
8 Post – 240 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Don't forget Ghoul-ianni and the specifically underage encounter caught on tape by Sacha Baron Cohen.

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You can link the makeMKV libs to handbrake so it's a one step process disk -> compressed form.


# Intention: replace aacs decoding with makemkv's superior libmmbd programatically

# elevate privilages to sudo
[ "$UID" -eq 0 ] || exec sudo bash "$0" "$@"

# test if libmmbd is installed already, exit otherwise
libmmbdpath=$(find /usr -name libmmbd.so.0)
echo "libmmbd path is $libmmbdpath"
if [[ ! $libmmbdpath == *"/lib/"* ]]; then
    echo "libmmbd not found, please install makemkv first"
    exit 0

# test if libaacs is installed already, set desired path otherwise
libaacspath=$(find /usr -name libaacs.so.0)
echo "libaacs path is $libaacspath"
if [[ ! $libaacspath == *"/lib/"* ]]; then
    echo "libaacs found, you must uninstall libaacs"
    exit 0

# test if libbdplus is installed already, set desired path otherwise
libbdpluspath=$(find /usr -name libbdplus.so.0)
echo "libbdplus path is $libbdpluspath"
if [[ ! $libbdpluspath == *"/lib/"* ]]; then
    echo "libbdplus found, you must uninstall libbdplus"
    exit 0

# if we made it here, it's time to take action

# softlink mmbd to aacs
ln -s $libmmbdpath $libaacspath

# softlink mmbd to bdplus
ln -s $libmmbdpath $libbdpluspath

echo "successfully set up libmmbd as the system decrypter"
exit 0

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Dean Phillips is a real one. He represented me while I lived in his area. I emailed him a couple of times to insist on the right to repair, find solutions to police brutality, protect Internet freedom, and various privacy votes.

Each time he personally called me. He himself. We'd have a conversation. And then when new votes came up around the same topics, he'd call me back to discuss. Once a year he'd call to get my opinion on how things were going in general and what I was concerned about. He also holds regular virtual town halls.

I should stress I'm nobody important, and he does this with anyone who engaged with his office.

If all reps were like him, our country would be much better off.

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Umm, yes. Breastfeeding doesn't come to new mothers naturally. It's a learned skill. And many new mothers have never been taught. When my wife was shown by a lactation consultant at the hospital, they were so busy they only were able to stay for 10m. And this was with a mother and baby having issues.

Easily accessible videos properly demonstrating techniques with a real baby would have been extremely helpful, but at the time exposed breasts for the purposes of breastfeeding weren't allowed on YT at all, let alone monetized. This has been huge effort by feminist groups for a reason.

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Rofl. I just imagine OP furiously updating LinkedIn with "AI Programmer".

Most debt actually can't be inherited, instead debt collectors get first dibs on inheritance assets until they're made whole or the estate runs out of assets, whichever comes first.

That doesn't mean that debt collectors won't try to convince family members to pay. Just tell them where they can shove it.

Probably tweeted years ago.

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You mean repackaged Wine that they're pretending to have invented? Yeah should do.

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What a tone-deaf response, yikes.

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MRSA infection following hospital admittance for Pneumonia. That shit is serious and way more prevalent than people think, it's just that it usually kills people who are already terminally ill.

Unlikely to be an assassination. But not impossible. Either way, looks very bad.

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Once again, we are incredibly lucky they were so stupid.

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No. No no no, I clearly remember I was sitting in my discrete math class at college reading my rss feeds when... Oh no.

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SearxNG is still here to help

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It was the bad old days of sysadmin, where literally every critical service ran on an iron box in the basement.

I was on my first oncall rotation. Got my first call from helpdesk, exchange was down, it's 3AM, and the oncall backup and Exchange SMEs weren't responding to pages.

Now I knew Exchange well enough, but I was new to this role and this architecture. I knew the system was clustered, so I quickly pulled the documentation and logged into the cluster manager.

I reviewed the docs several times, we had Exchange server 1 named something thoughtful like exh-001 and server 2 named exh-002 or something.

Well, I'd reviewed the docs and helpdesk and stakeholders were desperate to move forward, so I initiated a failover from clustered mode with 001 as the primary, instead to unclustered mode pointing directly to server 10.x.x.xx2

What's that you ask? Why did I suddenly switch to the IP address rather than the DNS name? Well that's how the servers were registered in the cluster manager. Nothing to worry about.

Well... Anyone want to guess which DNS name 10.x.x.xx2 was registered to?

Yeah. Not exh-002. For some crazy legacy reason the DNS names had been remapped in the distant past.

So anyway that's how I made a 15 minute outage into a 5 hour one.

On the plus side, I learned a lot and didn't get fired.

Amazing how many products just don't.

ZFS is a very robust choice for a NAS. Many people, myself included, as well as hundreds of businesses across the globe, have used ZFS at scale for over a decade.

Attack the problem. Check your system logs, htop, zpool status.

When was the last time you ran a zpool scrub? Is there a scrub, or other zfs operation in progress? How many snapshots do you have? How much RAM vs disk space? Are you using ZFS deduplication? Compression?

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I mean, that's precisely the ideal case and goal of many tariffs.

I mean, it is Alabama. The nearest civilization is Atlanta.

“We had a huge chunk of our engineering staff spending time improving FreeBSD as opposed to working on features and functionalities. What’s happened now with the transition to having a Debian basis, the people I used to have 90 percent of their time working on FreeBSD, they’re working on ZFS features now … That’s what I want to see; value add for everybody versus sitting around, implementing something Linux had a years ago. And trying to maintain or backport, or just deal with something that you just didn’t get out of box on FreeBSD.”

