat I've seen.

If yall are going to push environmental standards, at least have them make sense. With how Newsom pushed his ACCII standard, its utterly shit.

I agree that Biden doesn't sound good on stage. But there's actions, regulations, and details with how Biden actually governs. These details are far better than many other politicians.

In any case, if the Democrats have lost faith in Biden, figure out a replacement before you get rid of him. He's not as bad as the mass media thinks. There's reasons why the far-right are thinking that the mass-media is "tricking them", because we all see that Biden is actually someone who is moderate enough to see the details and nuances of the laws. But obviously, Biden can't win this without Democrats support either, so whatever. Do what you want.

It seems to me, from my more conservative/moderate perspective, that your best chance is to stick with Biden. But I don't have a pulse on what the left feels overall.

Definitely don't cut Biden out for Kamala. Instead, just run Kamala more as a strong VP (possibly Presidential) candidate. People will be asking for more questions about Kamala moving forward.

The plan for "Kamala" is that Biden resigns in January 2025 after the election. Its something everyone would innately understand (Biden stays just for the rest of the election, but we get Kamala). Its the underlying assumption of most voters anyway.

I think that's your next best bet. Because I don't think Kamala can actually run and succeed on the top of the ticket. So having a bit of that weird indirection could be the last push you need to get the more racist to vote for her (albeit indirectly).

I'm an Anti-Trump Republican. I'm quite interested in seeing what yall's plan is to fight Trump this fall, and frankly, I'm not impressed with what I'm seeing in this topic yet.

Hopefully you all figure something out by next week. And if not next week, the week after that. But your time is short, and time is ticking.

I'm likely voting for the Democratic candidate, whoever it is. But none of this internal Democrats's chaos is my responsibility or my problem. I'm just here to point out that you have a large degree of my support from being anti-Trump, but I can't go so far left as Bernie (or some other progressives you got).

That's really all I'm here to point out.

In any case, figure out a name. Otherwise Democrats will lose. And figure out a name before you get rid of Biden/Kamala. You're throwing away a decent candidate with a decent anti-Trump record for literally nobody right now.

A vote for Biden is practically a vote for Kamala, so Kamala is something I've already accepted. I don't think it will do much favors though because she's much more divisive and I know plenty of racists who will NOT vote for Kamala and actively vote for Trump instead. So its not so much me you have to worry about Kamala, but some other fence-sitters I know of.

If yall Democrats don't think Biden is going to last all 4 years, then its all Kamala in the long run anyway.


You're going to lose Michigan over Advance Clean Cars II, which is so extreme its even banned hybrids by 2035 (despite the fact that many hybrids have more environmental friendliness than cars like Hummer EV).

There's a lot of stupid here, and honestly Biden has handled the situation far better and more reasonably than many Democratic Governors on issues like this.

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Stewart (and Colbert) are literally a clown (TV Comedian) who is refusing to ever make a serious political moves. Neither of them have any legislative experience or executive experience either.

The fact that modern people always choose TV Personalities (like Trump, Stewart and Colbert) is part of the same problem of ignorance of our Political system and what this job even freaken entails.

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It isn’t new and is honestly exhausting to talk about.

And yet talking about Biden's advanced age is new and not exhausting to talk about?

Because let me tell you one thing: the discussion you've chosen to get worked up about, plays to your political opponent.

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The entirety of the 2nd half of the "Debate" had Trump talking about how Social Security is ruined by immigrants. Medicare ruined by immigrants. January 6th is ruined by immigrants.

It was some fucking nonsense. And somehow, I go online and not a single Democrat in a discussion is pointing out this severe weakness of Trump.

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Sure sure.

So who's your pick for President? Start listing names. Lets see if you get any traction.

The democrats have already lost and I want them to know why

I'm a Republican FYI. But I am an anti-Trump Republican. Do you think you can list a name of someone that both you and I'd vote for?

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Didn't stop Donald Trump or Ronald Regan.

My point is that there's more bad examples of Hollywood Actors or Reality TV stars becoming President for the worse of America, than the reverse.

Yeah, but you'd vote for Biden too.

The question isn't about who you or I'd vote for. The question is who'd "Joe Moderate" would vote for?

