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Joined 12 months ago


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They are far simpler with fewer parts. It is only a matter of scaling up manufacturing. The biggest cost is the battery.

BYD is closing in on Tesla as the largest EV manufacturer and most Americans have no idea they exist.

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It is 2023, and half of our population are barely out of the caves.

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We need European pricing where the price is the price. I would go as far as making asking for a tip illegal too. Have restaurants put on their menu that prices include the tip. Raise minimum wage for restaurant workers.

And not just for restaurants, everything, from airline tickets to concert tickets, etc.

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The cost of raising a child has gone up thousands. No government has come close to subsidizing the increase.

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If you want to kill someone in the US with little consequences, run them over with a car.

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Toyota is selling a basic (no ABS brakes, no airbags, crank windows) pickup in the rest of the world for $10,000. They could probably sell a version with the optional safety equipment in the US for $15-20k. But they will not sell it here and mess up the $50-100k luxury pickup gravy train.


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Yikes. I would never eat there again!

Logically, the heat used for drying should kill any germs. But why risk it.

I rinse mine in the toilet bowl when it has bleach based toilet cleaner in it. That alone keeps them pretty clean.

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We need data privacy laws.

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Which should be illegal. I get not adding a feature, but software unlocks or subscriptions to hardware you paid for is absurd. Also see Tesla batteries.

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What would stop me, a man, from claiming this status and requesting female drivers? While this policy was undoubtably made with good intentions, it is ripe for abuse.

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Affinity is available today. The products are great, the pricing is reasonable, and it is not subscription based.

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Which just shows he has no idea how tolerances work. Small machined parts have different tolerances than large stamped parts. The key is setting the right tolerances for each part, designing the vehicle for desired gaps with those tolerances, and continuous improvement to fix and design out issues.

This is the way.

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Our GPS often shows the incorrect speed limit.

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Because he did not bring case in time. I was hoping for a more fun reason.

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This is organized crime.

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How is this legal in the US given the first sale doctrine?

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A micro reactor, which is really cool.

Competition is good.

And money. It was the most lucrative business his family ever run.

And Google updating this old code in 3, 2, 1

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For the first time? Go back a generation and student loans didn’t exist.

It basically has in all but writing.

Their terrible business practices is why I refuse to use Adobe. I have heard too many horror stories.

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I have a family member that is a teacher. She gets 2 vacation days a year. The school argues it’s fair because they get summers off.

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EV’s are simply too expensive for the middle class. Sales will take off when the price comes down.

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Great point, but if they were struggling to find mods before the meltdown it does not bode well.

I follow a sports team sub. On most days we discuss players, teams, etc. But on game day a mob of rowdy people stop by. The game threads get several posts a minute. I cannot image trying to police that while trying to watch the game.

All pc sales are down. Other PC companies profits are terrible. Everyone stocked up for work from home and now are good.

Parody is legal. This is not parody.

To be fair, I have not looked into this case enough to have an opinion. Just wanted to point out the logic error.

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I had a job where we had an old fashioned paper office calendar. If we wanted to use PTO we simply wrote the days on the calendar. Our boss only wanted to know if multiple people from a workgroup were leaving on the same day or if it may cause issues (and he trusted us to figure that out). It was glorious.

My wife is only approved to take PTO once they find someone to work the shift. And they will not even try until the month before. We buy plane tickets 3-9 months out.

I didn’t think legal contract could contain “forever”? Which is why Disney’s contract has the death of the last living monarch.

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We had that. We bulldozed it.

This is happening all over rural America. I have read of similar happening here in KS.

I could really use a 20g 3080 in my gaming pc. How do I buy one?

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Read the entire events. I don’t believe it was about sleep.

It was eye opening the first time we flew to Europe. The first convenience store sold few sodas, mostly different types of water. And the soda they did sell was more expensive.

We tried an orange soda. It was less sweet and tasted far better.

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Solar panels can work in tandem with farming. In Germany a farmers raised them up and spaced them and grew shade loving crops below. Cattle farmers can put them in the roofs of the rows of loafing sheds. They give fields that are too rocky, or are in a climate that does not grow crops well, a viable means of production.

There is definitely statistical proof of this. But I would state it as a percentage of income. I have been to lavish weddings that were not an economic inconvenience for the couple.

As long as they leave Notepad. I use it almost daily.

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