I still hold much love for FreeBSD, but this is very much indicative of my experience with it as well. The tooling in FreeBSD, specifically dtrace, bhyve, jails, and zfs was absolutely killer while Linux was still experiencing teething problems with a nonstandard myriad of half developed and documented tools. But Linux has since then matured, adopted, and standardized. And the strength of the community is second to none.

They'll be happier with Linux.

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Then, uh, $1000 should probably be the "maximum placeholder" too, jackasses.

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Oh yes, let's never do anything good, because there might be something else even more impossible that would be better.

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College (if they go), is when these boys pulled out of their comfort zone and thrown into a huge mixer with a huge variety of new people and ideas. I imagine there's a reason they only see this trend in "high school boys".

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I know several large companies looking to Microsoft, Xen, and Proxmox. Though the smart ones are more interested in the open source solutions to avoid future rug-pulls.

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And why they dismantle the systems they're tasked with protecting the moment they can.

2009 era was also when Intel leveraged their position in the compiler market to cripple all non-Intel processors. Nearly every benchmarking tool used that complier and put an enormous handicap on AMD processors by locking them to either no SSE or, later, back to SSE2.

My friends all thought I was crazy for buying AMD, but accusations had started circulating about the complier heavily favoring Intel at least as early as 2005, and they were finally ordered to stop in 2010 by the FTC... Though of course they have been caught cheating in several other ways since.

Everyone has this picture in their heads of AMD being the scrappy underdog and Intel being the professional choice, but Intel hasn't really worn the crown since the release of Athlon. Except during Bulldozer/Piledriver, but who can blame AMD for trying something crazy after 10 years of frustration?

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My favorite city builder in decades. A few notes.


  • Easy mode is relaxing and quite easy.
  • Medium mode is a fun challenge at first, eventually becoming fairly chill as you advance in skill and confidence.
  • Hard mode is always fairly hard, especially on harder maps.
  • There are many resources to manage, but none that feel burdensome.
  • The game is extremely thematic, it feels alive with charm.
  • Graphics are excellent, though sometimes graphical glitches can still be encountered.
  • The water. It's so hard to explain to someone who hasn't encountered this system before, but water is life in this game, and it's both beautiful graphically, and extremely well simulated by physics. Learning to control the water, and see the shortest paths to end water scarcity with beaver engineering is an amazingly fun and unique aspect of the game.
  • Mods are well supported and the community is vibrant.


  • Not a ton of content. They've been very good about adding new mechanics (badwater, extract, etc) but there's still just 2 races of beaver and a dozen or so maps.
  • No directed experience. In similar games I've enjoyed a campaign, challenge maps/scenarios, weekly challenges, a deeper progression system, just... Something to optionally set your goals. There's nothing of the sort in the vanilla game. It's fully open ended and there's only one unlock outside of your progress though the resource tree in a map.

All in all, I highly recommend it, especially at the modest asking price. If you love city builders, charming and beautiful art, thematic settings, dynamic challenge, and solution engineering, this is a fantastic game for you.

Other games I've enjoyed that scratch similar itches:

  • KSP
  • Cities: Skylines (but Timberborn has been far more compelling)
  • Factorio
  • Mindustry
  • Planet Zoo (Timberborn has less of a directed experience, but is otherwise completely superior)
  • Gnomoria
  • Banished
  • Tropico series (though I view this as more casual)

Get it and have fun is my recommendation.

Dark Brandon: Endgame

By this logic, my oldest possessions are my protons, which are approximately the same age as the universe.

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When some rando with a mod package plugging into an undocumented ABI can dramatically improve the performance... Yeah, it's not optimized at all. Don't let them excuse themselves from due diligence.

Why not a K8s cluster? Much more appropriate for modern software.

Interacting with people without harassment is hardly "politics".

But what if they don't need that many people working on Firefox? What if AI, VR, and Network programmers are fundamentally different in skills from a web browser programmer, and don't want to change their career trajectory?

What if, by not firing these people, Mozilla folds in 3 years and everyone ends up without a job?

Not every project makes 2x the money with 2x the people. It's the "Why can't 9 Mom's give birth in 1 month" problem. Hell most projects will slow down significantly with an influx like that.

Look, layoffs suck, but it's quid-pro-quo. Employees can leave at any time too. If a company isn't abusive or arbitrary with their layoff decisions, has decent layoff benefits, and doesn't refuse to give job recommendations, it's hard for me to hold it against the employer.

YES. I don't understand this delusion people keep perpetuating. Flatpak has a MILD form of container sandboxing. For a real security sandbox we have Firejails or Bubble wrap.

Flatpak is, at it's core, a software development and distribution packaging format. NOT a security implementation.

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Yeah cold climates are the place where heat pumps will always struggle the most. I'm also from MN and have been eyeing this as an option once my 30yo furnace finally gives in.

These modern ones work so well even in adverse conditions that they're gaining traction in MN with HVAC companies, which is very good to see.

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Stop trying to address the root cause of thie actual issue and humanizing these people. You need to act performativly OUTRAGED and have a moral panic fueled by your repressed sexuality!!1!

Honestly I have no idea. It's ridiculous.

But the title also neatly sidesteps all of the nuance that a user needs to actually understand what is happening. But "Norway experiencing unintended consequences from poorly executed EV incentives" won't drive clicks the same way

That's just LaTeX?

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