0 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I hope it all burns down.

4 more...

That's awesome. Also the lack of micro transactions makes me want to support them more. I kinda wish they had a donate button or something.

35 more...

As a tech worker, I do almost jack shit and make deep into the six figures. Honestly, I'd be fine if UPS drivers made more than me, good on them.

Frankly, in terms of total compensation, pay them more.

As far as I know, Subscriber count is specific to your instance and not aggregated.

2 more...

My Brother B&W laser printer is a beast. I've had it probably eight years now and am only, two months ago, on my 3rd toner cartridge despite my relatively low use. That counts the starter cartridge which I am told isn't full.

My Brother color printer on the other hand is a pain. The yellow toner always runs out first and it won't print without it. Well, it can, if you finagle things, but then it only does for like 3-4 weeks. Annoying as shit.

But, overall, better than any HP or Canon I've ever used.

I kind of assumed, mistakenly, that other countries that aren't the US were a bit more progressive than the US.

But it seems like the issues that we're plagued by exist everywhere?

Fuck. We gotta fight.

5 more...

Multiple people shared the account and communicated by making draft messages. And apparently notable things were said/left as draft.

That's some bullshit right there. Thanks for capturing it.

3x base salary at least. No-thought commute, so maybe provide transportation for me. I currently live what is about 1.5hrs away each way now and there isn't a public transportation option.

Commute time should count towards my "8 hour work day". No distracting desk drive bys. Provided breakfast and lunch or an optional lunch stipend or whatever to cover if I go somewhere near the office.

Not sounding great for the company? It isn't meant to. It would be nearly impossible to get me to go back to the office, as it should be.

I'm not being unreasonable. I am at least twice as productive since working from home and even simple internal reports can prove that. I'm also 2-3x happier and less stressed, nothing can really replace that.

You can export them from Chrome and import them to Firefox.

US here. Companies I work for use Teams, Zoom, Outlook, WebEx, RingCentral, GChat for comms.

Personally among friends and family, we use Signal.

Nobody I know uses WhatsApp or even has it installed.

Personally, I disliked Sync for Reddit and did not use it. And, personally some of those quirks still bother me with Sync for Lemmy.

But...Jerboa, Connect, Liftoff, etc. currently also don't work as well or are as customizable as I'd like. Liftoff is definitely the closest, though, and I still switch back to it after each update to see how it is progressing.

For now though, Sync ticks more of my hot button boxes despite its flaws than any other app I've tried (so far).

1 more...

I'd say there's nothing wrong with it...

...but also what? If I run my A/C 8-12 hours a day for a month the bill is like $20 more, are you in California?

Correct. It's documented.

I had a job that confronted me about why I went yellow (idle) mid-day as I was expected to be online and active during core hours.

I had gone downstairs to make some lunch.

I quit that job.

3 more...

Damn. World needs more of you. ❤️

1 more...

What's your price? Mine is probably $750k base. I'm 100% serious.

I'm sorry you couldn't finish it, but...for whatever reason, this comment is the funniest thing I've seen and hardest I've laughed at anything all day, so thank you for that!

WinAmp, really kicks the llamas ass

Is there anything that disables / stops sticky videos when scrolling on mobile?

I get pissed off when I'm reading a news article, scroll down, and their headline video (often just an ad) clips itself to the top 1/3 of the screen.

I miss Superstore :(

Same! I currently use Sync (was not a Sync fan historically), but I've tried Liftoff, Connect, Jerboa... others.

Ultimately, I miss Relay, but is what it is. I don't miss reddit.

Is that the same as skin cancer?

1 more...

Huh, this must be new? My Model 3 and S both have rear hardware manual open methods.

The Model 3 one is so easy to access that most of my passengers used it instead of the button.

It's one pixel per user per timeframe, not one pixel per timeframe - if that makes sense.

Outside of that, it's likely timestamped to the milliseconds on the server side, so it'd be pretty rare for two users to hit the exact same pixel at the same time and millisecond (or fractional millisecond). And even if, the server would still process one first, not both at the same time.

For some larger coordinations, there are bots that one can use to achieve swaths of changes very close together.

You sound like me. I'm diagnosed autistic (mildly), I'm a software engineer, I'm introverted, I'm definitely liberal leaning, and...I live in Oregon.

For now, I love it here (except Portland proper). So many great restaurants, bars, breweries, wineries, and a crap ton of trails and other parks and sights and sounds.

I live semi-rural and half the businesses here have pride flags and BLM signage. I'm non-white, but don't feel unsafe walking around where I am at night. My tech contract jobs are remote and I make more than enough to live comfortably.

It rains a lot here... though less so these days it seems. It's weird how many 100+ degree days we get now, but it's still a lot less than other people I know.

I'm rambling. If you want to know more, just ask.

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Help friends & family. Donate to community assistance programs. Donate to other causes. Buy people nice gifts.

Is it possible it is just the wrong jobs?

I've worked some web dev jobs that made me hate life and want to quit. I've since churned through many jobs and finally found gigs that I actually enjoy, that pay well, that give me ample time off and legit work-life balance.

I also live relatively rural, read: paid a nearby ISP to run fiber to my home.

I can die happy now, having seen this on the fediverse. Amazing.

I put electrical tape over all of them. They're unnecessary, they're annoying.

I tried my best to build a new computer without any LEDs and I couldn't. So now I just keep a piece of cardboard in front of my glass case side so I don't have to look at that bullshit.

Yeah, yeah, it probably causes it to run hotter. I'll take a little more heat, less performance, and possibly shorter overall component life over having to deal with those stupid lights.

I pay enough taxes to support 125 $750 users like this and would gladly pay it, too. 125 people that are better off would have a significant positive impact to a community, and I'm all for it.

Also money that they spend, somewhere at some point would likely be taxed.

Your logic is flawed.

Dark theme gives me a massive headache after just 5-10 minutes and I think it's because the text is fuzzier to me. I'm not sure if it is astigmatism related?

Weird thing is that AMOLED dark on my phone doesn't bother me the same way.

Also colors in dark mode when I'm coding seem to blend together more so I am not as quick at picking up visual cues.

About 75% of LED monitors give me a headache because I can see or "feel" then flickering. It sucks.

I had a coworker back in the in-office days who had these garbage-ass monitors and whenever I had to pair with him I'd end up with a debilitating headache.

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I had to pay my ISP $25k to run fiber to my house :(

But now I'm the only person in the area with gigabit internet while everyone else has 1mbps DSL?

I'm open to the idea.

Sorry, dumb question, what's GOG?

2 more...

Same. A lot of internal web apps I've used only work on chromium browsers.

That said, I'd recommend checking out DuckDuckGo browser before Brave.

MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online (game)

You do you. $3500 is hard to argue with. Other person is just jealous.

Maybe it's regional, but Instacart use in my area straight up says which stores are priced the same or which are priced at a premium when you click on it. It isn't hidden at all.