'Trump Bucks’ promise wealth for MAGA loyalty. Some lose thousands.

Cybrpwca@beehaw.org to World News@beehaw.org – 185 points –
‘Trump Bucks’ promise wealth for MAGA loyalty. Some lose thousands.

Oh the money I could make if I didn't have morals. It turns out some people really are that dumb.


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John Amann told NBC News he bought $2,200 worth of Trump Bucks and other items over the past year only to discover they were worthless when he tried to cash them in at his local bank.

Oh man I want video of him trying to cash them in at a real bank so bad.

That’s little comfort to Amann, who is 77 and lives in Houston. “There’s no way to cash out what I have,” he said.

The fact that this is a scam for the elderly makes it less funny. But very importantly, not unfunny. Get fucked ya old bigot.

“listen sweetheart, we’re in AMERICA right now, yeah? Well these were sent direct from the AMERICAN PRESIDENT, and you’re telling me they’re NO GOOD?”

No, Sir, I said he is NO PRESIDENT, now we good?! Cuz Ima need to see AMERICAN DOLLARS for direct deposit.

I'm from Vancouver, Canada. Waaaaaay back, the Canadian dollar was up on the American, and the local classic rock dj called a Walmart in Texas to ask if he could buy a bbq with Canadian dollars. The lady on the line's response was basically this. I think I remember it verbatim, but I could be off a bit:

Honey, we only take American dollars here....so why don't you go back to Canadia and exchange your fake money for real ones, come on back and you can get a bbq.

I don't know, I think the radio shock jock got what he deserved.

Yeah. I don't expect to use USD in the middle of nowhere France or Germany when Euros exist. The exchange rate doesn't really matter: the store isn't equipped to take that currency.

Here in Michigan, we don't blink about taking Canadian pennies because they are common and banks take them. In Texas, I wouldn't expect that.

I got a Canadian quarter once in the coin return in an old apartment's laundry machines

Cause you could never exchange CAD in the US .... sigh.

Jesus, imagine being the teller who had to explain to an adult without an apparent intellectual disability that paper with Trump’s face on it is not legal tender even if they paid thousands of dollars for it.

I'm not surprised at all he tried to cash them. Meanwhile, my auction for a trump shaped turd still has no bidders :(