And spoiler alert: "Joe Moderate" isn't exactly a feminist or LGBT ally. "Joe Moderate" is the various citizens of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan who flipped from Red to Blue in 2020.

So you're saying Joe Moderate is going to vote for a Female Governor? An openly gay politician? Or the California man who is proudly pushing ACCII to force people to buy Electric Cars? I don't think so.

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Rest assured, Biden's methodology has reached across the aisle and really solidified my support for him. I'm not liberal in the slightest and I recognize I'm probably a minority of people who considers themselves "conservative". But Biden's approach did reach out to me in a way that no other Democrat has.

I think you're underestimating Biden.

That's where my confusion comes in. I really don't think Trump did very well on that stage, and you should instead be talking about how Trump literally defended January 6th to your cohort. Instead of a few missed lines and typical Biden blunders.

Biden always sucked at these debate settings. Yes, he's older and even worse at it, but Biden wasn't really that good in 2020 either. None of this shit is new to Biden voters.

Liberals really go hyperbolic and freak out at little things. Yall should learn from the Conservatives and I dunno... put a bit of Trust in the leader yall chose? Republicans have put too much faith in Trump, but Democrats consistently put too little faith in their leaders (and this entire episode of people calling on Biden to step down / be replaced is a continuation of this Democrat tradition).

So Trump is a charismatic liar / Reality TV Star who uses his literal WWE experience to form a bullying debate style that's popular amongst the US Public. You already knew that, right? How else did you think this would go? It went like this last time in 2020.

Joe Biden stumbled but what the hell?

Trump was the one talking in circles about immigrants and was literally unable to respond to the moderator's questions.

Biden's age is showing, but Trump's brain is turning into cheese. The difference is that Republicans proudly rally behind their cheese-brain candidate while yall scardy-cats backstab Biden the first chance yall get.

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Okay. Go convince the Republicans who control over half the states to switched to rank choice voting.

Running someone fresh that appeals to this American Idol-esque popularity contest = good.

What if no such person exists?

Then you just lose and Trump becomes President by default. Do you have confidence that Democrats can rally behind an actually named person? And if so, what is the name of that person?

I'm no Democrat. But I wouldn't consider "replacing Biden by somebody" to be a serious option. You need to say "Replace Biden by SPECIFIC NAME HERE". Otherwise you're just throwing away the election before it even begins.

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Biden did well after 930pm.

I bet most people only watched the first 30 minutes. In fact, I bet most people went into their phones and stopped listening full-time within 10 minutes.

Biden was very bad at the start. Biden figured out the flow of things by 10pm but I think that was too late.


Kamala? She'll lose to Trump.

Newcom? Not even liked in California.

Pete Buttigieg? LGBT rights are being wiped out right now because a huge upswing in recent homophobia and you think an openly gay candidate has a chance?

You need to start listing names if you want this discussion to be taken seriously. There's a reason why Biden was chosen in the first place, because no one could list a better choice. The same problem exists today.

Just give them someone they aren’t completely ashamed of.

People are surprisingly creative at being ashamed of Democrats. But are never ashamed of Trump. At some point, you need to just stop being so ashamed at the Democrat's current choice: Biden.

I recognize this is a tough time, but you need to seriously start listing names. I'm not a Democrat so I'm not going to be at the primary or convention or whatever. But I would like to see a strong Democrat party so that I can confidently vote against Trump in November. I don't care if its Biden, Pete or whoever honestly. But this gnashing and wailing when you can't even deliver a name in your post is annoying to me.

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If you think centrist dems will vote for Trump because the other option is a gay man, that’s crazy. If you think the far left will vote for Trump over Kamala because she’s a cop, you’re crazy.

Its not centrist dems who are in charge of this situation. Its Joe "Independent" who kinda-sorta is flirting with Ron DeSantis's Don't Say Gay bill and has eaten 8 years of anti-Democratic women propaganda from the right. Kamala is a difficult to pronounce name and she ain't exactly white looking. My racist buddies don't like her face or how she talks.

Honestly, I think Kamala has a chance vs Trump directly. She's much more of a "fighter" type and I actually think her lawyer background would keep her more witty than both Trump and Biden. But you're severely mistaken about the nature of Kamala's problem as a Presidential top-of-the-line leader of the Democrats.

