Alabama preacher F.L. ‘Bubba’ Copeland kills himself after being outed as ‘transgender curvy girl’ to – 440 points –
Alabama preacher F.L. ‘Bubba’ Copeland kills himself after being outed as ‘transgender curvy girl’

An Alabama preacher and politician killed himself Friday two days after being outed for having a secret life he shared online as a “transgender curvy girl.”


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She could've had the life she deserved, she could've still been the preacher, the politician, the parent, the anything. But for shame and fear, we have this. This is what all that "doing it for attention", "pronouns suck" and "groomer pedo" talk amounts too. People so scared to live that we have a dead body instead.

I hope she is at peace.

One of Bubba's close friends put out a statement that said "are you happy now?? Bubba didn't break the law or hurt anyone, are you happy now??" Which is true enough, especially if this guy wasn't one of the usual anti trans politicians.

That's tragic, heartbreaking and a good question to ask.

But unfortunately I think the answer is yes. Bigots are happy, any queer death is a reinforcement that their methods work. All are so quick to say "trans people are mentally ill" and the immediately do their best to make that person's life a living hell, which is some twisted cruel logic. They don't want us to exist, they call to exterminate us from public life and they think by making our lives difficult enough we can be shamed in to non-existentance.

We can't let them win. Because victory is literally death, but we will always have to remember those who fell, honor their memory and use their tale as a warning against every piece of shit conservative bathroom bill deadname enforcement and trans healthcare blockade. Because unfortunately, trans people as a whole are very directly under attack. Please vote accordingly.

Yeah no they send us pms celebrating our suicide rate sometimes. They very much are happy.

Unfortunately the "shame" surrounding these things stem from the concept of sin and living as a "sinner" in a "fallen world". I've been shamed countless times because of things the church did not agree with. I don't know if he ever preached any transphobic ideas in his time, but biblical ideologies are rife with gender roles and toxic ideas about women and masculinity. Even if he didn't preach any of that toxic garbage, he must have been struggling a lot with his own identity, even though he said it's only for fun and stress relief (paraphrasing). Small towns don't act gracefully towards people experimenting with their sexualities like this. Can only imagine the rejection he must have experienced having all of this play off on the grand stage of his life in that little town, since literally everyone there knew him.

Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth. This is just tragic in every way.

Read what he actually did before sobbing about his suicide

Dude was a giga pervert who stalked local women and posted pictures of real kids in fetish memes he made. dude can rot

4 day old account that has done pretty much nothing but post anti-trans bullshit.

Bro get a fucking a life you terminally online loser.

I comment on topics I find interesting. Cry about it.

And apparently what you find interesting is Conservative propaganda on trans people.

I find the modern debate interesting, yes.

Lmao, do you actually belive anything you've said on this app is a "debate" rather than you being an obvious right wing troll? Dude, get off lemmy and go the fuck outside for once, you terminally online redditor.

Yes I do think it's healthy to hear opposing views. You are very angry for some reason, maybe relax a bit and you'd be more happy in life.

Oh that's a classic troll move just say "ur angry lol" in a desperate attempt to invalidate the other person. Mate, get a hobby that doesn't involve trying to make strangers on the internet upset. You have a very limited amount of time on this earth and are you really going to look back on your life one day and be proud that you pissed off a bunch of random strangers by saying stupid shit?

Probably not right? So maybe spend your time on a project you've been putting off, or teach yourself a new skill, or get a new hobby and make some new freinds, you will have such a more gunnery fulfilling life you look back on and be proud of if you do.

Anyone who can read can see that you are angry. If you think I'm a troll maybe stop responding? I didn't take pride in pissing you off, if you don't like it stop wasting your life responding to people you hate.

So maybe spend your time on a project you’ve been putting off, or teach yourself a new skill, or get a new hobby and make some new freinds, you will have such a more gunnery fulfilling life you look back on and be proud of if you do.

I think you are projecting a bit. I'm fine and live a happy life with my family with a good job. I'm allowed to post my opinions to the internet. If that pisses you off, I don't know what to tell you. Keep it moving and stop responding if it bothers you so much. But I bet I will receive another response because you lack impulse control.

I'm not angry, despite how desperately you want me to be, nothing in my responses even shows signs of anger.

And I dontbhage you, despite how much you want me to, I just pity you.

If you really have a family you are happy with, would you not rather spend your time with them? Making nice memories instead of trying to get a reaction out of strangers on the internet?

And I'm not going to block you just yet because I feel like there is a chance, however small, that I can actually get through to you, even if you want admit it to me directly, and make you realise that annoying strangers on the internet is not a productive use of your time and that you could be doing something better. Something that makes you and others actually happier and more content instead of just spreading mild annoyance eith your ""debates""

I post on an internet forum when I'm alone after work. Lots of people do that, except you're trying to paint it as a moral fault just because you don't like the topics I am discussing. Cut out the preachy "I'm just trying to make you a better person" bullshit that you're trying to use as justification for continuing to respond to me. You haven't made one salient point other than whining. And I had you on the mark about poor impulse control.

He wasn't trans; he was a crossdresser.

The username was "transgender curvy girl", I think that speaks volumes for how she wanted to be seen. I would love to ask her how she identified, but since she is gone and all we know is "girl" and "trans" in the space she felt safe, then we should absolutely be following her cue.

He emphatically stated that he does not feel like a woman and has not undertaken a medical transition. However, he has offered his Instagram handle as a method for people to reach out to him, which he claimed was a means to “make friends.”

“Just my wife knows about it,” Copeland said. “It’s a hobby I do to relieve stress. I have a lot of stress, and I’m not medically transitioning. It’s just a bit of a character I’m playing. … I don’t go out and seek solicitation or anything like that.”

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