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Seems novel. But from a security aspect, if OpenSSH has security vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated user to login, via whatever means, once you are in the system as a non-privileged user, you are now free to use the same vulnerability to get root.

Basically this exercise is like using two locks that have the same key to open them. If the same key opens them, then a weakness in one, is now a weakness in the other so why bother with two identical locks?

Sure high-speed rails with HVDC lines powering them from coast-to-coast I'm here for it.

Energy density has been the number one most important factor since humans started using metal. Wood is good enough to smelt bronze, and with some refinement can get your iron, but not good enough for steel. Steel requires coal, and with some refinement steel is what our world is built on.

Fossil fuels allow cars, planes and more efficient trains and boats. Unless we somehow start utilizing uranium and transuranics electric airplanes are for grifters. Uranium and it's derivatives are the only thing we have harnessed that even approaches the energy density of fossil fuels.

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What a garbage article. Elon sucks, the cyber truck sucks, but an article about tweets is less than worthless. Perhaps the article instead of assuming elon just "didn't have time to run tesla properly", should dig a bit deeper and demonstrate that tesla was successful despite elon, not because of elon. Same with Space-X or Star-link.

Now as far as why the cyber truck is getting stuck in snow, tires is the low-effort answer, but maybe look at the weight of the truck versus the contact area. Maybe look at how the traction control system works? How about whether the car is front wheel bias vs rear-wheel biased. Does it make assumptions about which wheels have contact to the ground? Does it have a differential or are all 4 wheels independently controlled? (I don't know the answer to any of these by the way, but if I were concerned about a vehicle getting stuck in the snow, I'd certainly want an analysis that addresses all of the above.)

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Larian already made DoS2 (which is better imo then bg3). In any case I look forward to the next Larian project.

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I don't understand what I'm looking at here? Some reddit-ish place is declaring free-speech then they immediately backpedal and say racist stuff doesn't count, and also some admins left? So what is the material difference between a "free speech platform*" and lemmy which also doesn't allow racist stuff?

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We've all been there right? You paid for a game, it required an active internet connection and a couple of years later the publisher decided they're done with it and shut it down leaving you with a broken game.

I actually haven't been there, because I correctly never bought a single player game that requires an internet connection.

i absolutely support the idea of banning internet connectivity for single player games though.

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I mean if Elon offered me the job as CEO of twitter, I would have absolutely taken it knowing full well I was set up to fail. I don't think Linda was ignorant of that fact. Now she may suck in tons of other ways, but I don't really see how her "performance" at the conference reflects on anyone but herself.

I thought companies made money by selling a product to customers? Hmm, seems like there is some kind of contradiction here, perhaps Phil should look into that.

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Wow I didn't know they were going to recover it at all. Pretty cool. Can't wait to read about how shitty the design was.

Why would you say Canada? Is Canada homogenous from coast to coast? If I'm talking to people and getting to know where they are from zero of them say "america," because that doesn't give any information whatsoever, what do you even expect them to respond with? "Wow I'm from canada too!"

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Where is the ctrl+alt+del function defined? I just want to see what made that sequence work. I'd also be interested in where ctrl+break is defined.

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I now want you to go on Facebook, scroll down, and see how quickly you hit an advertisement.

Nah, I stopped using facebook after college and I don't really associate with people who do use facebook (or Ig, or any others.)

VPN has been necessary for pirating for a long time. And fortunately a VPN is cheaper then any streaming service, and has other benefits besides.

Not very far tbh. The basic concepts of how to arrange transistors to do useful work are well understood and have been since before the transistor was invented. The biggest problem that major cpu manufacturers face is how to physically create those cpus. The industrial process that brings us those techniques are technological marvels, but the engineer absolutely know what they want to do, just not how to do it. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/intels-long-awaited-fab-42-is-fully-operational

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Any vpn solution that uses a TCP/IP shim in full tunnel mode will ignore option 121 or any other routing options (static routes, etc). Most corporate VPNs like Global Protect/Cisco Any Connect, Appgate, etc will enforce full-tunnel. Any user who is using a VPN for privacy reasons should also use a full tunnel as well especially when connecting to an untrusted networks.

It seems like these are just "blond jokes" from the 80's or recycled jokes about 2nd-gen feminists in america. I have no doubt they have their roots in misogyny.

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"cheating" meaning doing the exact same thing a regional telecom monopoly has been doing since AT&T was incorporated in the early 1900's. On the other-hand 5G can't "compete" with traditional broadband and had to lobby the FCC to be considered broadband at all. In all likelihood wireless internet will never be a viable alternative to fiber/copper infrastructure if you look at latency, over-subscription, and the effect that density has on service in addition to theoretical speeds.

will it be "good enough" for most people, sure. But most people were perfectly ok with dial-up internet until streaming video became the norm too. It doesn't mean that dial-up should have existed as long as it did.

