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Joined 1 years ago

Sweet. Now scour every other gun owner's publications and social media and if you find evidence of drug use ring them up on federal charges because apparently we're enforcing that shit on its own now. It's going to be interesting to have to visit all of my rural-ass relatives in a federal penitentiary.

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So on one hand they're cluttering user feeds with the spammiest, scammiest ads they can and on the other hand they're rolling out paid subscriptions to remove ads.

Cause a problem; sell the solution. Transparent scumbags.

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“I beseech you to control him if you can,” [Judge] Engoron said. “If you can’t, I will. I will excuse him and draw every negative inference that I can.”


Trump attorney Alina Habba at one point stood up and argued that the judge was there to listen to what Trump had to say. “I am not here to listen to what he has to say!” Engoron reportedly shouted, telling Trump’s counsel to sit back down. “We are here to hear him answer questions,” he added.

LMAO at a bottom tier lawyer trying to tell a judge how to do their job.

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“I note the senator from Kentucky leaving the floor without justification or any rationale for the action he has just taken. That is really remarkable -- that a senator blocking a treaty that is supported by the overwhelming number, perhaps 98 at least of his colleagues, would come to the floor and object and walk away…The only conclusion you can draw when he walks away is he has no argument to be made.

He has no justification for his objection to having a small nation be part of NATO that is under assault from the Russians. So, I repeat again, the senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.”

~ Sen. John McCain calling Rand Paul out for what he is in 2017

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The news media needs to stop using the word "reunify" to refer to the PRC's threatened imperial conquest of an island they've never controlled.

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And now they've just made the anti-democracy extremist Speaker of the House.

The GOP Speaker and presumptive nominee for President are both anti-American insurrectionists who want to tear down our democracy and institute single party rule. And the oligarch-owned media will absolutely shut up about it and pretend it's normal.

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The specific incident in question was a grand larceny case where two men tried (and failed) to steal a robot owned and operated by Serve Robotics, which ultimately wants to deploy “up to 2,000 robots” to deliver food for UberEats in Los Angeles. The suspects were arrested and convicted.

So it wasn't like some incidental crime that happened to be filmed by the robot, they were literally trying to steal the robot. I mean... of course the victims provided the police with the evidence they had to help catch and convict the people who tried to rob them? This is like a hit-and-run victim giving the police their dash cam footage.

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Member-only story

Medium wants me to pay them to read a story from "Homeless Romantic" who is listed as a "Ph.D. Rocket Surgeon & Aspiring Troglodyte"?

Are they fucking high?

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Just glossing over implementation. So every car will have to have wireless communications of some sort? Will there be some government system that all California cars will have to be integrated with that tracks where they are at all times so the car can know the correct speed limit? A tracking system that surely would never be abused or turned into a surveillance device.

"I don't think it's at all an overreach, and I don't think most people would view it as an overreach, we have speed limits, I think most people support speed limits because people know that speed kills," Wiener said.

Not unless they think about it for five seconds.

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“How am I in this war?” Musk asks Isaacson. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”

Musk, transparent as ever, makes sure to tell his biographer that it's about peace, man, and has nothing to do with his love of authoritarian regimes.

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Jimmy Kimmel made fun of Aaron Rodgers for being a dumb conspiracist so Aaron Rodgers called Jimmy Kimmel a pedophile because that's what dumb conspiracists do.

Nine theists decide whether or not theists should have special rights. Does that seem right to you?

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“The southern border will be directly in the path of totality today when the moon covers the sun for nearly four minutes.” The eclipse, co-anchor Bill Hemmer then added, represents “a real opportunity for smugglers and cartels and migrants to come right in.”

This is how stupid Fox News knows their audience to be.

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Stupid headline. Literally everyone who reads it is going to think the gold bars in Menendez' possession were stolen property, but they're not and that's not the point of the story at all.

TL;DR: In 2013 thieves stole 22 gold bars from the guy that bribed Menendez. Because he's rich, the cops actually solved the crime and returned the property and, here's the actual important bit: Fred Daibes, the guy that bribed Menendez, signed a release form specifying that the stamped, numbered gold bars were his. Now Menendez has some of them and that provenance makes it a lot easier to show where he got them.

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American patriot here: Screw your false idea that you have "freedom" to callously endanger others because you didn't like wearing a mask during a global pandemic.

He is so transparently desperate to put Haley in the rear-view mirror.

And he's already told us what he's going to do to get out of debating with Biden: He's going to insist that none of the traditional debates be held and instead they all must be Trump campaign events hosted by his sycophants rather than independently run debates. When he doesn't get his way he's going claim Biden didn't want to debate him.

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From getting married in a borrowed suit to star of film and TV to president to esteemed wartime leader holding a nation together in the face of the Russian Empire throwing their entire Soviet legacy at them.

Hell of a 20 years.

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It's absolute bullshit that an organization as unfathomably, obscenely wealthy as the Catholic Church can break off parts of itself and pretend they're separate entities for the purpose of denying victims their due compensation.