People in the USA are racist fucks, and the moderates who flip the vote are "mildly racist" (not enough to say they're against Kamala or Clinton on womanhood alone, but instead use weasel words like "Not strong enough" or "Bad politics for Russia", etc. etc.).

The main benefit we anti-Trumpers have going for us (note: I'm not a liberal), is that you Liberals have +4 more years off GenZ entering the voting pool and Conservatives have -4 years of Baby Boomers dying off.

GenZ / Youth Vote is famously finicky but if everyone just votes the same as 2020, this is all quite in Biden's favor actually. Do you think Biden's performance yesterday was truly so bad that "Joe Moderate" is flipping over to Trump now?

I don't think so. Add the GenZ (however tepid their turnout will be) and we got this.

I'm not into Democrats, so I honestly don't know half the people on that list.

Newsom needs to start resigning today to make the election. I think he's off on technical grounds. And others have pointed out that he's lower than Trump on a lot of polls. Buttigieg is homosexual and sad to say it, homophobia is on the rise. After the party's experimentation with Hillary Clinton / Kamala I'm not sure that its a winning strategy. I know middle-aged white guy WASP is annoying, but its a trope for a reason.

In all cases, Trump will deny the other pick as a "loser" and refuse to debate. You'll be going into the election without ever getting on National stage. Its a huge set of risks.

I'm not necessarily against it. But I also don't think Biden's performance was worse than Trump's last night. A lot of this seems to be just Democrats getting nervous about themselves and their own choices.


I see she's getting some press. I wouldn't be against her, but I also don't know much about her in general. Can she hold up against the Republican hate machine? We all know that Hillary couldn't do it, so what makes Whitmer any better or more prepared?

Biden did hold up vs Trump. Better or worse, he did prove himself. I recognize that people are worried about "newer, older Biden". But there's severe risks in switching a candidate now, especially as vetting likely hasn't been completed by either side yet. (Democrats need to vet to figure out how Republicans are going to attack her). Its a complete mystery.

Also it’s highly illegal to bet on an event you are part of (although that doesn’t seem to stop trump from doing other things).

Illegal to who?

FBI? Or some poor IT administrator who gives no shits about this issue?

Additionally, to sway public opinion, influencing pollsters

You're using the fucking betting market as a poll. A system that is innately, and provably, influenced by money. Not even indirectly, but DIRECTLY influenced by money.

Then you paper over this fact by saying "but people want to make money", ignoring the fact that these campaigns are literally spending $100,000,000+ sums, losing money throughout a whole campaign to try to change public opinion by about 5%.

Are you sure about that?

If I make a $10,000,000 bet in one direction to change the betting odds to make everyone think my viewpoint is more popular, that's a very cheap marketing campaign.

Even if I lose all that money, it's good marketing. Especially if I'm manipulating less popular topics with less $$$$ needed to change the odds.

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Jamaal Bowman losing his New York Primary would like a word with you.

Biden is closer to the Democrat mainstream.

The problem wasn't the glass.

The problem was using wtf touchscreen controls to shift between drive and reverse. Mrs. Chao confused the two then died.

Shitty UI kills another person. Tesla fucking up basic UI design is the real villain here.

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AirBnB is just as corporate and lobbyist bullshit as any other company. Arguably worse, in that AirBNB breaks the laws and then tries to get laws changed.

Hotel chains at least try to lobby to change the laws before breaking the rules.

Not that I'm familiar with Rust at all, but... perhaps we need to talk about this.

The only thing that could have prevented this is better moderation tools. And while a lot of the instance admins have been asking for this, it doesn’t seem to be on the developers roadmap for the time being. There are just two full-time developers on this project and they seem to have other priorities. No offense to them but it doesn’t inspire much faith for the future of Lemmy.

Lets be productive. What exactly are the moderation features needed, and what would be easiest to implement into the Lemmy source code? Are you talking about a mass-ban of users from specific instances? A ban of new accounts from instances? Like, what moderation tool exactly is needed here?

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What bothers me about this is that the administrators at sh.itjust.works, beehaw.org, and lemmy.world are all being adults about this.

