3 Post – 656 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Canadian, Stone Mason, Ex-Pat living in the UK.

I do believe that is what they meant



What crawled in your coffee and died this morning? It's attitudes like this that stop people from wanting to switch to linux. Someone considering it will scroll through, see you being a dickhead, and go: Well...if this is what the community is like, idk if I want to try linux....

Check yourself pal. You've got a shit attitude, and you're doing no one any favours.

As a Canadian in the at least once a month

Exactly, I never understood what people thought they would achieve by putting the link to that in their comments. Like, AI firms are absolutely willing to skim through copyrighted works of artists, backed by a much stronger license, what makes you think linking that will achieve anything. Except maybe poisoning the LLM well.
Hey, there's a thought. If we all just put that at the end of every comment, I wonder if GPT6 will figure that's just how people talk and end all it's responses with it?

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You'd think.

That's quite quiet quintessentially quiescent and clearly colloquially colour clever.

There are no stupid questions just bad answers.

I prefer saying:
There's no stupid questions, just stupid answers once in awhile.

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like the trump sycophant that spray painted his own garage door

Whaaat? Tell me more?

The thing is, not all answers are satisfactory, or easy without further information. That said, learning is a journey, and if you don't get stupid answers once in awhile, you're not asking enough questions.

How's my piles? They're a bit sore, but I'm hoping the cream is brining them down a bit....

Eh, ket destroyed my friend's life for almost a decade. He was shooting it, hooking to afford gear and sucking his landlord's dick to have somewhere to stay. Broke into his mum's house and stole anything of value. Did time, cleaned up, and is now sober. I think if we're going to open up these drugs for free use, we need to build effective support systems so that recreational use doesn't turn into abuse to the extent that its destroying the lives of the abuser and those of everyone around them.

Great, more unobtainium

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Not surprising. They archive information that powerful people would rather we forget monetise.


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Wow....absolutely blown away. I literally never thought I'd see journalistic integrity from anyone even loosely associated with FauxNews...

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Despite being on .ml, there's a real issue with Tankies here. They hate the USA fair enough, not exactly a paragon of virtue them. But then they go waaaay the other way and think China and Russia are utopian meritocracies, it's fucking bizarre.

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I always hate that argument. Why be a decent human without the threat of eternal damnation? I mean that threat doesn't seem to stop a vast number of religious people from being unbelievably cruel to their fellow humans, so....

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Y'all ready for a decade of moderately to incredibly broken, brain dead, pushed out the door for a quick buck D&D games?

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Wait...when did it go from 46 to 56?

And the "shareholders" think this will improve the value of the company? Isn't it more than half of their revenue? Wouldn't this actually be a really bad thing for Tesla's value? Isn't Tesla one of the few EV producers with quickly dropping sales figures? Are the shareholders actually just Mlon Eusk? Enquiring minds want to know!

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Just slappin the table with that fuckin toddler's leg.

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Not holding my breath, but crossing my fingers anyway....

My mum, when she was in her mid40s, went to get her tubes tied. Dr refused, "still of child bearing age." Her response: I've got 6 kids, tie these damn tubes or I'll do it myself!

Edit: a word

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Todd Howard needs to like, take some shrooms and meditate in the mountains.

Lots of the worst people in tech did this, and they just got worse....

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No, they got it right the first time

I'm a Stonemason, and I work in conservation.

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Police Unions and lobbyists. Police Unions are one of the few times unions aren't necessarily a good thing.

What a horrible day to have eyes

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So it's GNU the whole way down?

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Even "NT" people are weird. Just because you work different doesn't make you sub-human, doesn't mean you can't have a "normal" life, or that you don't deserve to be happy and to be loved and to have a fulfilling "normal" life.
Keep your chin up, and keep at it.

14 more...

Good, fuck her, cunt.

On another topic, while I'm straight, if I were gay, I don't think I'm prepared to date, let alone marry, someone with the same first name as me. Being gay is perfectly normal, marrying someone with the same first name as you isn't. No judgement though, just don't think I'm cut out for it.

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OK, calm down Satan....

Oh, the anonymity only counts for the public. The alphabet soup guys will know.

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at least I haven't accidentally killed anyone.

Yet, there's still time, I believe in you.

I prefer the mental image of the other way, like Trump crying and hiding his face while the Phantom of the Opera stands over him yelling: WE KNOW YOUR NET WORTH IS LOWER THAN YOU TELL EVERYONE!

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Not like that!

Smurfing prevented me from playing LoL and Dota2, impossible to get into a game when you can't get off the ground, the opposition is made up of smurfs and half or more of your team as well, and you get shit on for trying to learn how to play.

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Clearly this man is fun at parties...../s

Goddammit, now I'm even more disappointed in the UK doing a Brexit....

Clearly you've not been on tinder any time in the last 10 years. If tinder profiles are correct, literally everyone looooves hiking

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