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They're just waiting on a report from the Committee on Ethics (like they probably should). I know Santos' guilt seems obvious but that can't be the standard; Joe Biden's guilt on every crime ever conceived "seems obvious" to the MAGA insurrectionists in our government. The Committee on Ethics says we should hear from them within the next two weeks.

The ISC has contacted approximately 40 witnesses, reviewed more than 170,000 pages of documents, and authorized 37 subpoenas. The Committee’s nonpartisan staff and the ISC Members have put countless hours into this investigation, which has been a priority for the investigative team and involved a significant amount of the Committee’s resources.

The Committee will announce its next course of action in this matter on or before November 17, 2023.

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It's completely absurd that he's saying this as an anti-bot measure. The bots exist because they generate revenue for the scumbags behind them, a small fee is just going to be part of doing business for them. He's not trying to stop bots, he's trying to monetize them and use them as an excuse to charge everyone. "The bot problem" will never be fixed and will be used as an excuse for every anti-user measure they put forward.

We spend more money on higher education than any other country, and yet they’re turning our students into communists and terrorists and sympathizers of many, many different dimensions. We can’t let this happen. It’s time to offer something dramatically different. Under the plan I’m announcing today, we will take the billions and billions of dollars that we will collect by taxing, fining and suing excessively large private university endowments.

His plan is to use the government to literally steal money from private educational institutions that he doesn't like to create an indoctrination center.

He's just screaming "I'm going to do fascism" at the top of his lungs at this point. Can't wait to see how the media normalizes it.

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He's the Chair of the Committee; it is quite literally his job to maintain decorum and everyone else's job to not speak out of turn. Only Mullin was being a child here, no reason to impugn everyone else in the room for doing what they were supposed to be doing and letting the Chair handle it.

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[Russia is running out of US dollars]

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That's actually devious. He submitted incomplete and false documentation to Forbes as evidence of his worth and then used a Forbes article to try to convince banks.

Because submitting incomplete and false documentation to Forbes isn't a crime and trying to use a Forbes article as evidence of your finances isn't a crime (though it is pathetic, embarrassing, and dumb) but taking out that middle step and submitting incomplete and false documentation directly to a bank is fraud.

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Great, a CNN "Breaking News" update interrupting your movie or show every time Trump pinches off a fresh new loaf on Pravda Social; just what everyone wants!

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On July 25, 2022 the lawsuit alleges, Lee asked her supervisor for three days off using her floating holidays to attend to her health. Her supervisor allegedly rejected the request saying it “would be a burden to the rest of the team” and that “there is a lot of work to be done.”

What the fuck? It's 3 days; fix your staffing!

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Because it was actually a book of Hitler's speeches that he loved to read.

Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed

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The Green Party in the US is just an extension of the Kremlin aimed at peeling votes away from Democrats in key races.

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The media keeps using that word, I do not think it means what they think it means. These people aren't questioning, they're not doubtful; they're convinced. They are certain that their position is the correct one and no amount of new information will change their minds.

Stop calling this "skepticism"

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I sure he wasn't duped because he was in on it. This was a test run of having a fake "Trump" on friendly far-right media outlets answering scripted questions to keep him in the press and fake Trump, unlike real Trump, can stay on topic and avoid offering further incriminating evidence.

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John Amann told NBC News he bought $2,200 worth of Trump Bucks and other items over the past year only to discover they were worthless when he tried to cash them in at his local bank.

Oh man I want video of him trying to cash them in at a real bank so bad.

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The media cracks me up.

"None of these really good election results have anything to do with Joe Biden in 2024. Except the results that we can spin into being bad for him, those matter."

They could have invented any phony bullshit they wanted to go after Joe Biden but they are dead-set on continuing the completely discredited Kremlin propaganda campaign that undermines Ukraine in the process. Funny thing that.

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Should have happened while he was lying about Ukraine and giving support to Russian imperialism and genocide back in 2022.

It's just weird when it's employees standing up against management on behalf of a rich scumbag scammer.

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To avoid a First Amendment fight. Generally speaking, gag orders are on less sure footing than most people realize; they really do run up against prior restraint concerns. There's actually a fair amount of legal debate over them but the vast majority of defendants don't have the wherewithal, or a compelling reason, to really fight them; Trump does. So judges are likely leery of issuing too broad a gag order on him for fear of being overturned, which they never want anyway, and thereby setting a precedent that weakens all judges' ability to issue future gag orders.

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But not the bipartisan stopgap bill that the Senate already passed, it's the House GOP's own dead-on-arrival bill instead.

So this is just theater of pretending to be working to prevent a shutdown while ensuring a shutdown.

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Russian speaking != Russian. A majority in Crimea voted for independence from Russia in 1991 and that desire for independence from Russia did not lessen between 1991 and 2014 when Russia's imperial war of conquest against Ukraine began.

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