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Joined 12 months ago

Ya found me! 💕

  • Plants don't have nerve endings, nervous systems or brains to process fear/pain. There is no comparison between 🐔's & 🥔' s.

  • Eating 🥩 because you enjoy it is the moral equivalent of watching 🐶 fighting because you enjoy it.

  • Feeding a cow for years, then killing it for only a handful of meals is wildly inefficient. ♻️

  • Studies link meat to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and pancreatic cancer.🫀

  • Beans are cheap af. 💵

(vegan btw)

Fake for any of those wondering.

But keeping employees based on how many lines of code they have written, which he did, is essentially the same logic.

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OK, my daughter loves Harriet Tubman. Tell me what you got!” she says. I explain our product, how we use historical women to teach girls about their worth and potential. The mother says: “But is it woke? I mean, I don’t want to teach my daughter about woke.”

And these people feel qualified to teach history.

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“cannot use her own constitutional rights as a shield to violate the constitutional rights of others while performing her duties as an elected official”.

"It's my right to deny your rights."

Remeber these are the people shouting about religious freedoms.

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There is no excuse for this. Don't you dare try and find one.

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Nothing says "small government" quite like being fired from your job because of your name.

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"Sir, this is a time; this is a place. You want to run your mouth? We can be two consenting adults. We can finish it here."

  • Sen. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., stopped the altercation from happening, yelling at Mullin: “Stop it! No, no, sit down! You know, you’re a United States senator."

Markwayne was upset about a fuckin tweet. Shame on Oklahoma for voting him in. This is what you get from a MMA fighter, he tries to fight people. 😂

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disagreement with one’s biological sex, is sinful and offensive to God

"Intersex people don't exist. Stop making up words. If a baby has multiple sex charistics then OF COURSE surgical intervention is needed to force a binary choice. God doesn't make mistakes, but sometimes he does a whoopsie."

These people refuse to understand human biology because their goddamn Bible has already told them everything they want to know. Yet they have the gall to laughingly repeat "iT's bAsiC BiolOgY" without a clue to their ignorance.

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The privileged perspective of those that don't have their rights controlled by politics.

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Unreal. Absolutely fucking unreal. And these people have the gall to call reading fully clothed at a library a sexual act, but here the fuck they jerking off on public in front of kids.

I know I'm not saying anything new or interesting, but as someone who has felt threatened by the conservative groomer language as of late, this really fucking gets to me.


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It's like that McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit. Poor lady was made a mockery of for ordering hot coffee because it sounds ridiculous at first but she had 2nd degree burns. It was recklessly hot, as was this drink recklessly produced and marketed.

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Being upset that people were encouraged vote is admitting your ideas rely on suppression.

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8 months ago Food Theroy did agreat video on this. It's very appropriately titled given the unfortunate circumstances. To say this drink was caffeineted is a major understatement, it was basically four and a half monsters in one cup.

Franky, it was reckless for Panera to make and sell this drink and they absolutely earned this lawsuit. There was pently of forewarning that the abnormally high caffeine content in this was dangerous for certain groups. Hope the family wins big, nothing will bring back their loved one but this could've been avoided with more clear nutrientional warnings.

f u panera

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Bingo. I don't find shorts all that appealing (especially since I can't cast them to a TV! Wtf, seems like core function there) but I agree, the REAL problem with YouTube is how much creators have to top toe around demonization.

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It's not a question of policy. Republicans literally killed people last election trying to overthrow democracy.

Not that I even like democrats, but anyone who votes red after Jan 6th is fundamentally an enemy of democracy.

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In November 2022, McCormick noticed a news report detailing an "unauthorized and unlicensed cannabis farm, located on unincorporated land," that was raided by members of the Riverside County Sheriff's Office. McCormick then met with members of the sheriff's office to provide paperwork showing the legality of his cannabis farm.

At around 4:30 a.m. local time on December 7, McCormick was woken up by members of the sheriff's office as they began their raid.

Fuck! He proactively went to show his legal status and all that did was put himself on their radar.

However, the sheriff's office was informed by members of the tribe that they were not authorized to conduct the raid on their land. In turn, members of the sheriff's office said the tribal members "didn't know what they were talking about," the lawsuit said.

Much of McCormick's property and cannabis plants were destroyed during the raid and officers confiscated $300,000 from the tribe's safe.

Outright theft. They had no jurisdiction and didn't care that they didn't.

Additionally, the lawsuit said that on January 8, 2023, McCormick's "family home 'mysteriously' caught fire, after the sheriff's office ordered power and water to his property to be turned off, resulting in the home "being completely burned down," along with much of his personal belongings.

Why would the water be shut off?! Goddamnit. Every part of this article is infuriating, nothing about this was law enforcement, just armed thugs raiding locals for fun and profit.

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And that's the really insidious part. The teacher is too ignorant of what she is ignorant of. If Harriet Tubman "might be too woke" then how would this women teach the nuance of protests? Of sit ins? Letters from a Birmingham jail? Much less modern protests. Her daughter is going to grow confidently saying things like

"I know all about black history, just not the woke stuff."

And not even understand the tragic irony.

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She could've had the life she deserved, she could've still been the preacher, the politician, the parent, the anything. But for shame and fear, we have this. This is what all that "doing it for attention", "pronouns suck" and "groomer pedo" talk amounts too. People so scared to live that we have a dead body instead.

I hope she is at peace.

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Assuming trans women have an advantage is mysgnostic AND unscientific according to all studies.

Plus. Leave the goddamn fish alone. Wtf people?

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I wonder if Derek is now realizing that the entire system he worked for and upheld only produces violence. It's not that he shouldn't be stabbed, but that no one in the justice system should be subject to the violence he himself subjected on others, like Floyd. Truly hosted by his own peitard.