While this Reddit-like stampede is already trying to create an us-vs-them environment.

It's fine. The adults are adulting. Maybe a bit of Reddit deprogramming is all that is needed for people to become more reasonable.

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Lemmy, the social network, started off as a leftist hangout spot.

From the perspective of "Open Source developers who are anti-Reddit pro-Fediverse", it makes a lot of sense for Leftist/Communist and anti-corporation leaning people to hang out.

After all, the more extreme the viewpoint, the more driven to action (ie: write tens-of-thousands of lines of code and release for free) people get. In some regards, its the nature of Open Source + volunteer effort to attract a more extreme ideology. IE: Free Software is driven by ideology, not by money. So you get ideological people, especially when the software is small and niche.

The July 2023 Reddit Blackout was a big challenge for Lemmy's old community and the new community, as the new community basically "invaded" a large scale leftist hangout spot. But hopefully we all learn to work together and the nature of our neighbors moving forward.

I think anyone here (likely everyone?) is at least on the anti-corporate anti-Reddit side of the discussion. Which is enough of an alliance to keep us together, for now.

It does mean that we'll have to keep up with the far-left old-timers on this network who wish to push their viewpoints. But they are the legacy and the start of Lemmy in some respects, even as the hypergrowth (starting in July 2023) has moderated the community pretty severely.

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It's the money.

US Fed has raised interest rates, destroying money for the first time in decades in an effort to stop our inflation problem

The knock on effects is that banks literally have less money to lend to companies. Some companies are affected more than others by this environment. Tech was hit hard, extremely hard.

With hundreds of thousands of layoffs, tech industry is contracting. Silicon Valley bank literally evaporated in the span of 3 days. Twitter was losing money and had to sell out. StackOverflow is losing money and is currently selling out.

In this environment, Reddit is about to launch it's long awaited IPO, the time when the public is allowed to directly buy Reddit stock and invest into the company. That's what Initial Public Offering means. If Reddit does well, Reddit will pull in lots of money this year through this IPO.

The CEO of Reddit needs to prove Reddit is profitable, or if not profitable... Will eventually be profitable. Stockholders don't care about Reddit drama for the most part, but most are smart enough to read financial sheets. Reddit needs to show growing revenue, growing profits and cutting costs to attract money.

As such, all of what Reddit's CEO has done makes sense in the context of the IPO. He is betting that shareholders won't notice the drop of high quality content creators from Reddit, since that's not a financial number that's reported. He can IPO, raising millions, maybe even billions for himself. The golden parachute outta here when everything gets screwed up in a year or two and collapses.

I think today's investors are smarter though, and the bearish economy and high interest rates means more investors will pay attention to underlying issues.

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Rate-limiting things to human-speeds is fine.

The issue with Twitter rate-limits is that 600 tweets per day is doable in just 2 or 3 minutes of scrolling. Well within human limits.

McCarthy was kicked out because he worked with Democrats to prevent a government shutdown.

This is not a group of people who wants to work with Democrats on any issue what-so-ever. If they end up just working with Democrats anyway (in a way that gives Democrats more power than under McCarthy), then what the hell was the past 2 or 3 weeks for at all?

Then again, maybe the MAGA Republicans are actually that short-sighted and unable to see the long term (erm... 2weeks?) trends of politics...

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Every fake-historian complaining about unrealistic boob armor in fantasy games needs to look up historical codpieces.

Armor was a status symbol and includes sexualized designs to demonstrate the girth of your penis prowess. If females were in a historical armor setting, I bet you boob armor would have become at least as big a thing as codpieces were.

I mean, the ancient Greeks painted abs and male nipples in their armor, lol. Gotta be sexy while fighting a war, at least if you are in the back just commanding people. It's not like these Kings or Generals really saw someone swing a sword at them or needed actually functional armor. It's just shiny metal proving you had more money than the other soldiers in many cases.

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I've got my bets on who it is.

As the post pointed out: these are people who know how Lemmy works. There's a few troll-websites that have been defederated from Lemmy.world, and those troll-websites (and culture) is well known to retaliate in the form of DDOS attacks.

It sucks, but we shouldn't let them bully us. Instead, we can go to https://sh.itjust.works/c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world and... hey look, bringing down Lemmy.world temporarily doesn't actually stop us from talking or sharing our posts?