In conclusion, internet service should be a utility with highly regulated SLAs and minimum service agreements. Or just skip the liberal bullshit and nationalize the telcos.

When my calculator app in windows is suspended, but has locked 29 threads and is using 60megs of ram. Not that those two values are significant, but why is my caluclator-app "suspended" when I closed it a few days ago since the last time I used it? Shouldn't it just be closed and not showing up at all.

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While I'm a huge fan of municipal water (I live in the city that invented it), lots of cities have horribly mismanaged their water supply, often from privatization, but not exclusively. See Jackson Mississippi.


lmao. Defederate immediately, just on principal. Let Lemmy.world know that once they stop being capitalist stoogies they can reapply for federation.

The dumbest rule that fortunately was only "tried" to be enforced was no gun racks in the student vehicles in the parking lot. This is was a rural area where for almost a hundred years people would have guns in the gun-racks in their trucks mostly. But with fire arm thefts etc it was pretty rare to actually have a gun loaded or unloaded in the gun-rack. Generally you'd just have the gun in the rack if you were hunting, or patrolling your ranch or whatever.

Then Columbine happened and suddenly gun-racks and leather trench coats, aka dusters, another extremely common piece of clothing in a rural ranching town were priority number one by reactionary's. Hundreds of otherwise lawful students were suspended, ticketed, arrested etc and finally after several months I assume someone had a "are we the baddies?" moment, and coupled with hundreds of lawsuits, the school system got a new superintendent and suddenly gun racks and dusters were back to being treated as the mundane items they are.

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I'm not a software developer, but I absolutely do coding and one of the standard questions I ask is what OS they run on official company approved laptops. Other then a shitty bank I worked at for a few years (bad idea, but at least I got a pension out of it), all of them allow windows, osx, and at least one flavor of linux. If they don't allow that stuff, you should just turn down the offer anyway.

Why not an electric train? There is contiguous land between the two cities, and then you don't have to carry your fuel with you or build giant batteries out of rare earth minerals, while risking run-away shorts that will surely endanger everyone on board, and ensure the cargo is lost.

Plus the distance is <300kms.

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You are underthinking it.

Where is the story here? Is it supposed to be a problem that I drew/generated a picture of Kirby, or Taylor Swift, or George Bush doing 9/11?

This seems more of a problem that "community guidelines" are just censors to appease advertisers. I should be able to generate an image of Mario committing terrorism. Why shouldn't I?

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If you are worried about ordering the "wrong" soup, you aren't mature enough to be dating yet. Discover yourself, then you can show show yourself to another person. Otherwise you are just wearing a mask.


Yes. It's a basic skill you need to learn before you can even attempt to change our hellworld.

What specifically do you want lemmy mods to "stop?" What kind of lies are they spreading? What do you consider disinformation. Complaining that your world view isn't being catered to is a lot less useful then pointing out specific things you find sus.

I have a 19mo/old and I'll say at 13 months they are still taking naps and sleeping early so it won't be that bad. They are probably walking, but not very well, they are probably not interested in videos yet. You will spend most of your time feeding them, or them sleeping depending on what time the parents are doing their anniversary dinner.

I'd expect if it's a proper anniversary dinner, the kid will be sleeping for almost all of it. So you shouldn't have to worry too much.

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In the cities in which the protests took place within America, I don't know of a single one that lowered the funding for the police from 2020 levels. Most, maybe ALL including liberal bastion NYC, gave record increases to the policing budget. So from the metric of the stated goals of the protests, "Defund the Police," it was a massive failure and waste of time and energy.

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Why is it striking to you that A government funded by billionaires for billionaires is spending public funds on things that will only benefit billionaires?

Meanwhile, over 500 people have been killed by police in 2023 so far, and yet we never hear the president comment on that. Maybe we should be disarming the police?

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One of my college text books on Electromagnetism with the heavy calculus and derivations of Maxwell's Equations to either Leonhard Euler or Isaac Newton, one of the extremely few people in the 17th century that would be able to understand the math and use the math to actually generate electricity.

Isn't Powershell a POSIX compliant shell now? I know that isn't "gnu/linux" but it certainly allows a lot of familiarity between the environments.

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Reddit isn't a "psy-op" but it does intentionally select for the status quo. Once the decision was made to start trying to IPO, radical elements that were anti-capitalist, were purged from all the major sub-reddits. The other radical's drew traffic and were allowed to stay. Once you get rid of anyone advocating for change, of course stagnation is the end result. That's the goal.

Maybe we could just stop making plastic of all kinds. Reduce Reuse Recycle. Recycling is literally the last resort, we don't need most of our plastic stuff today.

This type of resume isn't for the tools, it's for the humans who glance at the resume before the interview.

You should probably try to look at politics from a less binary point of view, you don't want to end up like voters in the US. Also I'm not able to access the link, I just get an access denied page.