0 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Don't even bother to reply. I'm not going to fuel this shitty thread any further.

Nah I'm gonna pile on. Firefox is better.

Do you mean deodorant? I don't use antiperspirant because it actually makes me sweat more in my experience. I'm not alone on this either.

Rocket man is bad. Are you implying he isn't? Two things can be bad at once.

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We're posting CCP wolf warriors here now?

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Some of us like to give back to the creators we watch in the easiest way possible while not seeing ads.

Even completely ignoring this settlement, you shouldn't be using them. They lobby the government to make taxes more difficult, thus funneling people toward them since they simplify the process. They make money off of making your life harder.

He's a billionaire, he's a conservative, and he's spouted falsehoods about covid.

I disliked him when he was less rich and more liberal after he called that dude a pedo because he didn't like Musk's idea for saving those trapped kids. He's a child.

Nah I gotta disagree on this one. I specifically joined this instance as a welcoming space. I'm glad we're defederated from the tankie and far right instances. I want none of that here. You can feel differently for the "main" instances or whatever you want to call them, but for me, defederation is amazing.

Get into private trackers if you can and then you won't have to worry much about any of this.

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Data so old it's talking about Google music which isn't even called that anymore. Amazing.

They didn't say it's the default. If more people are straight, you'll see more straight representation. That's just generally how things work for everything, not just sexual orientation. There are more white people on TV in the US. There are more Japanese people on TV in Japan. You don't see as many redheads in American media. There aren't many shows focused around little people. I could go on and on with examples here.

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I like how you were asked for examples multiple times and then didn't provide them.

People already said Horizon, which is my #1 choice, but I'm surprised I didn't see anyone say Sekiro. That game is gorgeous. I'd often stop and look at the environment when I wasn't killing people lol

What's with people being unable to tell (or lying about) how old a character is? I've seen this so much on Reddit too where a character (such as here) has a developed body and someone thinks they're like 7. There are plenty of real anime examples to use that are weird, so why make new ones up?

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It's not useless. None of the launchers are. I greatly appreciate the auto updating of games, earning achievements, among others things. Sure they have issues, but they would have been dethroned years ago if people didn't like their software compared to companies like Epic.


Disasterpeace is amazing. Also did the soundtrack for It Follows.

I'm not a Democrat. I'll never be one. I'm liberal as fuck though and will NEVER vote Republican. I'll gladly criticize the Democrats and won't get mad if you shit on them.

During the game awards last year, there was a virtual concert announced in the game Sky: Children of the Light. It started immediately after the awards ended. I'd never played this game before that night. I loaded it up and joined something like 1000 other people in a virtual stadium around the artist in the center. It then teleported you outside where you followed her around, floating through landscapes, the clouds, etc while the concert continued. It was a surreal moment and I've experienced nothing like it before or since. It was way different from an IRL concert or a simple video streamed to my computer. It's hard to describe.

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And yet I'm entertained for the entirety of hbomberguy and folding ideas videos. To each their own.

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FYI your link is to a comment on the video, not the video itself, so it doesn't play on mobile without clicking on the video.

Yes, every single English speaking country uses a period for decimals. And English Wikipedia requires it in their style guide.

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To me, video essays that break past how long a movie is feel the same. Sure, I might not have time for a 6 hour where I have time for a 4 hour, but they feel the same in how they're structured and presented.

It's probably just because janitor is the term for a low level mod on 4chan.

There have also just been shifts in how us younger generations view the world, likely thanks to the internet. I'm in my 30s and own a house, but every year that goes by I seem to get more and more liberal. Partially thanks to how insane American conservatives are in many aspects, but also realizing that the views of the left are the only logical way forward.

Wow they went from 1 user to 27. It feels like way more than 27 people

(I'm aware of what they meant, but it's incorrect in English)

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What's this "English" thing? Is it some sort of knockoff English?

We also can't see the downvotes on our own comments from users on other instances, so they get the satisfaction of downvoting, but we go on not caring about it lol

I thought this was supposed to be a safe and friendly instance

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I wouldn't even say the first BioShock is stealth-oriented, much less the rest of the series. There are some areas where it benefits you to be stealthy, but the game can easily be played going head-on into most enemies with good plasmid use. I'd argue it's more fun that way, too.

The reason I don't like forums as much anymore is that, unless they added the feature recently, there's no way to see the "top posts for the day/week/whatever" on a forum. It's whatever is currently being responded to, good or bad. This is what reddit did better than forums and it's what lemmy also does. Removing that makes browsing far less interesting to me and means I'll come to the site much less frequently, if at all.

Sounds like you've only had bad beer

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Not so United I guess

You likely lose that price in December. I got an email telling me so and I believe it applies to all of us grandfathered in. Here's the relevant part of the email:

As a long-standing and valued member, you are currently paying a lower rate for Premium than the rate available to new subscribers. To show our appreciation for your loyalty, we're giving you at least three extra months at your current price before the price increase will impact your plan. Your price will not increase before your December billing date. Don’t worry, we’ll be sure to notify you again at least 30 days before the new price is effective.

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Yeah the "need" part doesn't come off the best, but I get what they mean. I think they're saying the current representation is adequate, whether or not that's agreed upon.

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100% against this. This attitude almost got ProJared canceled.

I want them to. I opted in and use that feature.

But he didn't perform miracles. The gospels were written centuries later.

Yeah but I don't want a laptop. Until people start making handhelds this good at that price (and there are competitors getting close) then the price seems fine.

I believe all they require is your email, but I understand.

But you can make a single account and then it's never a barrier again.

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