They're relying upon the fact that people are "used to" going to https://lemmy.world and don't know that every single member of the federation (sh.itjust.works, lemmy.ca, etc. etc. etc.) all serve as backups to Lemmy.world proper. The posts nor server is ever really down.

Because this proves that the "AI", at some level, is storing the data of the Joker movie screenshot somewhere inside of its training set.

Likely because the "AI" was trained upon this image at some point. This has repercussions with regards to copyright law. It means the training set contains copyrighted data and the use of said training set could be argued as piracy.

Legal discussions on how to talk about generative-AI are only happening now, now that people can experiment with the technology. But its not like our laws have changed, copyright infringement is copyright infringement. If the training data is obviously copyright infringement, then the data must be retrained in a more appropriate manner.

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I've been doing PCB-board design recently. Here's the manufactuering specs: https://www.digikey.com/en/resources/dkred

So that's 0.13mm tolerances to my printed-circuit board. Or 130 microns.

Current leading theory is that Elon Musk is such an ignorant dumbass that he doesn't know the difference between mils and microns, despite running a car company / manufacturing firm. Give that a thought. Even then, 10-mils tolerance is near this PCB design, an object that's only a few inches in size. Cars are much larger and normally should be built to much wider tolerances than a fucking PCB board.

7 more...

It got worse.


As it turns out, Elon Musk had a bunch of farms + horses from all the land he bought in the 2022-era. Elon Musk was actively trying to get rid of horses on his new property.

Its not that Elon Musk was going to "buy her a horse". He had tons of spare horses and was looking to dump them onto someone else.

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The elephant in the room is that the NHTSA still doesn't have a director, and hasn't had a long-term director since 2017.

Steven Cliff was the director for 2 months in 2022. Aside from that, this important safety organization has been... erm... on autopilot (see what I did there?) and leaderless.

How are we supposed to keep tabs on car safety if the damn agency in charge of automobile safety doesn't even have a leader?

On various old-school forums, there's a simple (and automated) system of trust that progresses from new users (who might be spam)... where every new user might need a manual "approve post" before it shows up. (And this existed in Reddit in some communities too).

And then full powers granted to the user eventually (or in the case of StackOverlow, automated access to the moderator queue).

One way or the other, it will be historic. This is much faster than I expected the Jury to deliberate.

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They value Tesla as a battery manufacturer.

Which is funny, because Tesla has no chemistry chops at all. Tesla buys Panasonic cells and CATL cells.

Yes, Tesla is technically a battery manufacturer because they take individual cells from CATL and then add electronics to them. (A package of cells is called a "battery" in the Electrical Engineering world). But its not the battery people "care" about when talking about this subject.

The "cell" (aka: the chemical package of size 18650 or 4680 or whatever) is Panasonic or CATL. Almost no Tesla involvement at all. This is what "common people" call the battery pack, not the giant computer system + wires that connect the cells together (which is what Electrical Engineers call the battery).

In effect, Tesla / Elon Musk is taking advantage of investor's ignorance and its hilarious. Its been like 15 years and the investors still haven't figured out that Tesla has no "cell manufacturing" and has basically been misleading their investors this whole time.

In Electrical Engineering terms: its a AA cell and a 9V battery (9V requires 6x AAAA cells, so wiring them up together makes a "Battery", a collection of cells). Since AA is just one cell, its a cell. Similarly, its an 18650 cell or 4680 cell. And cells are made by Panasonic or CATL, not Tesla.

This means that as other EVs come up, Tesla barely has any moat. All Ford or GM has to do is build a battery (aka: buy Panasonic cells and wire them together) and bam, there goes Tesla's 15 year advantage. That's all Tesla ever has accomplished. Its a laughably sad moat and is why so many companies can pivot into EVs faster than Tesla ever did.

We can almost thank Iran for shooting at Israel here, as well as the Israeli aid being tied to Ukrainian aid. This has now spurred deep interest in passing the aid bill ASAP.

Its about damn time we got this passed. And remember, vote the fucking assholes out of office. Every Republican traitor who held up this bill for the last 5 months literally has Ukrainian blood on their hands.

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