And for that reason, my sympathies are limited.

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That was not friendly at all. This reminder is quite destressing.

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A pig didn't say they would die for you. It was murdered against its will and then you paid the killer to kill more.

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Right wing: I shouldn't have to get a vaccine or wear a mask! Respect my bodily rights!

Also the right wing: I personally get to dictate what happens with every single womb.

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He bought $2,200 worth of Trump Bucks and other items over the past year only to discover they were worthless when he tried to cash them in at his local bank

“Now I’m questioning whether he is aware of this,” Amann said of Trump.

"Antifa sold me fake Trump bucks!!!"

100% with ya, the double standards are kinda crazy. The differnce between the first two panels is pretty stark in regards to the kid, even if the point is essentially the same.

My take is that male bodies need to exposed in order to be sexualized so they read vulnerable, but female bodies are can be read as sexualized and vulnerable regardless how they are presented. But that doesn't really explain panel 4 & 6.

Weird choices. If anyone knows who the artist is, I'd be curious how they would talk about this.

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The optics of my public sexual act is super bad for my campgain strategy of yelling about the existence of trans people as inherently a public sexual act.

What was life like for ever human that has ever existed? I'd like to see every single day start to finish from their perspective, sorted as randomly as possible.

The worst part of traditional immortality is being stuck as you, I'd like to experience the entire library and range of human experinces. It would eventually know how it started and how it all ended, while seeing every perspective that got us there. They'd be a lot of days toiling in a field, a lot of days in office cubicles toiling in excel, but most importantly I'd see the small victories and tragedies that make up every life. I think that'd be the real beauty.

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ITT: Men who don't understand the dangers of living as a woman.

I'm a passing trans woman. I presented as a man for decades of my life and have lived the last handful as a woman. But the amount of times I've been groped, harassed, chased or made to feel worried about my physical safety just for existing in the world has skyrocketed. Truly, I know what it's like to experience society both ways and without question it is worse for women.

I've had men sit next to me at the theater, put their hand on my knee and try to feel me up. Ive had men smirk as they "accidently" bump in to me at the grocery to squeeze my breasts. I've been followed to my car by men asking what I was doing tonight, who then started yelling and only left because I had pepper spray.

Like, srsly. Every single one of you saying this is discrimination have no clue what it's like to worry that any interaction with a man you don't know can quickly turn scary. Getting in to some random guys lyft who will then know where I live, while he has the ability to lock the doors is honestly a super vulnerable position to put yourself in situation.

Yes, mens wages will be harmed, but women are physically being harmed right now. Tell lyft to pay their drivers an hourly wage like they should anyways and STFU about a safety feature.

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Makes you wonder how many people are quietly getting away with it now.

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It's easy to take an enlightened centerist approach here saying things like "both sides do awful things" and "everyone should stop". And while to a point that this is true, there has a history of revenge repesials going back devades. But that really ignores the vast power imblance between Israel and the strip.

From basic utilities to free movement on roads to kicking Palestinians out of their homes in favor of Israeli settlers. It's a small easy thing to relax in your chair and say everyone is wrong, but this conflict can end when Isreal stops their oppression. Not providing clean water and bombing medical infrastructure is genocide all by itself. Gaza is an open air prison where movement is restricted. It's high minded arrogant nonsense to say Gaza should focus on their own country when Isreal is literally bombing their water wells.

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Don't mess with Texas, but we'll sure as fuck mess with you.

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That’s little comfort to Amann, who is 77 and lives in Houston. “There’s no way to cash out what I have,” he said.

The fact that this is a scam for the elderly makes it less funny. But very importantly, not unfunny. Get fucked ya old bigot.

The invisible hand of the free market blinded me.

Please staffers, please tea on me. I'm just here, waiting, wide open for your tea.

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Honestly, the real villain here is Maher. You aren't progressive just because you smoke weed.

That's nice. But since he wasn't elected and isn't part of the presidental cabinet why should anyone care?

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I’d like to think I’m a generally kind person.

As a queer person, I don't. You supporting a party that opposes my rights and is actively demonizing my existence. From grooming rhetoric to outright calls for the abolition for my way of life Listening to conservative politicians is frightening, scary and isolating. I'm sure you don't think of yourself as a bigot, but every donation, vote or right wing politician you promote, you embolden those who ask seek to block my basic rights. And very often, those people succeed. Your priority for "your own self interest" at the expense of my existence does not make you a nice person.

Kind people aren't selfish. Your actions harm me and many others like me, but you only think of yourself.

Most people have a very flaws understanding of anarchism. It absolutely is NOT a society without rules, that's chaos and where the most physically powerful will rule, which is objectively a terrible thing and a big step backwards.

Anarchism is not really a system of government, but the philosophical belief that there should not be a heiarchy in societal laws. It can be applied in many different forms of goverment, most commonly with democracy but there are plenty of anarcho-communist out there. The gist is that systems that promote one group being shown favor, especially at the expense of another, should be dismantled. And what replaces it should be set up to serve and protect all people evenly.

This usually means police abolition and refocusing that energy on the underlining reasons people break "the law". Like providing a minimum level of housing, income and food to all.

I can't summerize the books succiently, but if you are interested The Dispossed and The Conquest of Bread deals with more examples.

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The deepstate got to him! Real Trump is dead! The "Trump" we see now is a body double! They didn't want Real Trump going to jail and spilling all of oUr sEcReTs, the deepstate killed him to save him!!!!

Don Jr and Jeffery Epstein 2024!

The question is, what has happened in the LAPD from this exact event occurring again? This amount of negligence and selfishness is absolutely still happening.

Hell, the fact that it took SIX YEARS to get this footage is damming all by itself. I want to be amused by the childish nature of this all, but goddamnit does the whole situation make me angry.