Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election? to – 216 points –

2020 was... truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn't get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision for America.

My point is that looking back on it, in the end the only real difference I made was at the ballet box. This year I'm going for the Head-in-the-Sand approach. I'm done with the political memes. Done with the Twitter screenshots. It just riles me up and this year I'm gonna do my best to fight that.


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It's not a question of policy. Republicans literally killed people last election trying to overthrow democracy.

Not that I even like democrats, but anyone who votes red after Jan 6th is fundamentally an enemy of democracy.

This sham democracy that you fervently support kills people everyday.

Ok, so what's your solution? Vote third party? Don't vote? Both of those help the republicans.

Protest or something similar? Sure, but the election is still happening.

Voting is the least you can do, so I will choose to vote against Capitalists and not for genocide. If you can't even do that bare minimum, you don't deserve democracy.

…what anti-capitalist do you think you’re voting into office?

The PSL candidate.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a communist party in the United States. PSL was established in 2004 and claims to be active in a wide range of social movements. PSL describes its primary goal as the overthrow of capitalism and the institution of socialism.

Yeah, that sounds viable. 🙄

PSL are a bunch of losers. They can't even win local elections, let alone put any of their people in state or Federal offices.

I'd be happy to vote for someone better who isn't pro-capitalist and pro-genocide, who do you suggest?

How about you vote for yourself? Who else can you trust to represent you if not yourself?

It's a bit cliche and a little too individualistic for what is supposed to be literally rule by the people, so I'll gladly embrace the democratic ideal of voting for the organization I think will not support genocide and is not capitalist. After all it is literally the least anyone can do.

It also happens to be where I live. Doing nothing doesn't help anything.

Agreed. So don't vote to make things slightly less worse, vote to make things better!

If we used just about anything but FPTP, absolutely. But as I see it, if I want to have any hope of being able to vote to make things better next time, I have to vote to just make things slightly less worse this time.

Perfect is the enemy of the good, and the GOP is the enemy of both.

But hey, if you see it differently, I don't see any reason we can't be friends. I just disagree.