1 Post – 629 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It is more easy to enter, if you were in once. Same as with LastPass, I guess.

I see it more as a good anti-Microsoft argument 🤷🏻‍♀️

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It is over 80% if you only look at the youth

A post to save ❤️

To experiment, I guess

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To learn about new architectures, now as they grow significance more and more, I’d say

I think about creating a phone out of a raspberry Pi compute module and include a dedicated NPU in the build 🤔

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And you can use matrix bridges or whatsapp web via phone as a server at home

I use Nexcloud-client and so far, it syncred the ~/nextcloud folder pretty good with my Linux devices so far, but I do not jave huge files in it either. Mostly my keepass file.

You will have terrible with nvidia, if you choose a the wrong distro and you are not knowing about vulcan and mesa drivers and that there are lib32 versions of those needed for steam if steam is not installed as flatpak (I not recommend that, because you have to give it access to mounted iso/disks and maybe other stuff using flatseal) , I guess.

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So, it is no Problem with arch? /s,btw

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Actually, you can download and play roms legal in switzerland.

😂hey! That is not fair! I love installing everything with just one command without having to add new sources 😁


Apple: our iPhone is now a game console which happens to be usable as phone

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90 days till release of Zero-Days 😉 don’t update your tesla 😂 so you can gain root and really own that car

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😏next will be replaceable batteries, alternative App Stores and messengers who have to use a open protocol for chat (open in a sense that different chat apps can Talk to each other, but the privacy is still protected. Like eMail but with end to end encryption)

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Mint, it just works.

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If they would not care, they would not actively prevent you from installing the iPad app on the vision. They definitely care.

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FOSS for the win 😁

Nice, now you have to pay for giving your data to Microsoft, lol. Who would do that?!

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And enforce giving root access to device owners if no security updates are provided anymore (e.g. if a exploit is not fixed within x time after gaining knowledge of it)

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These days, Linux mint should be recommended for people coming from windows. I rate their desktop environment and intuitive style better and faster understandable for people coming from windows compared to ubuntu. If a person always wants the newest stuff recommend OpenSuse Tumbleweed now, since it a is rolling distro but very stable and you don’t have to use Terminal at all, there.

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Are you kidding me? I opened the article in order to find reasons for banning but after like reading 10min, I gave up, it is such a repetitive article with so many useless words.. Has someone a TLDR?

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I only hear: „mimimi, apple does not give me any reason to buy a new phone every year.“ just use your phone 5 years and try a new one then you will feel the difference. Source: I own a iPhone X and my girlfriend owns a iPhone 12 pro

Lol, if apple discontinues vision pro and your battery swells, you only have eWaste left

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They should make a law that companies need to give root access to devices, where no security updates are provided anymore. That would be great against eWaste..

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Usenet is here to stay, it is similar as if you pay for vip in order to be able to leech without seeding. This makes automated pirating legal in some countries (like mine) since only doing direct downloads from your usenet provider. The usenet provider have servers which exchange bits of data with IDs similar like we do with torrenting. As a user, you now go to a indexer, who gives you a map, with which bits of data you can construct your file. So you then download each bit directly and put everything together and are rewarded with a normal file. Until now I have found every release which is also in predb using the private indexers I have.

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We don’t.

It’s not the fucking job of YouTube to judge and punish. We have judges and the Criminal Code for that. We should not let us ruled by corporations!

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They convinced the yuzu team to officially not work on yuzu anymore, but I guess the devs could still work on it using their private account or in form of another another team. The major problem was thir patreon locked pre-releases

But I’m not a legal expert

I see, the oil and coal lobby, who would have thought

Time to find your matrix homeserver!

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I hope for Microsoft to just give up and build a new "windows“ which is just an other Linux distro xD

Ducking windows can’t even clone the Linux kernel right now

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Free testing device to find more holes to get more testing devices … Profit

Hey! I wanted to comment that! Seems like it got vectorized 🙊

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Do you understand "nobody“?

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Imagine neurolink dropping support for your device and now you have eWaste in your brain, just like the company, which made Eyes for disabled people and then went bankrupt leaving customers with eWaste in their eye holes

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