1 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

This comment section is hilarious. Some people are praising his suicide simply because he was a part of the republican party, while others are saying that "no one deserves being bullied for being trans" yet what everyone seems to miss is this guy was a grade A pervert who was posting pictures of real children in his transition fetish memes that he posted online. He also stalked a local business woman and wrote erotica about taking over her life and becoming her through hormones and surgery then murdering her and replacing her. A real woman btw.

So much cognitive dissonance in this thread and I'm here for it.

Read up what he did here

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Alternative headline: Public official outed as a pervert who was stalking local women and posting pictures of kids to porn websites to further his "transition fetish". Dude is a fucking pervert.

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because he holds public office and is posting pictures of children to porn sites and stalking local women? Do you not think public officials should have their disgusting misdeeds documented?

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You don't think the woman who was featured in the murder-replacement fanfic wasn't scared when she heard of this? I would say that's pretty awful. She did not consent to play a part in this guys fetish that he shared over the internet publicly.

Why? What law prevents you from exposing information someone themselves made public?

It was not because he was "wearing woman's clothing" he wrote grotesque fanfiction about them using their real name about him stalking a local business woman and assuming her identity. He also posted pictures of kids to porn sites. He was not just some closted transgender person.

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how did they steal money from the public education system for being homeschooled?

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since when are millionaires considered "lower middle class"

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I personally don't really think racism/homophobia are that comparable. Being trans is something that requires other people to participate in. The former situations do not. In order to believe that transgender women are women, you need to believe that woman does not mean adult human female. That's where a lot of the fundamental disagreements arise from.

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The reason trans people are such a hotly debated topic is because republicans (and some leftists) view it as an assault on truth. They firmly believe that woman means adult human female and that males cannot be females. It's not a surprise why there is so much controversy around it.

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This guy was posting pictures of kids to porn sites and stalking local women. good riddance tbh. before anyone goes defending him, read the fucking article

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Never before in history have minor disputes been able to be aired to millions of people over the internet. I think it makes the response a bit disproportionate.

I'm doing great. Just bought a house and have a kid on the way. My neighbors are lovely and I'm getting ready for the winter.

I recommend not using social media as a source for the state of America. You are hearing the opinions of the biggest losers we have to offer. People who enjoy their life don't post on social media about it.

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you can verify it yourself. that reddit account has been archived in many places

That's a pretty fair response. Although I would say that I am against doxxing people who just happened to show up and didn't actually enter the capital/participate in any illegal behavior. You can't predict what the crowd will do and I think we would all agree it's wrong if a BLM protest got out of hand and they decided to punish everyone who was there simply because they "increased intimidation".

What about all the January 6th protestors who were doxxed?

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Religion is a protected class.

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That's totally fine. You shouldn't be forced to work with people you don't want to work with.

I don't think so. Social change is almost always controversial and heavily talked about.

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You don't know what the motivations are for everyone. You only hear about this topic on the rage bait side of the internet

Trans women are clearly both adults and humans, there’s no debate around that. It’s the female part that people get hung up on. It’s the assumption that gender is defined by sex, which isn’t how humans think about things on an intuitive level.

The "not being female" part is exactly what holds people up about calling them woman.

When you categorize someone as a woman in almost all circumstances, you use “female” to denote gender, not sex.

I don't believe this is true at all. It would be weird to call women "females" in most circumstances. Your entire long comment pretty much serves to argue that female doesn't mean what it actually means. It reads like a bunch of woo woo to me.

Sex is very important in human relationships. It's how we procreate, which is the basis for the evolution of human sexuality. That much cannot be denied. Until very recently, there was no distinction between gender in sex. And don't bring up some random old tribe having a third gender hundreds of years ago as proof, you can find an cultures who believed nearly anything and exceptions don't prove the rule.

I believe that you can be a feminine man, dress how you want, and play whatever role you want, but that does not mean you are a female/woman. I would not try to challenge anyone to their face but don't be surprised why I don't truly believe that they are a woman.

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Would you tell people being persecuted for their religion that they aren't valid because they have a choice not to believe it?

What a dumb take. There are plenty of businesses that advertise to the public but are not open to serving the public.

China is ethnically and culturally homogenous for the most part. That has a large role in the success of running social programs at scale. Also I'm not sure we should look to China for inspiration on social policy, they are notoriously authoritarian.

Sure, I don't want anyone to feel aggressed. But I think things get tricky when you start talking about topics like trans women in female sports, in female jails, etc

Keep defending a pervert who harassed a woman, weirdo. Dude was posting children's pictures in his transition fetish memes and you are full force defending him.

because you are allowed to challenge laws even if they have yet to affect your life

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Anyone who can read can see that you are angry. If you think I'm a troll maybe stop responding? I didn't take pride in pissing you off, if you don't like it stop wasting your life responding to people you hate.

So maybe spend your time on a project you’ve been putting off, or teach yourself a new skill, or get a new hobby and make some new freinds, you will have such a more gunnery fulfilling life you look back on and be proud of if you do.

I think you are projecting a bit. I'm fine and live a happy life with my family with a good job. I'm allowed to post my opinions to the internet. If that pisses you off, I don't know what to tell you. Keep it moving and stop responding if it bothers you so much. But I bet I will receive another response because you lack impulse control.

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Isn't it pretty normal for political party's to signal their values during a period of cultural divide? Isn't that sort of what political parties are for?

How is that "completely different"

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why is that relevant? Two things can be true at once:

  1. USA policing can be improved
  2. There is not a 50/50 chance you will be shot by police when you encounter them
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How are they not intelligent? You are able to put in arbitrary prompts and its able to return an image constructed to your specifications. Seems you are being pedantic

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Yes I do think it's healthy to hear opposing views. You are very angry for some reason, maybe relax a bit and you'd be more happy in life.

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Yes it is. And everyone would agree it is if this person was not trans.

Medical consensus on how to treat a specific mental illness is not relevant in this conversation about definitions.

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I post on an internet forum when I'm alone after work. Lots of people do that, except you're trying to paint it as a moral fault just because you don't like the topics I am discussing. Cut out the preachy "I'm just trying to make you a better person" bullshit that you're trying to use as justification for continuing to respond to me. You haven't made one salient point other than whining. And I had you on the mark about poor impulse control.

What’s wrong or dangerous about someone being both male and female

This is not relevant. You also can't switch from male to female. It's not physically possible. I'm not religious either. I think that a male can be as feminine as they want, play whatever role they want, etc... but nothing they do will make them female in my eyes. It goes against the definition of the word.

Functionally, trans acceptance is rejected by conservatives because it weakens patriarchal cis-heteronormative power structures that personally provides them with something. For those directly empowered by the hierarchy, the selfish benefits are obvious, but it provides other benefits that get some of the disadvantaged on board. It provides clear order and direction, telling people what to do with their life and how they can be successful at it. Most people prefer clear goals and obvious rules, things that more enlightened worldviews don’t provide. Live a happy and flourishing life? The fuck does that me

This reads like cultish woo woo.

You can be as gender non conforming as you want, I will have no problem with it. But don't expect me to believe that you are the sex that you are not. I won't call anyone out for it if they claim otherwise but they can't change how I think deep down.

Hope this helps give some perspective.

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You should read the thread you are commenting on and what I was replying to.

I believe we are talking about retirement, not supporting a family.

Is it normal for queer people to post pictures of kids onto fetish sites, where they fantasize about young males transitioning to "bimbo"s, all while using pictures of actual kids?